Fatma Sultan (daughter of Ibrahim)

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Fatma Sultan
Topkapi Palace, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire
(modern-day Istanbul, Turkey)
Died1682 [1] [2]
Istanbul, Ottoman Empire
(modern-day Turkey)
Issuea daughter
Dynasty Ottoman
Father Ibrahim
Mother Muazzez Sultan
Religion Sunni Islam

Fatma Sultan was a daughter of Sultan Ibrahim.


Fatma was born in September 1642. [3] Her mother is disputed; one claim her mother was Muazzez Sultan , others that it was Turhan Sultan, but that fact has not been established until today. She was radised by Turhan Hatice Sultan and Atike Sultan.


First marriage

She was married in 1645 to Silahtar Yusuf Pasha, who was executed by orders of her father in 1646. When he executed his son-in-law, Sultan Ibrahim cried and said: "How he had beautiful cheeks, like red apples. What a pity I killed him!"

Second marriage

Fatma remarried a month later to Fazli Pasha,Admiral of the fleet, [4] who was soon removed to capital.The Sultan granted the couple a palace in Binbirdirek district, near the mosque of Sultan Ahmed. Turhan Sultan also presented her with gifts, including a silver jewelry box. It is believed she started living under same roof with Pasha in 1656–57, but preety soon he was executed.

Later life

One document, dated May 14, 1661, lists payments to Fatma Sultan, daughter of Sultan Ibrahim. At that time she was almost 20 old. J. Oztuna in his work "State and Dynasty" writes that she had a daughter from Fazli Pasha, whose name could not be established. At the age of 9, this Hanimsultan was married to the Vizier Silahdar Kenan Pasha.

Some believe that she was for third time married to Közbekçi Yusuf Pasha instead of her aunt Fatma, but probably this belief is incorrect. However, some sources claim she remarried once more [5] , but it is not known to whom.


Fatma Sultan died in 1682, and was buried in Yeni Valide Mosque. Turhan Hatice Sultan personally took care of her burial. She also ordered that the Kuran will be read by thirty people in the mausoleum where she was buried.

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  1. Öztuna , 1996, p. 264.
  2. Mandel, 1992, p. 217.
  3. Uluçay, 2011, p. 101.
  4. Mustafa Çağatay Uluçay (2011). Padişahların kadınları ve kızları. Ankara, Ötüken. pp. 63–65.
  5. Öztuna, 1986. Osmanli devleti tarihi, p. 355.