The term file dynamics is the motion of many particles in a narrow channel.
In science: in chemistry, physics, mathematics and related fields, file dynamics (sometimes called, single file dynamics) is the diffusion of N (N → ∞) identical Brownian hard spheres in a quasi-one-dimensional channel of length L (L → ∞), such that the spheres do not jump one on top of the other, and the average particle's density is approximately fixed. The most famous statistical properties of this process is that the mean squared displacement (MSD) of a particle in the file follows, , and its probability density function (PDF) is Gaussian in position with a variance MSD. [1] [2] [3]
Results in files that generalize the basic file include:
Generalizations of the basic file are important since these models represent reality much more accurately than the basic file. Indeed, file dynamics are used in modeling numerous microscopic processes: [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] the diffusion within biological and synthetic pores and porous material, the diffusion along 1D objects, such as in biological roads, the dynamics of a monomer in a polymer, etc.
In simple Brownian files, , the joint probability density function (PDF) for all the particles in file, obeys a normal diffusion equation:
1 |
In , is the set of particles' positions at time and is the set of the particles' initial positions at the initial time (set to zero). Equation (1) is solved with the appropriate boundary conditions, which reflect the hard-sphere nature of the file:
2 |
and with the appropriate initial condition:
3 |
In a simple file, the initial density is fixed, namely,, where is a parameter that represents a microscopic length. The PDFs' coordinates must obey the order: .
In such files, the equation of motion follows,
4 |
with the boundary conditions:
5 |
and with the initial condition, Eq. ( 3 ), where the particles’ initial positions obey:
6 |
The file diffusion coefficients are taken independently from the PDF,
7 |
where Λ has a finite value that represents the fastest diffusion coefficient in the file.
In renewal-anomalous files, a random period is taken independently from a waiting time probability density function (WT-PDF; see Continuous-time Markov process for more information) of the form: , where k is a parameter. Then, all the particles in the file stand still for this random period, where afterwards, all the particles attempt jumping in accordance with the rules of the file. This procedure is carried on over and over again. The equation of motion for the particles’ PDF in a renewal-anomalous file is obtained when convoluting the equation of motion for a Brownian file with a kernel :
8 |
Here, the kernel and the WT-PDF are related in Laplace space, . (The Laplace transform of a function reads, .) The reflecting boundary conditions accompanied Eq. ( 8 ) are obtained when convoluting the boundary conditions of a Brownian file with the kernel , where here and in a Brownian file the initial conditions are identical.
When each particle in the anomalous file is assigned with its own jumping time drawn form ( is the same for all the particles), the anomalous file is not a renewal file. The basic dynamical cycle in such a file consists of the following steps: a particle with the fastest jumping time in the file, say, for particle i, attempts a jump. Then, the waiting times for all the other particles are adjusted: we subtract from each of them. Finally, a new waiting time is drawn for particle i. The most crucial difference among renewal anomalous files and anomalous files that are not renewal is that when each particle has its own clock, the particles are in fact connected also in the time domain, and the outcome is further slowness in the system (proved in the main text). The equation of motion for the PDF in anomalous files of independent particles reads:
9 |
Note that the time argument in the PDF is a vector of times: , and . Adding all the coordinates and performing the integration in the order of faster times first (the order is determined randomly from a uniform distribution in the space of configurations) gives the full equation of motion in anomalous files of independent particles (averaging of the equation over all configurations is therefore further required). Indeed, even Eq. ( 9 ) is very complicated, and averaging further complicates things.
