Dança dos Famosos season 13

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Dança dos Famosos
Season 13
Danca 2016.png
Celebrity winner Felipe Simas
Professional winnerCarol Agnelo
No. of episodes17
Original network Globo
Original releaseAugust 21 (2016-08-21) 
December 11, 2016 (2016-12-11)
Season chronology
Season 12
Season 14

Dança dos Famosos 2016 is the thirteenth season of the Brazilian reality television show Dança dos Famosos which premiered on August 21, 2016, with the competitive live shows beginning on the following week on August 28, 2016 at 7:30 p.m./6:30 p.m. (BRT/AMT) on Rede Globo. [1]

On December 11, 2016, actor Felipe Simas & Carol Agnelo won the competition over actress & singer Sophia Abrahão & Rodrigo Oliveira and actor Rainer Cadete & Juliana Valcézia, who took 2nd and 3rd place respectively.


CelebrityKnown forProfessionalStatusRef.
Lisandra SoutoActressMarcus LoboWithdrew
on September 18, 2016
Sidney Magal
Returned on October 23
SingerCamila LoboEliminated 1st
on October 9, 2016
Marcelinho Former volleyball playerYanca GuimarãesEliminated 2nd
on October 9, 2016
Brenno Leone
Returned on October 23
Malhação cast memberRachel DrodowskyEliminated 3rd
on October 9, 2016
Leona Cavalli
Returned on October 23
ActressAndré UzedaEliminated 4th
on October 16, 2016
Valesca Funk singerBruno FranchiEliminated 5th
on October 16, 2016
Solange CoutoActressRodrigo Picanço
Áureo Lustosa (week 1–2)
Eliminated 6th
on October 30, 2016
Leticia LimaActressRafael ScauriEliminated 7th
on November 6, 2016
Leona Cavalli ActressAndré UzedaEliminated 8th
on November 13, 2016
Sidney Magal SingerCamila LoboEliminated 9th
on November 20, 2016
Nego do Borel Funk ostentação singerJuju FructozoEliminated 10th
on November 27, 2016
Brenno Leone Malhação cast memberRachel DrodowskyEliminated 11th
on December 4, 2016
Rainer Cadete ActorJuliana ValcéziaThird place
on December 11, 2016
Sophia Abrahão Actress & singerRodrigo OliveiraRunner-up
on December 11, 2016
Felipe Simas ActorCarol AgneloWinner
on December 11, 2016

Elimination chart

Felipe & Carol150.049.450.049.749.949.650.050.050.0159.8
Sophia & Rodrigo250.049.949.650.049.450.050.049.850.0159.8
Rainer & Juliana349.449.249.949.248.849.547.849.649.6158.4
Brenno & Rachel449.449.449.849.23/1448.849.849.749.349.2
Nego do Borel & Juju549.949.749.849.049.049.849.349.8
Sidney & Camila646.548.149.548.93/1449.049.847.3
Leona & André748.547.247.148.77/1449.549.1
Leticia & Rafael848.847.448.749.248.4
Solange & Rodrigo945.149.147.949.149.3
Valesca & Bruno1047.548.049.147.31/14
Marcelinho & Yanca1147.448.749.648.80/14
Lisandra & Marcus1246.6WDWD
Lowest score
Highest score
  Bottom two
  Third place

Weekly results

A – Artistic juryT – Technical juryS – Studio audienceV – Viewers at home
Bottom twoEliminated

Week 1

Presentation of the Celebrities

Aired: August 21, 2016

Week 2

Week 1 – Men

Aired: August 28, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Rafaela Silva Bruno Astuto Juliana Paes J.C. ViollaAna Botafogo
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Sidney & Camila8.59.0109.59.546.
Brenno & Rachel1010109.89.649.4109.79.429.14th
Marcelinho & Yanca9.09.5109.69.347.
Rainer & Juliana1010109.89.649.4109.79.629.33rd
Nego do Borel & Juju1010109.91049.910109.829.81st
Felipe & Carol101010101050.010109.429.42nd

Week 3

Week 1 – Women

Aired: September 4, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Luis Maluf Carol Castro Bruno Rezende Fernanda ChammaRenato Vieira
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Lisandra & Marcus9.89.0108.
Solange & Aúreo9.
Valesca & Bruno109.4108.
Leticia & Rafael1010109.39.548.
Leona & André9.
Sophia & Rodrigo101010101050.010109.929.91st

Week 4

Week 2 – Men

Aired: September 11, 2016
(pre-taped on Saturday, September 3)

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Fernando Rocha Ágatha Bednarczuk Tiago Leifert Maria Pia FinócchioCaio Nunes
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Rainer & Juliana10109.79.79.849.
Marcelinho & Yanca9.
Felipe & Carol9.910109.89.749.4109.89.829.659.02nd
Nego do Borel & Juju9.9109.9109.949.79.9109.829.759.51st
Sidney & Camila109.
Brenno & Rachel1010109.79.749.4109.79.629.358.43rd

Week 5

Week 2 – Women

Aired: September 18, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Giba Suzana Pires Luciano Camargo Carlota PortellaPavel Kazarian
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Leticia & Rafael9.
Leona & André9.59.4109.
Sophia & Rodrigo101010109.949.910109.829.859.71st
Valesca & Bruno9.610109.
Solange & Rodrigo9.810109.89.549.
Lisandra & MarcusWithdrew

Week 6

Week 3 – Men

Aired: September 25, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Sonia Racy Diego Hypólito Ellen Rocche FlyCarol Nakamura
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Brenno & Rachel9.910109.91049.810108.928.987.34th
Nego do Borel & Juju9.910109.91049.810109.429.488.91st
Sidney & Camila9.910109.89.849.5109.89.028.883.76th
Rainer & Juliana9.91010101049.910109.829.887.73rd
Felipe & Carol101010101050.010109.429.488.42nd
Marcelinho & Yanca9.910109.89.949.6109.98.828.783.85th

