Dedekind psi function

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In number theory, the Dedekind psi function is the multiplicative function on the positive integers defined by


where the product is taken over all primes dividing (By convention, , which is the empty product, has value 1.) The function was introduced by Richard Dedekind in connection with modular functions.

The value of for the first few integers is:

1, 3, 4, 6, 6, 12, 8, 12, 12, 18, 12, 24, ... (sequence A001615 in the OEIS ).

The function is greater than for all greater than 1, and is even for all greater than 2. If is a square-free number then , where is the divisor function.

The function can also be defined by setting for powers of any prime , and then extending the definition to all integers by multiplicativity. This also leads to a proof of the generating function in terms of the Riemann zeta function, which is

This is also a consequence of the fact that we can write as a Dirichlet convolution of .

There is an additive definition of the psi function as well. Quoting from Dickson, [1]

R. Dedekind [2] proved that, if is decomposed in every way into a product and if is the g.c.d. of then

where ranges over all divisors of and over the prime divisors of and is the totient function.

Higher orders

The generalization to higher orders via ratios of Jordan's totient is

with Dirichlet series


It is also the Dirichlet convolution of a power and the square of the Möbius function,



is the characteristic function of the squares, another Dirichlet convolution leads to the generalized σ-function,


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Let be a positive integer. In number theory, Jordan's totient function of a positive integer equals the number of -tuples of positive integers that are less than or equal to and that together with form a coprime set of integers.

For an integer , the minimal polynomial of is the non-zero monic polynomial of degree for and degree for with integer coefficients, such that . Here denotes the Euler's totient function. In particular, for one has and


  1. Leonard Eugene Dickson "History of the Theory Of Numbers", Vol. 1, p. 123, Chelsea Publishing 1952.
  2. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, vol. 83, 1877, p. 288. Cf. H. Weber, Elliptische Functionen, 1901, 244-5; ed. 2, 1008 (Algebra III), 234-5

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