Dalit Muslim

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Dalit Muslim is used to refer to Muslims in the Dalit group. Untouchables, also called Dalits, who have converted to Islam. [1] In theory, converting to Islam takes converts out of the bounds of earlier caste system, but in practice they are often still treated as Dalits. [2] [3]



Aftab Alam, a political scientist, states:

"But caste and untouchability is a lived reality for Muslims living in India and South Asia, and untouchability is the community's worst-kept secret." [1]

Even though Islam is egalitarian in its social ethics, [4] Indian Muslim society is characterised by caste-like features, consisting of several caste-like groups (jatis, biraderis). Despite the conversion to Islam, the social and economic conditions of the Muslims in each caste hardly changed, and they remained tied down to their traditional occupations. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]


Most of the people claiming Dalit muslim status are already getting reservation as OBC. [10]

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  1. 1 2 "Why are many Indian Muslims seen as untouchable?". Soutik Biswas. BBC. 10 May 2016. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  2. "Dalit Muslims". Outlook. 20 June 2002. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  3. "Dalit Muslims of India". Al Jazeera. 4 September 2015. Archived from the original on 30 July 2016. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  4. "Islam And Caste Inequality Among Indian Muslims". Indian Dalit Muslims Voice. September 7, 2009. Retrieved September 13, 2021.
  5. Taylor, David (2011). Islam in South Asia. Volume III (Critical Concept in islamic studies). New York: Routledge. p. 298. ISBN   978-0415554725.
  6. "Backward Muslims protest denial of burial". Rediff. 6 March 2003. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  7. "The 'Dalit Muslims' And The All-India Backward Muslim Morcha". Yoginder Sikand. Counter Currents. 20 September 2003. Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  8. Santosh Bhartiya (1 September 2008). Dalit And Minority Empowerment. Rajkamal Prakashan. pp. 326–. ISBN   978-81-267-1599-2 . Retrieved 18 July 2016.
  9. "India's Dalit Muslims, marginalised historically and in the present day, find scant mention in mainstream discourse". Shafey Anwarul Haque and Bhawesh Pant. Firstpost. 8 October 2021. Retrieved 17 June 2022.
  10. "SC status for Dalit Muslims, Dalit Christians favoured". The Hindu. 5 April 2008. Retrieved 18 July 2016.