Week 7

Week 3 – Women

Aired: October 2, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Débora Nascimento Leo Chaves Sandra Annenberg Octávio Nassur Cláudia Raia
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Leona & André9.6109.89.28.547.
Leticia & Rafael109.
Solange & Rodrigo9.
Sophia & Rodrigo1010109.89.849.6109.89.829.689.31st
Valesca & Bruno1010109.59.649.1109.69.429.085.32nd

Week 8

Week 4 – Men

Aired: October 9, 2016
(pre-taped on Saturday, October 1)

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Ancelmo Gois Juliana Paiva Antônio Fagundes Suely MachadoAnselmo Zolla
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Marcelinho & Yanca9.6109.89.79.748.
Sidney & Camila9.4109.99.89.848.
Felipe & Carol9.81010109.949.79.9109.829.7118.11st
Nego do Borel & Juju9.
Brenno & Rachel9.59.9109.99.949.
Rainer & Juliana9.79.9109.89.849.

Week 9

Week 4 – Women

Aired: October 16, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Monica Salgado João Baldasserini Monique Alfradique Ciro BarcellosClaudia Mota
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Valesca & Bruno9.
Solange & Rodrigo9.5109.8109.849.
Leona & André9.7109.79.59.848.
Leticia & Rafael9.89.9109.99.649.
Sophia & Rodrigo101010101050.010109.929.9119.21st

Week 10


Aired: October 23, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Letícia Birkheuer Tiago Abravanel Ana Paula Araújo Marcelo MisailidisFernanda Chamma
Running order
CoupleJudges' voteTotal votesPublic voteWeek avg.Final totalResult
Sidney & Camila33Advanced
Leona & André57Advanced
Brenno & Rachel23Advanced
Valesca & Bruno01Eliminated
Marcelinho & Yanca00Eliminated

Week 11

Team A

Aired: October 30, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Cris Vianna Nando Reis Mariana Santos Ivaldo Bertazzo Marcia Jaqueline
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Sophia & Rodrigo109.9109.51049.4109.89.69.939.339.31st
Brenno & Rachel109.9109.29.748.8109.59.59.838.838.84th
Solange & Rodrigo10109.99.89.649.3109.
Rainer & Juliana1010109.29.648.8109.49.79.838.938.93rd
Leona & André109.89.8109.949.59.9109.49.839.139.12nd

Week 12

Team B

Aired: November 6, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Mariana Ximenes Luan Santana Maria Joana Thiago Soares Regina Calil
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Nego do Borel & Juju1010109.49.649.0109.59.69.638.738.72nd
Leticia & Rafael109.
Sidney & Camila9.710109.69.749.
Felipe & Carol1010109.91049.910109.99.939.839.81st

Week 13

Top 7

Aired: November 13, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Gabriela Pugliesi Bruno Gagliasso Gaby Amarantos Carlinhos de JesusHelô Gouvêa
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Felipe & Carol9.91010109.749.6109.99.69.839.339.32nd
Leona & André9.710109.99.549.
Sidney & Camila101010109.849.8109.99.49.338.638.66th
Rainer & Juliana9.810109.99.849.
Brenno & Rachel1010109.99.949.8109.99.49.538.838.85th
Sophia & Rodrigo101010101050.010109.99.939.839.81st
Nego do Borel & Juju1010109.99.949.8109.99.59.639.039.04th

Week 14

Top 6

Aired: November 20, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Fernanda Motta Hugo Gloss Christiane Torloni Renato VieiraSuely Machado
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Rainer & Juliana109.
Sidney & Camila9.
Nego do Borel & Juju1010109.79.649.3109.79.69.338.677.64th
Sophia & Rodrigo101010101050.010109.99.739.679.41st
Felipe & Carol101010101050.010109.89.939.779.02nd
Brenno & Rachel1010109.89.949.7109.99.69.739.278.03rd

Week 15

Top 5

Aired: November 27, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Joyce Pascowitch Klebber Toledo Agatha Moreira Anselmo ZollaInês Bogéa
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Nego do Borel & Juju9.
Brenno & Rachel9.
Rainer & Juliana1010109.89.849.6109.89.59.638.9115.84th
Felipe & Carol101010101050.010109.89.939.7118.72nd
Sophia & Rodrigo1010109.99.949.8109.99.69.939.4118.81st

Week 16

Top 4 – Semifinals

Aired: December 4, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Fábio de Melo Camila Queiroz Arthur AguiarCarlota PortellaMarcelo Misailidis
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreWeek avg.Final totalResult
Sophia & Rodrigo101010101050.010109.79.939.6158.41st (finalist)
Brenno & Rachel9.
Rainer & Juliana9.9109.99.99.949. (finalist)
Felipe & Carol101010101050.010109.89.939.7158.41st (finalist)

Week 17

Top 3 – Finals

Aired: December 11, 2016

Artistic judgesTechnical judges
Maria Júlia Coutinho Bruno Astuto Tatá Werneck Fernanda ChammaJ.C. Violla
Kaká Viviane Araújo Ana Botafogo
Running order
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreDance totalFinal totalResult
Rainer & Juliana9.810101078.9109.79.49.538.638.6N/A
Felipe & Carol1010101079.8109.99.69.939.439.4
Sophia & Rodrigo1010101080.010109.89.739.539.5
CoupleJudges' scoreTotal scoreAverage scoreDance totalFinal totalResult
Rainer & Juliana9.99.9101079.5109.99.49.538.877.4Third place
Felipe & Carol1010101080.010109.79.939.679.0Winner
Sophia & Rodrigo109.9101079.810109.69.639.278.7Runner-up

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