Disjunct matrix

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In mathematics, a logical matrix may be described as d-disjunct and/or d-separable. These concepts play a pivotal role in the mathematical area of non-adaptive group testing.


In the mathematical literature, d-disjunct matrices may also be called super-imposed codes [1] or d-cover-free families. [2]

According to Chen and Hwang (2006), [3]

The following relationships are "well-known": [3]

Concrete examples

The following matrix is 2-separable, because each pair of columns has a distinct sum. For example, the boolean sum (that is, the bitwise OR) of the first two columns is ; that sum is not attainable as the sum of any other pair of columns in the matrix.

However, this matrix is not 3-separable, because the sum of columns 1, 2, and 3 (namely ) equals the sum of columns 1, 4, and 5.

This matrix is also not -separable, because the sum of columns 1 and 8 (namely ) equals the sum of column 1 alone. In fact, no matrix with an all-zero column can possibly be -separable for any .

The following matrix is -separable (and thus 2-disjunct) but not 3-disjunct.

There are 15 possible ways to choose 3-or-fewer columns from this matrix, and each choice leads to a different boolean sum:

columnsboolean sumcolumnsboolean sum

However, the sum of columns 2, 3, and 4 (namely ) is a superset of column 1 (namely ), which means that this matrix is not 3-disjunct.

Application of d-separability to group testing

The non-adaptive group testing problem postulates that we have a test which can tell us, for any set of items, whether that set contains a defective item. We are asked to come up with a series of groupings that can exactly identify all the defective items in a batch of n total items, some d of which are defective.

A -separable matrix with rows and columns concisely describes how to use t tests to find the defective items in a batch of n, where the number of defective items is known to be exactly d.

A -disjunct matrix (or, more generally, any -separable matrix) with rows and columns concisely describes how to use t tests to find the defective items in a batch of n, where the number of defective items is known to be no more than d.

Practical concerns and published results

For a given n and d, the number of rows t in the smallest d-separable matrix may (according to current knowledge) be smaller than the number of rows t in the smallest d-disjunct matrix, but in asymptotically they are within a constant factor of each other. [3] Additionally, if the matrix is to be used for practical testing, some algorithm is needed that can "decode" a test result (that is, a boolean sum such as ) into the indices of the defective items (that is, the unique set of columns that produce that boolean sum). For arbitrary d-disjunct matrices, polynomial-time decoding algorithms are known; the naïve algorithm is . [4] For arbitrary d-separable but non-d-disjunct matrices, the best known decoding algorithms are exponential-time. [3]

Porat and Rothschild (2008) present a deterministic -time algorithm for constructing a d-disjoint matrix with n columns and rows. [5]

See also

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  1. De Bonis, Annalisa; Vaccaro, Ugo (2003). "Constructions of generalized superimposed codes with applications to group testing and conflict resolution in multiple access channels". Theoretical Computer Science. 306 (1–3): 223–243. doi:10.1016/S0304-3975(03)00281-0. MR   2000175.
  2. Paul Erdős; Péter Frankl; Zoltán Füredi (1985). "Families of finite sets in which no set is covered by the union of r others" (PDF). Israel Journal of Mathematics . 51 (1–2): 79–89. doi: 10.1007/BF02772959 . ISSN   0021-2172.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hong-Bin Chen; Frank Hwang (2006-12-21). "Exploring the missing link among d-separable, d-separable and d-disjunct matrices". Discrete Applied Mathematics . 155 (5): 662–664. CiteSeerX . doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2006.10.009 . MR   2303978.
  4. Piotr Indyk; Hung Q. Ngo; Atri Rudra (2010). "Efficiently Decodable Non-adaptive Group Testing". Proceedings of the 21st ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA). hdl:1721.1/63167. ISSN   1071-9040.
  5. Ely Porat; Amir Rothschild (2008). "Explicit Non-Adaptive Combinatorial Group Testing Schemes". Proceedings of the 35th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP): 748–759. arXiv: 0712.3876 . Bibcode:2007arXiv0712.3876P.

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