Epistemology of Wikipedia

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Epistemology is a major branch of philosophy and is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. The epistemology of Wikipedia has been a subject of interest from the earliest days of its existence.[ citation needed ]

Early analysis related the epistemology of Wikipedia to social epistemology. Other realms of epistemological research, such as the epistemology of testimony and epistemic value theory, have been studied regarding Wikipedia. [1] :6

More recent analysis suggests that the epistemology of Wikipedia derives from the combined epistemic values of wikis and encyclopedias. Jankowski [2] cites Ruth and Houghton [3] who define the epistemic values of wikis as:

Jankowski suggests that the determination of the epistemic values of encyclopedias is more problematic, requiring genre analysis. [2] This analysis revealed that encyclopedias value:

Fallis [1] previously identified the specific epistemic virtues of Wikipedia as

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  1. 1 2 Fallis, Don (2008). "Toward an Epistemology of Wikipedia". Social Science Research Network . SSRN   1263781.
  2. 1 2 Jankowski, Steve (2013). Wikipedia and Encyclopaedism: A genre analysis of epistemological values (PDF) (M.A. thesis). See also Pierre Lévy blog post and comments, 27 May 2013.
  3. Ruth, Alison L.; Houghton, Luke (2009). "The wiki way of learning". Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 25 (2): 135–152. doi: 10.14742/ajet.1147 . Archived from the original on 2013-06-22.