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Fcabs are antibodies fragments engineered from the constant region of an antibody (Fc). [1] In naturally occurring antibodies (such as IgGs), the antigen-binding sites are located at the variable regions (Fab).



Fcabs can be expressed as soluble proteins or they can be engineered back into a full IgG. This type of antibodies are therefore able to recognise two different antigens, one at their Fab region and a second one at the Fc region, hence the name of bispecific antibodies. This antibody fragment is part of the modular antibody technology of F-star Biotechnology Ltd.[ citation needed ]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chemically linked Fab</span>

Two chemically linked fragments antigen-binding form an artificial antibody that binds to two different antigens, making it a type of bispecific antibody. They are fragments antigen-binding of two different monoclonal antibodies and are linked by chemical means like a thioether. Typically, one of the Fabs binds to a tumour antigen and the other to a protein on the surface of an immune cell, for example an Fc receptor on a macrophage. In this way, tumour cells are attached to immune cells, which destroy them.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">SpAB protein domain</span>

In molecular biology, the domain B, refers to the immunoglobulin-binding domain found in the Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor protein A (SpA). Hence, it is abbreviated to SpAB.

F-star Biotechnology Ltd. is a biotechnology company, founded in Vienna in 2006, with a current main research site in Cambridge, UK. The company is focused in developing bispecific monoclonal antibodies using a modular combinatorial approach that engineers the Fc constant region of an immunoglobulin into a novel antigen-binding site.

Recombinant antibodies are antibody fragments produced by using recombinant antibody coding genes. They mostly consist of a heavy and light chain of the variable region of immunoglobulin. Recombinant antibodies have many advantages in both medical and research applications, which make them a popular subject of exploration and new production against specific targets. The most commonly used form is the single chain variable fragment (scFv), which has shown the most promising traits exploitable in human medicine and research. In contrast to monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridoma technology, which may lose the capacity to produce the desired antibody over time or the antibody may undergo unwanted changes, which affect its functionality, recombinant antibodies produced in phage display maintain high standard of specificity and low immunogenicity.


  1. Wozniak-Knopp G, Bartl S, Bauer A, Mostageer M, Woisetschläger M, Antes B, Ettl K, Kainer M, Weberhofer G, Wiederkum S, Himmler G, Mudde GC, Rüker F (2010). "Introducing antigen-binding sites in structural loops of immunoglobulin constant domains: Fc fragments with engineered HER2/neu-binding sites and antibody properties". Protein Eng Des. 23 (4): 289–297. doi: 10.1093/protein/gzq005 . PMID   20150180.