FasX small RNA

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In molecular biology, the FasX small RNA (fibronectin/fibrinogen-binding/haemolytic-activity/streptokinase-regulator-X) is a non-coding small RNA (sRNA) produced by all group A Streptococcus . [1] FasX has also been found in species of group D and group G Streptococcus . FasX regulates expression of secreted virulence factor streptokinase (SKA), encoded by the ska gene. FasX base pairs to the 5' end of the ska mRNA, increasing the stability of the mRNA, resulting in elevated levels of streptokinase expression. [2] FasX negatively regulates the expression of pili and fibronectin-binding proteins on the bacterial cell surface. It binds to the 5' untranslated region of genes in the FCT-region in a serotype-specific manner, reducing the stability of and inhibiting translation of the pilus biosynthesis operon mRNA by occluding the ribosome-binding site through a simple Watson-Crick base-pairing mechanism. [3] [4] [5]


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  1. Kreikemeyer, B; Boyle, MD; Buttaro, BA; Heinemann, M; Podbielski, A (Jan 2001). "Group A streptococcal growth phase-associated virulence factor regulation by a novel operon (Fas) with homologies to two-component-type regulators requires a small RNA molecule". Molecular Microbiology. 39 (2): 392–406. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.2001.02226.x . PMID   11136460. S2CID   20242213.
  2. Ramirez-Peña, E; Treviño, J; Liu, Z; Perez, N; Sumby, P (Dec 2010). "The group A Streptococcus small regulatory RNA FasX enhances streptokinase activity by increasing the stability of the ska mRNA transcript". Molecular Microbiology. 78 (6): 1332–1347. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07427.x. PMC   3071709 . PMID   21143309.
  3. Liu, Z; Treviño, J; Ramirez-Peña, E; Sumby, P (Oct 2012). "The small regulatory RNA FasX controls pilus expression and adherence in the human bacterial pathogen group A Streptococcus". Molecular Microbiology. 86 (1): 140–154. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08178.x. PMC   3456998 . PMID   22882718.
  4. Danger, JL; Cao, TN; Cao, TH; Sarkar, P; Treviño, J; Pflughoeft, KJ; Sumby, P (April 2015). "The small regulatory RNA FasX enhances group A Streptococcus virulence and inhibits pilus expression via serotype-specific targets". Molecular Microbiology. 96 (2): 249–262. doi:10.1111/mmi.12935. PMC   4390479 . PMID   25586884.
  5. Danger, JL; Makthal, N; Kumaraswami, M; Sumby, P (1 December 2015). "The FasX Small Regulatory RNA Negatively Regulates the Expression of Two Fibronectin-Binding Proteins in Group A Streptococcus". Journal of Bacteriology. 197 (23): 3720–3730. doi:10.1128/jb.00530-15. PMC   4626899 . PMID   26391206.

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