Don't Drop the Soap is a controversial prison-themed board game designed by art student John Sebelius as a class project at the Rhode Island School of Design. [1] The game received criticism for its content, most notably for the game's treatment of prison rape. [2] Sebelius also received notice for being the son of Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and U.S. Magistrate Judge K. Gary Sebelius. [3] The game officially went on sale on January 31, 2008 in Lawrence, Kansas and through Sebelius' personal website, [4] and is considered to be similar to Monopoly in its gameplay. [5]
The gameplay consists of six levels and can be played by up to three people. Users can choose to play as Sal "The Butcher", "Anferny", or "Wheelz", a disabled prisoner. The ultimate goal of the game is for the player to make parole without dropping the soap in the prison shower. If a prisoner drops the soap, they'll bend over to pick it up, only to be subjected to rape by fellow inmates.
The National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, a U.S. bipartisan panel aimed at curbing prison rape, criticized the game and stated that the title made light of "a serious and all-too-pervasive violent sex crime." [6] The Pitch criticized Sebelius, labelling him "The Idiot Son of an Elected Official." [7] Politician Tim Huelskamp requested that the game be investigated and voiced concerns that the game was being marketed and stored at Cedar Crest, the Governor's mansion. [8]
Sebelius responded to the criticism, explaining that he meant for the game to be a lighthearted spoof and was not an endorsement of prison rape. [9] [3]