Ewa Kubicka

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Ewa Maria Kubicka is a Polish mathematician interested in graph theory and actuarial science. [1] She is known for introducing the concept of the chromatic sum of a graph, the minimum possible sum when the vertices are labeled by natural numbers with no two adjacent vertices having equal labels. [2]

Kubicka studied mathematics at Wrocław University of Science and Technology beginning in 1974, and earned a master's degree there in 1979. She came to Western Michigan University for graduate study, earning both a master's degree in computer science and a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1989. [1] Her dissertation, The Chromatic Sum and Efficient Tree Algorithms, was supervised by Allen J. Schwenk. [3] She became an assistant professor at Emory University and then, in 1990, moved to the University of Louisville, where she has been a full professor since 2004. [1] At Louisville, she directs the actuarial program and is undergraduate advisor for mathematics. [4]

She is known for having an erdős number of one. [5]

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Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sum coloring</span>

In graph theory, a sum coloring of a graph is a labeling of its vertices by positive integers, with no two adjacent vertices having equal labels, that minimizes the sum of the labels. The minimum sum that can be achieved is called the chromatic sum of the graph. Chromatic sums and sum coloring were introduced by Supowit in 1987 using non-graph-theoretic terminology, and first studied in graph theoretic terms by Ewa Kubicka in her 1989 doctoral thesis.


  1. 1 2 3 Curriculum vitae , retrieved 2018-02-17
  2. Małafiejski, Michał (2004), "Sum coloring of graphs", in Kubale, Marek (ed.), Graph Colorings, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 352, Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, pp. 55–65, doi: 10.1090/conm/352/06372 , MR   2076989
  3. Ewa Kubicka at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  4. "Faculty", Mathematics Department People, University of Louisville, archived from the original on 2018-06-03, retrieved 2018-02-17
  5. Who's Important? A tale from Wikipedia , retrieved 2021-03-11