A dry bulk cargo barge is a barge designed to carry freight such as coal, ores, grain, sand or gravel, or similar materials. Barges are usually constructed of steel. They have an outer hull, and one or more internal holds. A rake barge has a bow shaped to cause less resistance when being pushed and is usually placed at the head of the tow. A box barge has no rake to the ends and is usually placed in the center and rear of the tow and can hold more cargo.[ citation needed ]
Barges can be equipped with covers of various types if the cargo is weather-sensitive (finished steel or grain). Generally, these covers are fabricated of fiberglass or steel. They can be lifted or rolled away for access to the hold.[ citation needed ]
In 2004, the dry bulk cargo barge fleet on the Mississippi River System (Mississippi, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway east and west, Ohio, Illinois, Missouri Rivers, etc.) stood at 5,836 open hoppers and 11,572 covered hoppers, for a total of 17,408, according to the Criton Corporation. Smaller barge fleets also operate on the East (Hudson River, etc.) and West coasts (Columbia River, Sacramento River, etc.) of the United States, and in numerous countries including India.
Dry bulk cargo barges are typically operated and maintained with efficiency and environmental stewardship in mind. Typically, an informal set of industry best practices are applicable, including:[ citation needed ]
Barge loading
Barge loading should be conducted in a manner that minimizes the amount of cargo spilled onto the deck. The loading process is the responsibility of the loader operator at the loading facility.
Barge unloading
Barge unloading should be conducted in a manner that minimizes the amount of cargo spilled onto the deck. The unloading process is the responsibility of the unloader operator at the unloading facility. Unloading can be done with a Grab Bucket Barge Unloader or a Continuous Barge Unloader (CBU). The Grab Bucket system employs a clamshell bucket suspended by a set of hoisting cables, with a separate set of control cables that open and close the bucket. The CBU is a series of buckets supported between two strands of roller chain, running in a continuous loop.[ citation needed ]
Cargo spillage
The nature of the dry bulk commodity business is such that some amount of cargo spillage is typically unavoidable. In such cases the following practices are standard:
When possible, cargo residue will be swept and shoveled back into the hopper, provided cargo is the same.
If the current cargo is not the same as the residue remaining on the barge deck, the residue should be swept up against the barge coaming and in some cases may be shoveled and placed into a container or bag.
If the quantity of cargo exceeds an amount that can be safely cleaned, then a barge report will be filed and the cargo will be cleaned at a facility.
Trash on deck
Trash that may be left on deck such as junk line or garbage is bagged and placed so that exposure to rain or the possibility of being washed off of tow is eliminated.
Below deck water
Barge hulls are maintained to minimize the accumulation of river water below deck.
If a barge develops a detectable leak, crew members will go below deck and install a temporary patch, known as a shingle.
The hull will be repaired when possible.
Water that accumulates in void tank generally needs to be removed. When this is the case, the following best practices are applicable:
Visually inspect the water in the void for a sheen.
If no sheen is detected, the water is pumped from the void tank into the river. The crew will observe the water surrounding the tow for any sign of a visible sheen.
In the event a visible sheen is detected, the pump is immediately turned off (provided the barge is in no danger of sinking.) and the corrective action process as described in the VGP is implemented.
Barge inspection
When a barge is picked up by a boat, the on watch deck crew does an inspection of each barge that includes the following:
Each void tank is inspected for water. If water is found it is visually inspected for a sheen.
The deck of each barge is visually inspected for cargo spillage or trash.
Barge inspections are recorded on a barge inspection form.
It is common for a barge to be handled by multiple vessels and even multiple vessels each barge voyage (empty to empty).
Barge inspection forms are maintained shore side.
At least once every watch, the deck crew inspects the void tanks of each barge to ensure that no water is being taken on.
Deck scaling
Barge decks are maintained to minimize the formation of large rust scales, this is typically accomplished by painting the deck as needed.
![]() | This section may be too long and excessively detailed.(August 2012) |
Terminology related to the dry bulk cargo barge industry:
Above Waterline- The portion of a barge that is out of the water at a given time. This will vary based on whether or not the barge is loaded or empty.
Barge- Non-powered cargo or work vessel.
Barge Pump- Small portable pump used for removing water.
Barge Voyage- The time from which an empty barge is placed in tow, until it has been loaded, emptied and returned to a fleet. May include stops in a terminal fleet, cleaning and/or repair.
Barge Washing- Using water to clean cargo from the deck and/or hopper of a barge. Typically conducted at a barge washing facility.
Below Waterline- The portion of a barge that is below the water at a given time. This will vary based on whether or not the barge is loaded or empty
Boot- Fitting attached to the end of a suction hose on a barge pump that prevents large particles from being suctioned.
Cargo Box- Open hold on a barge for cargo
Cargo Residue- A quantity of product remaining on a barge deck on in a hopper.
Cargo Trimming- Shifting or rearranging cargo to level a barge.
