FOSD Mixin Layers

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The key implementation technique of GenVoca is due to Smaragdakis called mixin-layers. [1] [2] [3]

Aspectual mixin layers and aspectual feature modules are recent extensions that incorporate aspect-oriented programming. [4] [5]

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<i>Modern C++ Design</i> Book by Andrei Alexandrescu

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  1. "Implementing Layered Designs with Mixin Layers" (PDF).
  2. "Object Oriented Frameworks and Product Lines" (PDF).
  3. "Mixin Layers: An Object Oriented Implementation Technique for Refinements and Collaboration-Based Designs" (PDF).
  4. "Aspectual Mixin Layers: Aspects and Features in Concert" (PDF).
  5. "Aspectual Feature Modules".