Exercise intensity

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Exercise intensity refers to how much energy is expended when exercising. Perceived intensity varies with each person. It has been found that intensity has an effect on what fuel the body uses and what kind of adaptations the body makes after exercise. Intensity is the amount of physical power (expressed as a percentage of the maximal oxygen consumption) that the body uses when performing an activity. For example, exercise intensity defines how hard the body has to work to walk a mile in 20 minutes. [1]


Measures of Intensity

Heart Rate is typically used as a measure of exercise intensity. [2] Heart rate can be an indicator of the challenge to the cardiovascular system that the exercise represents.

The most precise measure of intensity is oxygen consumption (VO2). VO2 represents the overall metabolic challenge that an exercise imposes. There is a direct linear relationship between intensity of aerobic exercise and VO2. Our maximum intensity is a reflection of our maximal oxygen consumption (VO2 max). Such a measurement represents a cardiovascular fitness level. [3]

VO2 is measured in METs (mL/kg/min). One MET, which is equal to 3.5 mL/kg per minute, is considered to be the average resting energy expenditure of a typical human being. Intensity of exercise can be expressed as multiples of resting energy expenditure. An intensity of exercise equivalent to 6 METs means that the energy expenditure of the exercise is six times the resting energy expenditure. [3]

Intensity of exercise can be expressed in absolute or relative terms. For example, two individuals with different measures of VO2 max, running at 7 mph are running at the same absolute intensity (miles/hour) but a different relative intensity (% of VO2 max expended). The individual with the higher VO2 max is running at a lower intensity at this pace than the individual with the lower VO2 max is. [3]

Some studies measure exercise intensity by having subjects perform exercise trials to determine peak power output, [4] which may be measured in watts, heart rate, or average cadence (cycling). This approach attempts to gauge overall workload.

An informal method to determine optimal exercise intensity is the talk test. It states that exercise intensity is “just about right”, when the subject can “just respond to conversation.” [5] The talk test results in similar exercise intensity as the ventilatory threshold and is suitable for exercise prescription. [6]

Intensity Levels

Exercise is categorized into three different intensity levels. These levels include low, moderate, and vigorous and are measured by the metabolic equivalent of task (aka metabolic equivalent or METs). The effects of exercise are different at each intensity level (i.e. training effect). Recommendations to lead a healthy lifestyle vary for individuals based on age, weight, and existing activity levels. “Published guidelines for healthy adults state that 20-60 minutes of medium intensity continuous or intermittent aerobic activity 3-5 times per week is needed for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, and muscular strength.” [7]

Physical ActivityMET
Light Intensity Activities< 3
watching television1.0
writing, desk work, typing1.8
walking, 1.7 mph (2.7 km/h), level ground, strolling, very slow2.3
walking, 2.5 mph (4 km/h)2.9
Moderate Intensity Activities3 to 6
bicycling, stationary, 50 watts, very light effort3.0
walking 3.0 mph (4.8 km/h)3.3
calisthenics, home exercise, light or moderate effort, general3.5
walking 3.4 mph (5.5 km/h)3.6
bicycling, <10 mph (16 km/h), leisure, to work or for pleasure4.0
bicycling, stationary, 100 watts, light effort5.5
Vigorous Intensity Activities> 6
jogging, general7.0
calisthenics (e.g. pushups, situps, pullups, jumping jacks), heavy, vigorous effort8.0
running jogging, in place8.0
rope jumping10.0

Fuel Used

The body uses different amounts of energy substrates (carbohydrates or fats) depending on the intensity of the exercise and the VO2 Max of the exerciser. Protein is a third energy substrate, but it contributes minimally and is therefore discounted in the percent contribution graphs reflecting different intensities of exercise. The fuel provided by the body dictates an individual's capacity to increase the intensity level of a given activity. In other words, the intensity level of an activity determines the order of fuel recruitment. Specifically, exercise physiology dictates that low intensity, long duration exercise provides a larger percentage of fat contribution in the calories burned because the body does not need to quickly and efficiently produce energy (i.e., adenosine triphosphate) to maintain the activity. On the other hand, high intensity activity utilizes a larger percentage of carbohydrates in the calories expended because its quick production of energy makes it the preferred energy substrate for high intensity exercise. High intensity activity also yields a higher total caloric expenditure. [3]

VO2 max acts as a key determinant of fuel usage during exercise. Higher VO2 Max individuals can sustain higher intensities in the "fat-burning zone" before shifting to carbohydrates, enhancing their endurance and efficiency.

This table outlines the estimated distribution of energy consumption at different percentages of VO2 Max. [8]

Intensity (% of VO2 Max) % Fat % CarbohydrateFuel Usage
258515Most energy from fatty acids.
655050Equal contribution from fatty acids, and carbohydrates.
854060Decreased fatty acid usage, high reliance on carbohydrates.