Coaming- High sides around an open hopper barge.
Cover- Fits over the coaming. Used to protect weather sensitive cargo such as grain. Large, typically constructed of steel or fiberglass. Depending on style, they can be lifted off by crane or rolled away for access to the hopper.
Cover Hatch- Lid which allows access to the cargo hopper through the cover. Typically used for cargo loading.
Deck- The work area and walkways of a barge.
Dry Dock- Structure used to raise a vessel out of the water so as to expose all parts of the hull for inspection, repairs or painting.
Draft- Vertical distance between the water line and the bottom of the vessel hull.
Empty Barge- A barge without cargo.
Fleet- Group of moored barges
Fleeting- Service that includes mooring of barges and associated shifting.
Fleet tug- Or Harbor Boat- small towboat used for fleeting.
Freeboard- Vertical distance from the water line to the deck.
Hatch- Opening in a deck for maintenance.
Hatch lid- Covers the hatch opening.
Hopper- Open hold on a barge for cargo.
Hull- The frame or body of a vessel, excluding the bulk heads, deck or mechanical equipment.
Inboard- Towards the center of the vessel.
Inland Waters- Waterways inside the United States.
Integrated tow- Barges of mixed cargo.
Jumbo Barge- Common size for dry cargo barge, 35’x195’ or 200’
Knuckle- Curved steel plate on side and bottom of barges.
Lightering- Removing product from a barge to achieve the desired draft.
Line Boat- Live on boat making regular trips.
Line Deck- Open deck at the end of a barge.
Loaded Barge- A barge containing cargo.
Mooring- The act of securing a vessel.
Outboard- Towards the outside of the vessel.
Rearrange Tow- To move barges within a tow.
Shifting- Moving barges within a fleet or from a terminal fleet to a loader or unloader.
Shingle- Temporary plug to stop a leak below deck.
Tier- Row of barges across the width of a fleet.
Terminal- A facility that conducts either loading or unloading operations.
Terminal Fleet- Group of moored barges at or near a terminal.
Turning- Two boats meeting and exchanging tows.
Tow- Group of barges lashed together for pushing.
Tow Work- Assembling and connecting barges together.
Void- Closed hull space providing buoyancy.
Watch- Working shift of a vessel crew member.
Western Rivers- The Mississippi river system.
A dry dock is a narrow basin or vessel that can be flooded to allow a load to be floated in, then drained to allow that load to come to rest on a dry platform. Dry docks are used for the construction, maintenance, and repair of ships, boats, and other watercraft.
Dredging is the excavation of material from a water environment. Possible reasons for dredging include improving existing water features; reshaping land and water features to alter drainage, navigability, and commercial use; constructing dams, dikes, and other controls for streams and shorelines; and recovering valuable mineral deposits or marine life having commercial value. In all but a few situations the excavation is undertaken by a specialist floating plant, known as a dredger.
A lighter is a type of flat-bottomed barge used to transfer goods and passengers to and from moored ships. Lighters were traditionally unpowered and were moved and steered using long oars called "sweeps" and the motive power of water currents. They were operated by skilled workers called lightermen and were a characteristic sight in London's docks until about the 1960s, when technological changes made this form of lightering largely redundant. Unpowered lighters continue to be moved by powered tugs, however, and lighters may also now themselves be powered. The term is also used in the Lighter Aboard Ship (LASH) system.
A cofferdam is an enclosure built within a body of water to allow the enclosed area to be pumped out or drained. This pumping creates a dry working environment so that the work can be carried out safely. Cofferdams are commonly used for construction or repair of permanent dams, oil platforms, bridge piers, etc., built within water.
A bulk carrier or bulker is a merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo—such as grain, coal, ore, steel coils, and cement—in its cargo holds. Since the first specialized bulk carrier was built in 1852, economic forces have led to increased size and sophistication of these ships. Today's bulk carriers are specially designed to maximize capacity, safety, efficiency, and durability.
A straight decker according to the original meaning of the term is a ship built with its pilothouse forward and engines aft to provide a continuous hold in between. This design originated to increase cargo capacity and facilitate loading and unloading of lake freighters on the U.S./Canadian Great Lakes routes. The current common meaning of "straight decker" upon the Great Lakes is a bulk/ore freighter which has not been equipped with self-unloading machinery.
Lake freighters, or lakers, are bulk carrier vessels operating on the Great Lakes of North America. These vessels are traditionally called boats, although classified as ships. They have been used since the late 19th century to haul raw material from docks in the upper Great Lakes to the industrial centers of the Midwest. The navigation season typically begins in late March and ends mid-January, due to winter ice on the lakes.
Ballast is used in ships to provide moment to resist the lateral forces on the hull. Insufficiently ballasted boats tend to tip or heel excessively in high winds. Too much heel may result in the vessel capsizing. If a sailing vessel needs to voyage without cargo, then ballast of little or no value will be loaded to keep the vessel upright. Some or all of this ballast will then be discarded when cargo is loaded.
