Devonian explosion

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Artist interpretation of a Devonian swamp forest scene. Artwork by Eduard Riou from The World Before the Deluge 1872 Devonianscene.jpg
Artist interpretation of a Devonian swamp forest scene. Artwork by Eduard Riou from The World Before the Deluge 1872

The Devonian explosion, also known as the Devonian Plant Explosion (DePE) [1] and the Silurian-Devonian Terrestrial Revolution, [2] [3] [4] was a period of rapid plant diversification that occurred 433 to 359 million years ago during the Silurian and Devonian, with the most critical phase occurring during the Late Silurian and Early Devonian. [5] This diversification of terrestrial plant life had vast impacts on the biotic composition of earth's soil, its atmosphere, its oceans, and for all plant and animal life that would follow it. [6] Through fierce competition for light and available space on land, phenotypic diversity of plants increased greatly, comparable in scale and effect to the explosion in diversity of animal life during the Cambrian Explosion, especially in vertical plant growth, which allowed for photoautotrophic canopies to develop, and forever altering plant evolutionary floras that followed. This Silurian and Devonian flora was significantly different in appearance, reproduction, and anatomy to most modern flora. Much of this flora had died out in extinction events including the Kellwasser Event, the Hangenberg Event, the Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse, and the End-Permian Extinction. [7] [8]


Silurian and Devonian life

The earliest radiations of the first land plants, also known as embryophytes, were bryophytes, which began to transform terrestrial environments and the global climate in the Ordovician. [9] During the Wenlock epoch of the Silurian, the first fossils of vascular plants appear in the fossil record in the form of sporophytes of polysporangiophytes. [10] Clubmosses first appeared during the later Ludlow epoch. [11] Palynological evidence points to Silurian terrestrial floras exhibiting little provincialism relative to present day floras that vary significantly by region, instead being broadly similar across the globe. [12] Plant diversification in the Silurian was aided by the presence of numerous small, rapidly changing volcanic islands in the Rheic Ocean that acted as natural laboratories accelerating evolutionary changes and enabling distinct, endemic floral lineages to arise. [13] Silurian plants rarely reached large sizes, with heights of 13 cm, achieved by Tichavekia grandis, being exceptionally large for the time. [14]

Basal members of Euphyllophytina, the clade that includes trimerophytes, ferns, progymnosperms, and seed plants, are known from Early Devonian fossils. [15] Devonian swamp forests were dominated by giant horsetails (Equisetales), clubmosses, ancestral ferns (pteridophytes), and large lycophyte vascular plants such as Lepidodendrales, referred to as scale trees for the appearance of scales on their photosynthetic trunks, and could grow up to 40 m high. These Lycophytes grew in great numbers around swamps along with tracheophytes. This increase in terrestrial plant matter in swamplands explains the deposits of coal and oil that would later characterize the Carboniferous. [7] Conifer-like spore producing trees with the first ever display of solid wood trunks developed in the Late Devonian. Seed ferns and true leaf-bearing plants such as progymnosperms also appeared at this time and became dominant in many habitats, particularly archeopteridaleans (likely related to conifers). Pseudosporochnaleans (related to palms and tree ferns) likewise experienced a similar rise to dominance. [16] Archeopteridaleans had likely developed extensive root systems, making them resistant to drought, and meaning they had a more significant impact on Devonian soil environments than pseudosporochnaleans. [17] Most flora in Devonian coal swamps would have seemed alien in appearance when compared with modern flora, such as giant horsetails which could grow up to 30 m in height. Devonian ancestral plants of modern plants that may have been very similar in appearance are ferns (Polypodiopsida), although many of them are thought to have been epiphytes rather than grounded plants. True gymnosperms like ginkgos (Ginkophyta) and cycads (Cycadophyta) would appear slightly after the Devonian in the Carboniferous. [7]

Vascular plant lineages of sphenoids, fern, progymnosperms, and seed plants evolved laminated leaves during the Devonian. Plants that possessed true leaves appeared during the Devonian, though they may have many independent origins with parallel trajectories of leaf morphologies. Morphological evidence to support this diversification theory appears in the Late Devonian or Early Carboniferous when compared with modern leaf morphologies. The marginal meristem also evolved in a parallel fashion through a similar process of modified structures around this time period. [18] In a 1994 study by Richard M Bateman and William A. Dimechele of the evolutionary history of heterospory in the plant kingdom, researchers found evidence of 11 origins of heterospory events that had occurred independently in the Devonian within Zosterophyllopsida, Sphenopsida, Progymnospermopsida. The effect of this heterospory was that it presented a primary evolutionary advantage for these plants in colonizing land. [19]

Effect on atmosphere, soil, and climate

Deep-rooted vascular plants had drastic impacts upon soil, atmosphere, and oceanic oxygen composition. The Devonian Plant Hypothesis is an explanation about these effects upon biogeomorphic ecosystems of climate and marine environments. [6] A climate/carbon/vegetation model could explain the effects of plant colonization during the Devonian. Land plant expansion of Devonian flora modified soil properties and there is evidence that atmospheric CO2 levels fell from around 6300 to 2100 ppmv as a result of carbon sequestration by land plants, while oxygen levels rose as a direct result of plant expansion. [20] The Devonian explosion had global consequences on oceanic nutrient content and sediment cycling, which had led to the Devonian mass extinction. The altering of soil composition created anoxic sedimentation (or black shales), oceanic acidification, and global climate changes. This led to harsh living conditions for oceanic and terrestrial life. [21]

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<i>Chaetosalpinx</i> Trace fossil

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Olev Vinn is Estonian paleobiologist and paleontologist.

The Lilliput effect is a decrease in body size in animal species which have survived a major extinction. There are several hypotheses as to why these patterns appear in the fossil record, some of which are: the survival of small taxa, dwarfing of larger lineages, and the evolutionary miniaturization from larger ancestral stocks. The term was coined in 1993 by Adam Urbanek in his paper concerning the extinction of graptoloids and is derived from the island of Lilliput inhabited by a miniature race of people in Gulliver’s Travels. This size decrease may just be a temporary phenomenon restricted to the survival period of the extinction event. In 2019 Atkinson et al. coined the term the Brobdingnag effect to describe a related phenomenon operating in the opposite direction, whereby new species evolving after the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction originated at small body sizes before undergoing a size increase. The term is also from Gulliver’s Travels where Brobnignag is a land inhabited by a race of giants.

This article records new taxa of fossil plants that are scheduled to be described during the year 2019, as well as other significant discoveries and events related to paleobotany that are scheduled to occur in the year 2019.


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