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Rabbi Eliyahu Rahamim Zini | |
![]() Eliyahu Zini in 2008. | |
Personal | |
Born | 11 August 1946 |
Religion | Judaism |
Yeshiva | Yeshivat Or Vishua |
Residence | Israel |
Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Rahamim Zini (born 11 August 1946) is the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Or Vishua, which he founded in Haifa in 2001. In the past, he has served as the rabbi of the Technion, as a lecturer in its Faculty of Mathematics, and in the Department of Humanities and Arts.
Eliyahu Zini was born on 11 August 1946 to a family of Torah scholars, the eldest of Rachel and Rabbi Meir Zini, the rabbi of Taharat, Algeria. The origins of the Zini family are traced back to Rabbi Joseph Yoshto, a student of Isaac Alfasi from Jaén, Spain in northeastern Andalusia. His mother Rachel, a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp, met his father while he was an officer in the Free French Forces when the camp was liberated.
With the end of French sovereignty in Algeria in 1962, Eliyahu Zini moved with his family to Paris, where he finished his secondary school studies and began studying mathematics in the University of Paris. He began rabbinical studies under Rabbi Shlomo Dahan. He also studied karate and earned his second-degree black belt.
In 1970 he made aliyah to the land of Israel, living first in Bnei Brak and then moving to Haifa. There he became close with Rabbi Professor Benjamin Ze'ev Benedict, rabbi of the Ahuza neighborhood, from whom he would later receive semikhah. At the Technion, he completed his doctorate in mathematics which he had begun in Paris, and he did his post-doctorate at the Weizmann Institute of Science. Afterward, he returned to the Technion as a senior associate lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematics and as a senior associate lecturer of Talmud and Jewish philosophy in the Department of Humanities and Arts.
He served in Israel's Medical Corps and fought in the 1982 Lebanon War.
When the previous rabbi of the Technion decided leave his position, he advised the senate of the Technion to appoint Zini in his place. In 1980, Zini began serving as the rabbi of the Technion in addition to his position as a lecturer.
In 2001, he founded Yeshivat Or Vishua, a hesder yeshiva located near the Technion.
Zini currently lives with his wife and eight children in the Neve Sha'anan neighborhood of Haifa.
Rabbi Zini dedicates his time to disseminating Torah to the public. He began a program at the Technion which enabled students to add Torah study to their science and engineering studies.
Zini's research in Torah-related fields focuses on books of the Geonim. Some of his research has been published in books, pamphlets, and articles. He has published series of books in Hebrew such as "Olamot BeIhudam" ("Worlds in their Unity"), "Erets Hemdatenu" ("Land of Our Desires"). He has published chidushim (original Torah thoughts) of Rashbatz on tractates Rosh Hashanah and Kinnim of the Babylonian Talmud, as well as "Magen Avot," Rashbatz' commentary on Pirkei Avot. Similarly, he has published research on the history of halakha and the editing of the Talmud, such as "Rabanan Savora'ei ve-Klalei ha-Halakha" ("The Savoraim and the Rules of Halakha"). He has also published letters of Elijah Benamozegh, Hebrew translations of Professor Emmanuel Levinas, Hebrew translations of Rabbi Léon Ashkenazi (with whom he was particularly close), and others. He also print*Olamot be-Ihudam – ed new land of Israel editions of the "Tefilat he-Hadash" siddur and "Mo'adei Hashem" mahzor for the Shalosh Regalim (the Three Pilgrimage Festivals).
Zini advocates for the joining of Torah study and science, claiming that it is fundamentally impossible for them to be contradictory. He opposes the methodology employed by Professor Nathan Aviezer in Aviezer's book "Bereishit Bara." The book uses scientific fact to prove the accuracy of the Torah, while Zini does not believe that such explanations are necessary.
Zini's method of Torah study is based on a broad knowledge of the literature of the Tanaim and Amoraim, a deeper study of the earlier sources in Midrash halakha, and only then a discussion of the words of the Talmud and Rishonim. In Talmud study, Zini uses the writings of the Geonim.
Zini is also involved in philosophy. He met Professor Emmanuel Levinas in France and translated some of his essays. He published four of Levinas' articles in a pamphlet entitled "Divrei Emmanuel" ("The Words of Emmanuel") and cites him in his lectures.
Rabbi Zini immigrated to Israel in 1970. He moved to Bnei Brak and began finishing his doctoral studies at the Technion. On his return to the Technion as an associate senior lecturer, Zini began activities to draw in the new immigrants from amongst the student body. A group of French immigrants formed the original basis of the minyan at the Technion synagogue.
