Elena Donazzan

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Elena Donazzan (born 22 June 1972) is an Italian politician. Born in Bassano del Grappa, Veneto, she has been successively a member of several right-wing and centre-right parties: the Italian Social Movement (MSI), National Alliance (AN), The People of Freedom (PdL), Forza Italia (FI) and, currently, the Brothers of Italy (FdI).

She was first elected to the Regional Council of Veneto for AN in the 2000 Venetian regional election. [1] Re-elected in 2005 Venetian regional election, she served as regional minister of Education in Giancarlo Galan's third government (2005–2010). Re-elected in the 2010 Venetian regional election for the PdL, in the 2015 Venetian regional election for FI and, finally, in the 2020 Venetian regional election for FdI, she has served as minister of Education, Formation, Labour and Equal Opportunities in Luca Zaia's first (2010–2015), second (2015–2020) and third governments (2020–present). [1] [2] [3] She is thus the current longest serving regional minister, as well as one of the longest serving ones in Venetian politics.

Proud of her political upbringing and staunchly Italian nationalist, Donazzan sang an Italian fascist anthem ("Faccetta nera") during the radio broadcast La Zanzara on 8 January 2021. [4] Often at the loggerheads with her Venetian nationalist coalition partner, Liga Veneta, that episode caused her a motion of no confidence that finally did not pass, thanks to Liga Veneta's abstention. [5] [6] [7]

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  1. 1 2 "Consiglio Regionale Veneto - Il Consiglio". consiglioveneto.it.
  2. "Regione Veneto - La Giunta dal 1970 ad oggi". regione.veneto.it.
  3. "Regione Veneto - Giunta Regionale". regione.veneto.it.
  4. "FdI, assessora veneta Donazzan canta alla radio "Faccetta nera". Il centrosinistra: "Dimissioni subito". Zaia: "Si scusi"". 11 January 2021.
  5. https://www.ilgazzettino.it/nordest/primopiano/donazzan_faccetta_nera_giuseppe_pan-5701079.html
  6. https://corrieredelveneto.corriere.it/veneto/politica/21_gennaio_14/veneto-mozione-sfiducia-contro-donazzan-firma-anche-lega-5c4a629e-5656-11eb-9804-fd11b101a9d7.shtml
  7. https://www.trevisotoday.it/attualita/donazzan-voto-mozione-lega-19-gennaio-2021.html