Dividend cover

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Dividend cover, also commonly known as dividend coverage, is the ratio of company's earnings (net income) over the dividend paid to shareholders, calculated as net profit or loss attributable to ordinary shareholders by total ordinary dividend. [1] So, if a company has net profit after tax of 2400 divided by total ordinary dividend of 1000, then dividend cover is 2.4. [2] The dividend cover formula is the inverse of the dividend payout ratio. [3]

Generally, a dividend cover of 2 or more is considered a safe coverage, as it allows the company to safely pay out dividends and still allow for reinvestment or the possibility of a downturn. [1] [3] A low dividend cover can make it impossible to pay the same level of dividends in a bad year's trading or to invest in company growth. A negative dividend cover is both unusual and a clear sign that the company is in trouble. [2] The higher the cover, the more unlikely it is that the dividend will fall the following year. [4]

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The Australian dividend imputation system is a corporate tax system in which some or all of the tax paid by a company may be attributed, or imputed, to the shareholders by way of a tax credit to reduce the income tax payable on a distribution. In comparison to the classical system, dividend imputation reduces or eliminates the tax disadvantages of distributing dividends to shareholders by only requiring them to pay the difference between the corporate rate and their marginal rate. If the individual’s average tax rate is lower than the corporate rate, the individual receives a tax refund.


  1. 1 2 Stevenson, David; Mladjenovic, Paul (2012). Investing in Shares For Dummies. Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN   978-1-119-96641-8.
  2. 1 2 Law, Jonathan; Owen, Gary (2010) [1995]. A Dictionary of Accounting. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 155–156. ISBN   978-0-19-956305-0.
  3. 1 2 Hobson, Rodney (2012). The Dividend Investor: a Practical Guide to Building a Share Portfolio Designed to Maximise Income. Petersfield, England: Harriman House Limited. ISBN   978-0-85719-234-9.
  4. France, Mr Richard (2013). Finance for Purchasing Managers: Understanding the Financial Impact of Buying Decisions. London and New York: Gower Publishing, Ltd. ISBN   978-1-4094-6420-4.