Elementary comparison testing

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Elementary comparison testing (ECT) is a white-box, control-flow, test-design methodology used in software development. [1] [2] The purpose of ECT is to enable detailed testing of complex software. Software code or pseudocode is tested to assess the proper handling of all decision outcomes. As with multiple-condition coverage [3] and basis path testing, [1] coverage of all independent and isolated conditions is accomplished through modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC). [4] Isolated conditions are aggregated into connected situations creating formal test cases. The independence of a condition is shown by changing the condition value in isolation. Each relevant condition value is covered by test cases.


Test case

A test case consists of a logical path through one or many decisions from start to end of a process. Contradictory situations are deduced from the test case matrix and excluded. The MC/DC approach isolates every condition, neglecting all possible subpath combinations and path coverage. [1]


The decision consists of a combination of elementary conditions

The transition function is defined as

Given the transition

the isolated test path consists of

Test case graph

A test case graph illustrates all the necessary independent paths (test cases) to cover all isolated conditions. Conditions are represented by nodes, and condition values (situations) by edges. An edge addresses all program situations. Each situation is connected to one preceding and successive condition. Test cases might overlap due to isolated conditions.

Inductive proof of a number of condition paths

The elementary comparison testing method can be used to determine the number of condition paths by inductive proof.

Figure 2: ECT Inductive Proof Anchor ECT Example Inductive Proof Plain.svg
Figure 2: ECT Inductive Proof Anchor

There are possible condition value combinations

When each condition is isolated, the number of required test cases per decision is:

Figure 3: ECT Inductive Proof End ECT Example Inductive Proof Plain 4.svg
Figure 3: ECT Inductive Proof End

there are edges from parent nodes and edges to child nodes from .

Each individual condition connects to at least one path

from the maximal possible connecting to isolating .

All predecessor conditions and respective paths are isolated. Therefore, when one node (condition) is added, the total number of paths, and required test cases, from start to finish increases by:


Test-case design steps

  1. Identify decisions
  2. Determine test situations per decision point (Modified Condition / Decision Coverage)
  3. Create logical test-case matrix
  4. Create physical test-case matrix


Figure 4: ECT Example Control-Flow Graph ECT Example Control Flows.svg
Figure 4: ECT Example Control-Flow Graph
Figure 5: ECT Example D2 Conditions ECT Example Decision D2 Conditions.svg
Figure 5: ECT Example D2 Conditions

This example shows ETC applied to a holiday booking system. The discount system offers reduced-price vacations. The offered discounts are for members or for expensive vacations, for moderate vacations with workday departures, and otherwise. The example shows the creation of logical and physical test cases for all isolated conditions.


if days > 15 or price > 1000 or member thenreturn −0.2 else if (days > 8 and days ≤ 15 or price ≥ 500 and price ≤ 1000) and workday thenreturn −0.1 elsereturn 0.0


possible combinations (test cases).

Example in Python:


Step 1: Decisions

Table 1: Example D1 MC/DC
Decision D110

Step 2: MC/DC Matrix

Table 2: Example D2 MC/DC
Decision D210

The highlighted diagonals in the MC/DC Matrix are describing the isolated conditions:

all duplicate situations are regarded as proven and removed.

Step 3: Logical test-Case matrix

Table 3: Example Logical Test Case Matrix

Test cases are formed by tracing decision paths. For every decision a succeeding and preceding subpath is searched until every connected path has a start and an end :

Step 4: Physical test-case matrix

Table 4: Example Physical Test Cases
Factor\Test Case

Physical test cases are created from logical test cases by filling in actual value representations and their respective results.

Test-case graph

Figure 6: ECT Example Test Case Graph ECT Example Test Case Graph c.svg
Figure 6: ECT Example Test Case Graph

In the example test case graph, all test cases and their isolated conditions are marked by colors, and the remaining paths are implicitly passed.

See also

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  1. 1 2 3 Lee Copeland (2004). A Practitioners Guide to Software Test Design, chapter 10. Artech House Publishers, Norwood. ISBN   0140289712.
  2. "All about the elementary comparison test | Testlearning". www.testlearning.net. Retrieved 2022-09-02.
  3. Glenford J. Myers (2004). The Art of Software Testing, Second Edition, p. 40., John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. ISBN   0-471-46912-2.
  4. Tim Kroom (2006). TMap Next, for result driven testing, p. 668. UTN Publishers, Rotterdam. ASIN   B01K3PXI5U.