Expedition of Abu Qatadah ibn Rab'i al-Ansari (Khadirah)

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Abu Qatadah ibn Rab'i al-Ansari (Khadirah)
DateNovember 629 AD, 8AH
  • Successful raid, some enemies killed
  • Large amount of flock captured [1] [2]
Commanders and leaders
Abu Qatadah ibn Rab'i al-Ansari Unknown
15 Unknown
Casualties and losses
0 Some killed, some captured
(unknown numbers) [3] [4]

Expedition of Abu Qatadah ibn Rab'i al-Ansari, [5] to Khadirah (also spelt Khadrah), and also known as the Campaign of Khadrah [6] [7] took place in November 629 AD, 8AH, 8th month, of the Islamic Calendar [8]



In Sha‘ban month 8 A.H., news reached Muhammad of amassing troops by Bani Ghatafan, still outside the domain of Islam. He urgently summoned Abu Qatadah and sent him at the head of 18 men to discipline the tribe.

It took 15 days to reach them. Some were killed, others captured and all their property confiscated. [9] [10]

This was an expedition against the tribe of Khudra a sub-clan of Banu Ghatafan, which resulted in the capture of large amounts of flock.

After this expedition, due to Muhammad's increasing power, many tribes switched their allegiance and converted to Islam. Among them were: Bani Dzobian, Banu Fazara, Banu Murra hand Banu Abs. The Banu Sulaym also submitted themselves to Muhammad after previously fighting his followers in the Expedition of Ibn Abi Al-Awja Al-Sulami, [11] where most of the Muslims and Banu Sulaym who fought each other were killed. Most of the tribes in the vicinity of Medina also recognised the supremacy of Muhammad. [12]

See also


  1. The sealed nectar, By S.R. Al-Mubarakpuri, Pg247 Author references Rahmat-ul-lil'alameen 2/233; Talqeeh Fuhoom Ahl Al-Athar p.33
  2. "Khadrah Campaign", Witness-Pioneer.com
  3. The sealed nectar, By S.R. Al-Mubarakpuri, Pg247 Author references Rahmat-ul-lil'alameen 2/233; Talqeeh Fuhoom Ahl Al-Athar p.33
  4. "Khadrah Campaign", Witness-Pioneer.com
  5. "Atlas Al-sīrah Al-Nabawīyah" . Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  6. The sealed nectar, By S.R. Al-Mubarakpuri, Pg247 Author references Rahmat-ul-lil'alameen 2/233; Talqeeh Fuhoom Ahl Al-Athar p.33
  7. "Khadrah Campaign", Witness-Pioneer.com
  8. "List of Battles of Muhammad". Archived from the original on 26 July 2011. Retrieved 6 May 2011.
  9. The sealed nectar, By S.R. Al-Mubarakpuri, Pg247 Author references Rahmat-ul-lil'alameen 2/233; Talqeeh Fuhoom Ahl Al-Athar p.33
  10. "Khadrah Campaign", Witness-Pioneer.com
  11. "The Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira" . Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  12. "The Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira" . Retrieved 17 December 2014.

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