The lighter aboard ship (LASH) system refers to the practice of loading barges (lighters) aboard a bigger vessel for transport. It was developed in response to a need to transport lighters, a type of unpowered barge, between inland waterways separated by open seas. Lighters are typically towed or pushed around harbors, canals or rivers and cannot be relocated under their own power. The carrier ships are known variously as LASH carriers, barge carriers, kangaroo ships or lighter transport ships.
A ship's hold or cargo hold is a space for carrying cargo in the ship's compartment.
A hopper barge is a type of barge commonly designed to transport commodities like coal, steel, rocks, sand, soil and waste. 'Hopper barge' can also refer to a barge that dumps cargo at sea. These are now commonly called 'split hopper barge', because they split along the length of the hull. Split hopper barges can be non-propelled or self-propelled.
A whaleback was a type of cargo steamship of unusual design, with a hull that continuously curved above the waterline from vertical to horizontal. When fully loaded, only the rounded portion of the hull could be seen above the waterline. With sides curved in towards the ends, it had a spoon bow and a very convex upper deck. It was formerly used on the Great Lakes of Canada and the United States, notably for carrying grain or ore. The sole surviving ship of the "whaleback" design is the SS Meteor, which is docked in Superior, Wisconsin, as a museum ship.
USS Vega (AK-17), was a Sirius-class cargo ship of the United States Navy, originally the Lebanon — a single-screw, steel-hulled Type 1022 freighter, built under a United States Shipping Board contract at Hog Island, Pennsylvania, by the American International Shipbuilding Co. Laid down on 8 July 1918, the ship was launched on 18 July 1919. Acquired by the Navy on 2 December 1921, she was renamed Vega and given the classification of AK-17. She fitted out for Navy service, and was commissioned at the Boston Navy Yard on 21 December 1921.
A collier is a bulk cargo ship designed or used to carry coal. Early evidence of coal being transported by sea includes use of coal in London in 1306. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, coal was shipped from the River Tyne to London and other destinations. Other ports also exported coal – for instance the Old Quay in Whitehaven harbour was built in 1634 for the loading of coal. London became highly reliant on the delivery of coal by sea – Samuel Pepys expressed concern in the winter of 1666–67 that war with the Dutch would prevent a fleet of 200 colliers getting through. In 1795, 4,395 cargoes of coal were delivered to London. By 1824, this number had risen to about 7,000; by 1839, it was over 9,000. The trade continued to the end of the twentieth century, with the last cargo of coal leaving the Port of Tyne in February, 2021.
An oil tanker, also known as a petroleum tanker, is a ship designed for the bulk transport of oil or its products. There are two basic types of oil tankers: crude tankers and product tankers. Crude tankers move large quantities of unrefined crude oil from its point of extraction to refineries. Product tankers, generally much smaller, are designed to move refined products from refineries to points near consuming markets.
Luna is a historic tugboat normally berthed in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. Luna was designed in 1930 by John G. Alden and built by M.M. Davis and Bethlehem Steel. She is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a U.S. National Historic Landmark. In 1985, the Luna was designated as a Boston Landmark by the Boston Landmarks Commission.
Finnpusku is an integrated tug and barge system owned and operated by ESL Shipping, a Finnish shipping company that specializes in bulk cargo transports in the Baltic Sea. The system was developed in the 1980s by Finnlines, another Finnish shipping company that also managed the vessels until 2003, in co-operation with Rautaruukki to transport raw materials to the Raahe Steel Works. Two pushers and five barges, four of which remain in service, were delivered by Hollming in 1986–1987.
The Type B ship is a United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) designation for World War II barges. Barges are very low cost to build, operate and move. Barges were needed to move large bulky cargo. A tug boat, some classed as Type V ships, could move a barge, then depart and move on to the next task. That meant the barge did not have to be rushed to be unloaded or loaded. Toward the end of World War 2, some ships that had not been completed in time for the war were converted to barges. US Navy barges are given the prefix: YWN or YW. Due to shortage of steel during World War II, concrete ship constructors were given contracts to build concrete barges, with ferrocement and given the prefix YO, YOG, YOGN. Built in 1944 and 1945, some were named after elements.
MV Stellar Daisy was a South Korean-owned very large ore carrier (VLOC) that sank on March 31, 2017 in the South Atlantic off the coast of Uruguay while on a voyage from Brazil to China. She was the largest ship, by a factor of nearly 2 on gross tonnage, to be lost at sea.
The SS Lakeland was an early steel-hulled Great Lakes freighter that sank on December 3, 1924, into 205 feet (62 m) of water on Lake Michigan near Sturgeon Bay, Door County, Wisconsin, United States, after she sprang a leak. On July 7, 2015, the wreck of the Lakeland was added to the National Register of Historic Places.