At the start of his operations at the Technion, Rabbi Zini acted privately, delivering lectures and organizing events for students. In 1980, the previous rabbi of the Technion, Rabbi Aharon She'ar-Yashuv, left the institution, recommending that Zini take his place.
As rabbi of the Technion, Zini headed the organization of religious students there, called Ahvat Aharon. He opposed the plan to grant homosexual couples dorms reserved for married students. Once this plan was put into action, Zini ruled that the mezuzot must be removed from any of those dorms that were given to homosexual couples, though the institution did not comply. [1]
In 2013, on reaching retirement age, he left his position.
Rabbi Zini is well known within the world view that sees the land of Israel as one of the foundations of Judaism, and it is within this world view that his political stance manifests itself. In November 1994, during the harsh debates within Israeli society over the Oslo Accords, he said in his weekly broadcast on Israeli news station Arutz Sheva: "Apparently God knows why the ways of the evildoers who currently run our country have succeeded, for apparently we and you did not do what He expected of us...Meanwhile, of the one primarily responsible for the deterioration of the situation, Mr. Rabin, it is said disgrace on your holiday tomorrow and those who celebrate with you, and may it be God's will to save us quickly from you and then there will be much peace for those who love His name and Torah." [2]
In the libel suit which Zini brought against the local newspaper "Kolbo," the judge ruled that the paper was guilty of libel against Zini, but only awarded him 1,000 NIS compensation, explaining: "From the material that is presented, the image arises of a man with extreme opinions, who is not averse to [making] statements bordering on incitement, using language that approaches—if not reaches—verbal abuse," and adding: "And this is not a case of an innocent man upon whom guilt of incitement was cast. His opinions and style arouse hatred and separatism while causing difficult injuries to large parts of the population that do not share his world view, and the creation of polarization within society as directly connected to the advertisement under discussion should be taken into account when awarding the compensation." Zini's appeal on the amount of compensation was rejected by the district court. [2]
One of Zini's essays appears in "Baruch ha-Gever" (a book written in memory of Baruch Goldstein) granting legitimacy to Rabbi Ido Elba's article "Beirur Halakhot Harigat Goy" ("An Inquiry into the Halakhot of Killing Gentiles"), an article which the Supreme Court of Israel deemed an inciter of racism.
In an article published on 12 August 1995 in the newspaper "Aleh," Zini wrote: "An ordinance of evacuation of civilian settlements is not only an illegal ordinance, but also an ordinance that assists the enemy... Any ordinance that assists the enemy... Any order of evacuation will be considered as carrying out the job of the enemy who desires the execution of this ordinance."
Zini opposed the statements of Rabbi Elazar Shach and the halakhic rulings of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef regarding the giving up of settlements in the West Bank and Gaza. He published a pamphlet entitled "Erets Hemdatenu" in which he argued that the sources cited by Rabbi Yosef to prove the permissibility of returning settlements in fact prove the opposite.
Following the 2006 Lebanon War, Zini wrote:
Prior to the 2009 Israeli election, Zini wrote: "At least two goals must stand before our eyes in these elections: The first, support for those who defend the Torah and the Jewish identity, and the second, support for all those who defend the land of Israel and oppose with all their might a chain of terrible concessions that have already brought about enough bloodshed and enough disasters for the entire Israeli reality." He recommended voting for The Jewish Home party or the National Union and was careful to note that "these matters are not the opinion of the other institution at which I work."
Jewish holidays, also known as Jewish festivals or Yamim Tovim, are holidays observed in Judaism and by Jews throughout the Hebrew calendar. They include religious, cultural and national elements, derived from three sources: biblical mitzvot ("commandments"), rabbinic mandates, and the history of Judaism and the State of Israel.
A yeshiva is a traditional Jewish educational institution focused on the study of Rabbinic literature, primarily the Talmud and halacha, while Torah and Jewish philosophy are studied in parallel. The studying is usually done through daily shiurim as well as in study pairs called chavrusas. Chavrusa-style learning is one of the unique features of the yeshiva.
The Mishneh Torah, also known as Sefer Yad ha-Hazaka, is a code of Rabbinic Jewish religious law (halakha) authored by Maimonides. The Mishneh Torah was compiled between 1170 and 1180 CE, while Maimonides was living in Egypt, and is regarded as Maimonides' magnum opus. Accordingly, later sources simply refer to the work as "Maimon", "Maimonides", or "RaMBaM", although Maimonides composed other works.
Yechiel Michel ha-Levi Epstein (24 January 1829 – 25 March 1908), often called "the Aruch haShulchan" after his magnum opus, Aruch HaShulchan, was a Rabbi and Posek in Lithuania.
