Žižek, Slavoj (2005). The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway. Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities. ISBN9780295979250.
Odell, Colin; Le Blanc, Michelle (2007). David Lynch. Kamera Books. ISBN978-1842432259.
Devlin, William J. (2011). The Philosophy of David Lynch (Philosophy Of Popular Culture). University Press of Kentucky. ISBN978-0813129914.
Nochimson, Martha P. (2013). David Lynch Swerves: Uncertainty from Lost Highway to Inland Empire. University of Texas Press. ISBN978-0274707232.
Lim, Dennis (2015). David Lynch: The Man from Another Place. New Harvest. ISBN978-0544343757.
Reid, James D. (2019). Agency and Imagination in the Films of David Lynch: Philosophical Perspectives (Cine-Aesthetics: New Directions in Film and Philosophy). Lexington Books. ISBN978-1498555937.
Ruers, Jamie; Marianski, Stefan (2022). Freud/Lynch: Behind the Curtain. Karnac Books. ISBN978-1912691951.
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