Ephippioceratidae | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Mollusca |
Class: | Cephalopoda |
Subclass: | Nautiloidea |
Order: | Nautilida |
Superfamily: | † Clydonautiloidea |
Family: | †Ephippioceratidae Miller & Youngquist, 1949 |
Ephippioceratidae is a family of clydonatilacean nautilids with shells as in the Liroceratidae but with sutures that have deep ventral and dorsal saddles. This group, which contains two genera, Ephippioceras and Megaglossoceras, has a range from the Mississippian to the Lower Permian.
The Clydonautiloidea are a superfamily within the nautiloid order Nautilida characterized by smooth, generally globular, shells with nearly straight sutures, in early forms, but developing highly differentiated sutures in some later forms. Where known, the siphuncle tends to be central to subcentral.
The Nautilida constitute a large and diverse order of generally coiled nautiloid cephalopods that began in the mid Paleozoic and continues to the present with a single family, the Nautilidae which includes two genera, Nautilus and Allonautilus, with six species. All told, between 22 and 34 families and 165 to 184 genera have been recognised, making this the largest order of the subclass Nautiloidea.
Liroceratidae is an extinct family of nautilids, shelled marine molluscs, belonging to the Clydonautiloidea, consisting of generally smooth, involute, nautiliconic forms with a small umbilicus. The whorl section is usually depressed and broadly rounded, the suture only slightly sinuous, and the siphuncle usually more or less central.
Ephippioceras, which has the full range of the family, has a broad, narrowly peaked ( V-shaped) ventral saddle and may have been derived from Liroceras early in the Mississippian. Megaglossoceras from the Pennsylvanian of North America, with its large, broadly arched, tongue-like ventral saddle is an obvious offshoot of Ephippioceras. Both are subglobular and involute with a reniform whorl section. Ephippioceras has been found in North America, Europe, and China.
Liroceras is a genus of nautiloid cephalopod. It is the type genus of the clydonautiliacean family, Liroceratidae, and is characterized by a rapidly expanding, subglobular, nautiliconic shell with a reniform whorl section, small umbilicus, essentially straight sutures, and a siphuncle with a variable but not marginal position.
The Pennsylvanian is, in the ICS geologic timescale, the younger of two subperiods of the Carboniferous Period. It lasted from roughly 323.2 million years ago to 298.9 million years ago Ma. As with most other geochronologic units, the rock beds that define the Pennsylvanian are well identified, but the exact date of the start and end are uncertain by a few hundred thousand years. The Pennsylvanian is named after the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, where the coal-productive beds of this age are widespread.
Goniatites is a genus of extinct cephalopods belonging to the family Goniatitidae, included in the superfamily Goniatitaceae. Hibernicoceras and Hypergoniatites are among related genera.
Beyrichoceras is a genus belonging to the Goniatitid family, Maxigoniatitidae that lived during the Mississippian Period
Gastrioceratoidea is one of seventeen superfamilies in the suborder Goniatitina, ammonoid cephalopods from the Late Paleozoic.
The Ammonellipsitinae is a subfamily within the Pericyclidae, a family within the goniatitid superfamily Pericycloidea from the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) characterized by having a suture in which the sides of the ventral lobe diverge and the first lateral saddle is acute or subacute, and in which the immature and juvenile shell has a wide umbilicus.
Actinoceras is the principal and root genus of the Actinoceratidae, a major family in the Actinocerida, that lived during the Middle and Late Ordovician.
Neocycloceras is an extinct genus of nautiloid included in the Pseudorthocerida that lived during the Late Devonian and Mississippian. Neoclycloceras is characterized by a slender, generally circular shell with slightly oblique,sinuous surficial annulations. Its sutures have dorsal and ventral saddles and lateral lobes and become more oblique with age. Saddles point forward, lobes to the rear. Dorsal saddles are broad and low but the ventral ones are high and conspicuous. The siphuncle is located between the center and venter and is nummuloidal, composed of rounded expanded segments, the inside of which contains a continuous laminar lining that is thickest in the middle of the segments and thinnest at the septal necks. Neocycloceras has been found in Pennsylvania in North America and in Morocco in north Africa.
Valhallites is an extinct genus in the nautiloid order Nautilida which includes the living Nautilus found in the tropical western Pacifiic. Valhalites belongs to the Koninckioceratidae, a family in the Tainoceratacea, a nautilid superfamily.
The Trigonoceratoidea are a superfamily within the Nautilida that ranged from the Devonian to the Triassic, thought to have contained the source for the Nautilaceae in which Nautilus is found.
Syringonautilidae is a family of Nautiloidea from the middle to late Triassic. Syringonautilidae comprise the last of the Trigonoceratoidea and are the source for the Nautilaceae which continued the Nautiloidea through the Mesozoic and into the Cenozoic right down to the recent. Syringonautilidae is a strictly Triassic family, derived early in the Triassic from the Grypoceratidae.
Grypoceratidae is the longest-lived family of the Trigonoceratoidea, or of the near equivalent Centroceratina; members of the Nautilida from the Upper Paleozoic and Triassic.
The Trigonoceratidae is a family of coiled nautiloid cephalopods that lived during the period from the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) to the Early Permian.
The Centroceratidae is the ancestral family of the Trigonoceratoidea and of the equivalent Centroceratina; extinct shelled cephalopods belonging to the order Nautilida
Aphelaeceras is an extinct genus from the nautilid family Trigonoceratidae which is part of the Trigonocerataceae, that lived during the Mississippian Period in the late Paleozoic.
Chouteauoceras is an openly coiled, gyroconic, nautiloid cephalopod from the Mississippian of North America belonging to the Nautilid family Trigonoceratidae, and superfamily Trigonocerataceae.
Edaphoceras is a genus of koninckioceratid nautilids from the Mississippian of North America, named by Hyatt, 1884, with depressed whorls just in contact. The shell, as typical for the family, is evolute; whorl section is fusiform with broadly rounded venter and dorsum meeting at a narrow angle on either side. Its suture has a distinct ventral and dorsal lobe and an angular lateral saddle. The siphuncle is small and near central.
The Uddenitinae a subfamily of the Medlicottiidae, a family of ammonoid cephalopods included in the Prolecanitida. The Uddenitinae, proposed by Miller and Furnish, and known from the Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian, are transitional between the ancestral Pronoritidae and the more traditional medlicottiids
Bisatoceras is a late Paleozoic Ammonoidea; a member of the goniatitid family Bisatoceratidae.
Masonoceras is a genus of Karagondoceratids from Lower Mississippian strata, the shell of which is thinly subdiscoidal to discoidal with an acute ventral margin in late ontogeny. Whorls are strongly embracing, umbilicus narrow to occluded. The mature external suture contains a wide trifid ventral lobe, the flanking prongs longer that the medial, an asymmetrically rounded lateral saddle and a deeper asymmetric pointed lateral lobe. Internal molds of the type, Mesoceras Kentuckiense show presence of a broad hyponomic sinus flanked by high rounded vantrolateral salients.
The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology published by the Geological Society of America and the University of Kansas Press, is a definitive multi-authored work of some 50 volumes, written by more than 300 paleontologists, and covering every phylum, class, order, family, and genus of fossil and extant invertebrate animals. The prehistoric invertebrates are described as to their taxonomy, morphology, paleoecology, stratigraphic and paleogeographic range. However, genera with no fossil record whatsoever have just a very brief listing.