Fermat quintic threefold

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Two-dimensional cross-section of the Fermat quintic threefold CalabiYau5.jpg
Two-dimensional cross-section of the Fermat quintic threefold

In mathematics, a Fermat quintic threefold is a special quintic threefold, in other words a degree 5, dimension 3 hypersurface in 4-dimensional complex projective space, given by the equation


This threefold, so named after Pierre de Fermat, is a Calabi–Yau manifold.

The Hodge diamond of a non-singular quintic 3-fold is


Rational curves

HerbertClemens  ( 1984 ) conjectured that the number of rational curves of a given degree on a generic quintic threefold is finite. The Fermat quintic threefold is not generic in this sense, and AlbertoAlbanoand Sheldon Katz  ( 1991 ) showed that its lines are contained in 50 1-dimensional families of the form

for and . There are 375 lines in more than one family, of the form

for fifth roots of unity and .

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