These estimates are valid only when glycogen reserves are able to cover the energy needs. If a person depletes their glycogen reserves after a long workout (a phenomenon known as "hitting the wall"), the body will use mostly fat for energy (known as "second wind"). Ketones, produced by the liver, will slowly buildup in concentration in the blood, the longer that the person's glycogen reserves have been depleted, typically due to starvation or a low carb diet (βHB 3 - 5 mM). Prolonged aerobic exercise, where individuals "hit the wall" can create post-exercise ketosis; however, the level of ketones produced are smaller (βHB 0.3 - 2 mM). [9] [10]

Exercise intensity (%Wmax) and substrate use in skeletal muscle during aerobic activity (cycling) [11]
Exercise intensity (WMax)
At rest40%Wmax

Very low-intensity





Percent of substrate

contribution to total energy expenditure

Plasma glucose44%10%13%18%
Muscle glycogen-35%38%58%
Plasma free fatty acids56%31%25%15%
Other fat sources

(intramuscular andlipoprotein-derived triglycerides)

Total energy expenditure (kJ min−1)10506585

High Intensity Exercise in Pregnancy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly to promote maternal and fetal health. [12] Different parameters for high-intensity exercise have been researched to educate and determine their safety for the mother and fetus.

Studies support that an acute bout of high-intensity exercise in active pregnant women does not lead to fetal distress or adverse effects. Results were also similar in maternal and fetal responses to moderate-intensity and high-intensity training. Both intensity exercises were associated with normal maternal and fetal cerebral blood flow responses. It also showed healthy circulation in the fetus and mother, demonstrating vasodilation and improved placental perfusion. [13]

Current evidence suggests that high-intensity exercises may be well-tolerated by healthy, active pregnant women in their late second and third trimesters. [14] The frequency, type, time, and volume of these exercises should be individually tailored to the patient, prescribed, and conducted by medical professionals and exercise specialists. Pregnant women are also advised not to participate in activities that will increase their heart rate to above 90% of their known maximum heart rate. [15]

See also

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Anaerobic exercise</span> Physical exercise intense enough to cause lactate formation

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V̇O2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake or maximal aerobic capacity) is the maximum rate of oxygen consumption attainable during physical exertion. The name is derived from three abbreviations: "V̇" for volume (the dot over the V indicates "per unit of time" in Newton's notation), "O2" for oxygen, and "max" for maximum and usually normalized per kilogram of body mass. A similar measure is V̇O2 peak (peak oxygen consumption), which is the measurable value from a session of physical exercise, be it incremental or otherwise. It could match or underestimate the actual V̇O2 max. Confusion between the values in older and popular fitness literature is common. The capacity of the lung to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide is constrained by the rate of blood oxygen transport to active tissue.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Hitting the wall</span> Sudden fatigue during endurance sports

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Physical activity</span> Any voluntarily bodily motion produced by skeletal muscles and requires energy expenditure

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Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity. Scientists and researchers use CRF to assess the functional capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. These functions include ventilation, perfusion, gas exchange, vasodilation, and delivery of oxygen to the body's tissues. As these body's functions are vital to an individual's health, CRF allows observers to quantify an individual's morbidity and mortality risk as a function of cardiorespiratory health.

Interval training is a type of training exercise that involves a series of high-intensity workouts interspersed with rest or break periods. The high-intensity periods are typically at or close to anaerobic exercise, while the recovery periods involve activity of lower intensity. Varying the intensity of effort exercises the heart muscle, providing a cardiovascular workout, improving aerobic capacity and permitting the person to exercise for longer and/or at more intense levels.

Lactate inflection point (LIP) is the exercise intensity at which the blood concentration of lactate and/or lactic acid begins to increase rapidly. It is often expressed as 85% of maximum heart rate or 75% of maximum oxygen intake. When exercising at or below the lactate threshold, any lactate produced by the muscles is removed by the body without it building up.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Bioenergetic systems</span> Metabolic processes for energy production

Bioenergetic systems are metabolic processes that relate to the flow of energy in living organisms. Those processes convert energy into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the form suitable for muscular activity. There are two main forms of synthesis of ATP: aerobic, which uses oxygen from the bloodstream, and anaerobic, which does not. Bioenergetics is the field of biology that studies bioenergetic systems.

Second wind is a phenomenon in endurance sports, such as marathons or road running, whereby an athlete who is out of breath and too tired to continue, finds the strength to press on at top performance with less exertion. The feeling may be similar to that of a "runner's high", the most obvious difference being that the runner's high occurs after the race is over. In muscle glycogenoses, an inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism impairs either the formation or utilization of muscle glycogen. As such, those with muscle glycogenoses do not need to do prolonged exercise to experience "hitting the wall". Instead, signs of exercise intolerance, such as an inappropriate rapid heart rate response to exercise, are experienced from the beginning of an activity, and some muscle GSDs can achieve second wind within about 10 minutes from the beginning of the aerobic activity, such as walking. (See below in pathology).

Incremental exercise is physical exercise that increases in intensity over time.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cardiovascular fitness</span> Heart-related component of physical fitness

Cardiovascular fitness is a component of physical fitness, which refers to a person's ability to deliver oxygen to the working muscles, including the heart. Cardiovascular fitness is improved by sustained physical activity (see also Endurance Training) and is affected by many physiological parameters, including cardiac output (determined by heart rate multiplied by stroke volume), vascular patency, and maximal oxygen consumption (i.e. VO2 max).

The physiology of marathons is typically associated with high demands on a marathon runner's cardiovascular system and their locomotor system. The marathon was conceived centuries ago and as of recent has been gaining popularity among many populations around the world. The 42.195 km distance is a physical challenge that entails distinct features of an individual's energy metabolism. Marathon runners finish at different times because of individual physiological characteristics.


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