Ponevezh Yeshiva, often pronounced as Ponevitch Yeshiva, is a yeshiva founded in 1908 in Ponevezh, Lithuania, and located today in Bnei Brak, Israel since 1944. The yeshiva has over three thousand students, including those of affiliated institutions, and is considered one of the leading Litvish yeshivas in Israel.
David Zvi Hoffmann, was an Orthodox Rabbi and Torah Scholar. He headed the Yeshiva in Berlin, and published research on the Pentateuch and Mishna, both in reaction to erstwhile Biblical criticism. He is referred to as רד"צ הופמן - Radatz Hoffmann - in later Rabbinic writing.
Daniel Sperber is a British-born Israeli academic and centrist orthodox rabbi. He is a professor of Talmud at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, and an expert in classical philology, history of Jewish customs, Jewish art history, Jewish education, and Talmudic studies.
Shlomo Chaim Hacohen Aviner is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi. He is the rosh yeshiva (dean) of Ateret Yerushalayim and the rabbi of Beit El, an Israeli settlement. He is considered one of the spiritual leaders of the Religious Zionist movement.
David Hanoch Yitzchak Bar-Hayim is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute, a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel.
Yeshivat Har Etzion, commonly known in English as "Gush" and in Hebrew as "Yeshivat HaGush", is a hesder yeshiva located in Alon Shvut, an Israeli settlement in Gush Etzion. It is considered one of the leading institutions of advanced Torah study in the world and with a student body of roughly 480, it is one of the largest hesder yeshivot in the West Bank.
Yitzchak Shmuel Halevi Berkovits is an American-born Orthodox Jewish rabbi, rosh yeshiva, rosh kollel, and posek in Israel. In 16 years as Menahel Ruchani of Yeshivas Aish HaTorah and halakha lecturer at EYAHT, Aish HaTorah's College of Jewish Studies for Women, he built a reputation as a lucid orator on Jewish law and philosophical topics and a mentor to hundreds of English-speaking, baalei teshuva young men and women. In 2001, he founded The Jerusalem Kollel, a rabbinic ordination and training program which prepares students for kiruv (outreach) positions around the world. In 2019, he was appointed rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. He also serves as rosh kollel of an international network of evening kollelim run by Linas HaTzedek: The Center for Jewish Values in Israel and the United States, which spreads the awareness of the laws of bein adam lechaveiro.
Mercaz HaTorah is a Lithuanian-style Orthodox yeshiva located in the Arnona neighborhood of Jerusalem.
The Zilberman Method is a system of teaching the Torah to young students, pioneered by Jerusalem rabbi Yitzchak Shlomo Zilberman, that emphasizes rote learning of the text, while leaving the more advanced study of Talmud to older students. Schools employing the method are colloquially referred to as Zilberman Schools.
Ben Zion Abba Shaul was one of the leading Sephardic rabbis, Torah scholars and halakhic arbiters of his day, and the rosh yeshiva of Porat Yosef Yeshiva in Jerusalem for the last 15 years of his life. He was responsible for a religious revival among Sephardic Jews with his founding of Ma'ayan HaChinuch HaTorani, a network of Torah schools for Sephardic children in Israel, and was widely known for his ability to give blessings that were fulfilled.
In Jewish law, a Posek is a legal scholar who determines the position of halakha, the Jewish religious laws derived from the written and Oral Torah in cases of Jewish law where previous authorities are inconclusive, or in those situations where no clear halakhic precedent exists.
Reuven Elbaz is a Sephardi Haredi rabbi, rosh yeshiva, and a leader of the baal teshuva movement among Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in Israel. He is the founder and head of the Ohr Hachaim network of institutions, which operates educational, humanitarian, prison, and drug rehabilitation programs in 350 branches across Israel. He is also the founder and dean of Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim in Jerusalem, which enrolls more than 500 students. He is a senior member of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah of the Shas political party.
Yitzhak Israeli is a Sephardi rabbi, Talmudic scholar, and Orthodox halakhist. He is the Av Beit Din of Torah U'Mishpat in Brooklyn, New York. He serves as the Rabbi of the Sephardic Center of Mill Basin, a predominantly Syrian Jewish congregation.
Meir Goldwicht is an Orthodox rabbi and rosh yeshiva at Yeshiva University in Washington Heights, Manhattan. He was born in Israel, studied in Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh under his uncle Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Goldvicht, the Rosh Yeshiva, and had close ties to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
Yosef Zvi Rimon is an Israeli Religious Zionist rabbi, author, lecturer and Posek who serves as rabbi of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and the Ashkenazi Synagogue of Alon Shvut Darom. He is Rosh Yeshiva of the Jerusalem College of Technology and a Rosh Kollel at Yeshivat Har Etzion.