![]() | This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Missing definitions, and grammar requires heavy copy-editing. Blindly pointing to the references should not be the point of the article. Missing scholarly exposition.(July 2012) |
Expander codes | |
bipartite expander graph | |
Classification | |
Type | Linear block code |
Block length | |
Message length | |
Rate | |
Distance | |
Alphabet size | |
Notation | -code |
In coding theory, expander codes form a class of error-correcting codes that are constructed from bipartite expander graphs. Along with Justesen codes, expander codes are of particular interest since they have a constant positive rate, a constant positive relative distance, and a constant alphabet size. In fact, the alphabet contains only two elements, so expander codes belong to the class of binary codes. Furthermore, expander codes can be both encoded and decoded in time proportional to the block length of the code.
In coding theory, an expander code is a linear block code whose parity check matrix is the adjacency matrix of a bipartite expander graph. These codes have good relative distance , where and are properties of the expander graph as defined later), rate , and decodability (algorithms of running time exist).
Let be a -biregular graph between a set of nodes , called variables, and a set of nodes , called constraints.
Let be a function designed so that, for each constraint , the variables neighboring are .
Let be an error-correcting code of block length . The expander code is the code of block length whose codewords are the words such that, for , is a codeword of . [1]
It has been shown that nontrivial lossless expander graphs exist. Moreover, we can explicitly construct them. [2]
The rate of is its dimension divided by its block length. In this case, the parity check matrix has size , and hence has rate at least .
Suppose . Then the distance of a expander code is at least .
Note that we can consider every codeword in as a subset of vertices , by saying that vertex if and only if the th index of the codeword is a 1. Then is a codeword iff every vertex is adjacent to an even number of vertices in . (In order to be a codeword, , where is the parity check matrix. Then, each vertex in corresponds to each column of . Matrix multiplication over then gives the desired result.) So, if a vertex is adjacent to a single vertex in , we know immediately that is not a codeword. Let denote the neighbors in of , and denote those neighbors of which are unique, i.e., adjacent to a single vertex of .
For every of size , .
Trivially, , since implies . follows since the degree of every vertex in is . By the expansion property of the graph, there must be a set of edges which go to distinct vertices. The remaining edges make at most neighbors not unique, so .
Every sufficiently small has a unique neighbor. This follows since .
Every subset with has a unique neighbor.
Lemma 1 proves the case , so suppose . Let such that . By Lemma 1, we know that . Then a vertex is in iff , and we know that , so by the first part of Lemma 1, we know . Since , , and hence is not empty.
Note that if a has at least 1 unique neighbor, i.e. , then the corresponding word corresponding to cannot be a codeword, as it will not multiply to the all zeros vector by the parity check matrix. By the previous argument, . Since is linear, we conclude that has distance at least .
The encoding time for an expander code is upper bounded by that of a general linear code - by matrix multiplication. A result due to Spielman shows that encoding is possible in time. [3]
Decoding of expander codes is possible in time when using the following algorithm.
Let be the vertex of that corresponds to the th index in the codewords of . Let be a received word, and . Let be , and be . Then consider the greedy algorithm:
Input: received word .
initialize y' to y while there is a v in R adjacent to an odd number of vertices in V(y') if there is an i such that o(i) > e(i) flip entry i in y' else fail
Output: fail, or modified codeword .
We show first the correctness of the algorithm, and then examine its running time.
We must show that the algorithm terminates with the correct codeword when the received codeword is within half the code's distance of the original codeword. Let the set of corrupt variables be , , and the set of unsatisfied (adjacent to an odd number of vertices) vertices in be . The following lemma will prove useful.
If , then there is a with .
By Lemma 1, we know that . So an average vertex has at least unique neighbors (recall unique neighbors are unsatisfied and hence contribute to ), since , and thus there is a vertex with .
So, if we have not yet reached a codeword, then there will always be some vertex to flip. Next, we show that the number of errors can never increase beyond .
If we start with , then we never reach at any point in the algorithm.
When we flip a vertex , and are interchanged, and since we had , this means the number of unsatisfied vertices on the right decreases by at least one after each flip. Since , the initial number of unsatisfied vertices is at most , by the graph's -regularity. If we reached a string with errors, then by Lemma 1, there would be at least unique neighbors, which means there would be at least unsatisfied vertices, a contradiction.
Lemmas 3 and 4 show us that if we start with (half the distance of ), then we will always find a vertex to flip. Each flip reduces the number of unsatisfied vertices in by at least 1, and hence the algorithm terminates in at most steps, and it terminates at some codeword, by Lemma 3. (Were it not at a codeword, there would be some vertex to flip). Lemma 4 shows us that we can never be farther than away from the correct codeword. Since the code has distance (since ), the codeword it terminates on must be the correct codeword, since the number of bit flips is less than half the distance (so we couldn't have traveled far enough to reach any other codeword).
We now show that the algorithm can achieve linear time decoding. Let be constant, and be the maximum degree of any vertex in . Note that is also constant for known constructions.
This gives a total runtime of time, where and are constants.
This article is based on Dr. Venkatesan Guruswami's course notes. [4]
In graph theory, an expander graph is a sparse graph that has strong connectivity properties, quantified using vertex, edge or spectral expansion. Expander constructions have spawned research in pure and applied mathematics, with several applications to complexity theory, design of robust computer networks, and the theory of error-correcting codes.
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Alan M. Frieze is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, United States. He graduated from the University of Oxford in 1966, and obtained his PhD from the University of London in 1975. His research interests lie in combinatorics, discrete optimisation and theoretical computer science. Currently, he focuses on the probabilistic aspects of these areas; in particular, the study of the asymptotic properties of random graphs, the average case analysis of algorithms, and randomised algorithms. His recent work has included approximate counting and volume computation via random walks; finding edge disjoint paths in expander graphs, and exploring anti-Ramsey theory and the stability of routing algorithms.
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The counting lemmas this article discusses are statements in combinatorics and graph theory. The first one extracts information from -regular pairs of subsets of vertices in a graph , in order to guarantee patterns in the entire graph; more explicitly, these patterns correspond to the count of copies of a certain graph in . The second counting lemma provides a similar yet more general notion on the space of graphons, in which a scalar of the cut distance between two graphs
The blow-up lemma, proved by János Komlós, Gábor N. Sárközy, and Endre Szemerédi in 1997, is an important result in extremal graph theory, particularly within the context of the regularity method. It states that the regular pairs in the statement of Szemerédi's regularity lemma behave like complete bipartite graphs in the context of embedding spanning graphs of bounded degree.