The solution of Eqs. ( 1 )-( 2 ) is a complete set of permutations of all initial coordinates appearing in the Gaussians, [4]
10 |
Here, the index goes on all the permutations of the initial coordinates, and contains permutations. From Eq. ( 10 ), the PDF of a tagged particle in the file, , is calculated [4]
11 |
In Eq. ( 11 ), , ( is the initial condition of the tagged particle), and . The MSD for the tagged particle is obtained directly from Eq. ( 11 ):
12 |
The solution of Eqs. ( 4 )-( 7 ) is approximated with the expression, [5]
13 |
Starting from Eq. ( 13 ), the PDF of the tagged particle in the heterogeneous file follows, [5]
14 |
The MSD of a tagged particle in a heterogeneous file is taken from Eq. ( 14 ):
15 |
The results of renewal-anomalous files are simply derived from the results of Brownian files. Firstly, the PDF in Eq. ( 8 ) is written in terms of the PDF that solves the un-convoluted equation, that is, the Brownian file equation; this relation is made in Laplace space:
16 |
(The subscript nrml stands for normal dynamics.) From Eq. ( 16 ), it is straightforward relating the MSD of Brownian heterogeneous files and renewal-anomalous heterogeneous files, [6]
17 |
From Eq. ( 18 ), one finds that the MSD of a file with normal dynamics in the power of is the MSD of the corresponding renewal-anomalous file, [6]
19 |
The equation of motion for anomalous files with independent particles, ( 9 ), is very complicated. Solutions for such files are reached while deriving scaling laws and with numerical simulations.
Firstly, we write down the scaling law for the mean absolute displacement (MAD) in a renewal file with a constant density: [4] [5] [7]
20 |
Here, is the number of particles in the covered-length , and is the MAD of a free anomalous particle, . In Eq. ( 20 ), enters the calculations since all the particles within the distance from the tagged one must move in the same direction in order that the tagged particle will reach a distance from its initial position. Based on Eq. ( 20 ), we write a generalized scaling law for anomalous files of independent particles:
21 |
The first term on the right hand side of Eq. ( 21 ) appears also in renewal files; yet, the term f(n) is unique. f(n) is the probability that accounts for the fact that for moving n anomalous independent particles in the same direction, when these particles indeed try jumping in the same direction (expressed with the term, (), the particles in the periphery must move first so that the particles in the middle of the file will have the free space for moving, demanding faster jumping times for those in the periphery. f(n) appears since there is not a typical timescale for a jump in anomalous files, and the particles are independent, and so a particular particle can stand still for a very long time, substantially limiting the options of progress for the particles around him, during this time. Clearly,, where f(n) = 1 for renewal files since the particles jump together, yet also in files of independent particles with , since in such files there is a typical timescale for a jump, considered the time for a synchronized jump. We calculate f(n) from the number of configurations in which the order of the particles’ jumping times enables motion; that is, an order where the faster particles are always located towards the periphery. For n particles, there are n! different configurations, where one configuration is the optimal one; so, . Yet, although not optimal, propagation is also possible in many other configurations; when m is the number of particles that move, then,
22 |
where counts the number of configurations in which those m particles around the tagged one have the optimal jumping order. Now, even when m~n/2, . Using in Eq. ( 21 ), ( a small number larger than 1), we see,
23 |
(In Eq. ( 23 ), we use, .) Equation ( 23 ) shows that asymptotically the particles are extremely slow in anomalous files of independent particles.
With numerical studies, one sees that anomalous files of independent particles form clusters. This phenomenon defines a dynamical phase transition. At steady state, the percentage of particles in cluster, , follows,
24 |
In Figure 1 we show trajectories from 9 particles in a file of 501 particles. (It is recommended opening the file in a new window). The upper panels show trajectories for and the lower panels show trajectories for . For each value of shown are trajectories in the early stages of the simulations (left) and in all stages of the simulation (right). The panels exhibit the phenomenon of the clustering, where the trajectories attract each other and then move pretty much together.
In mathematics and physics, the heat equation is a parabolic partial differential equation. The theory of the heat equation was first developed by Joseph Fourier in 1822 for the purpose of modeling how a quantity such as heat diffuses through a given region. Since then, the heat equation and its variants have been found to be fundamental in many parts of both pure and applied mathematics.
In physics, a Langevin equation is a stochastic differential equation describing how a system evolves when subjected to a combination of deterministic and fluctuating ("random") forces. The dependent variables in a Langevin equation typically are collective (macroscopic) variables changing only slowly in comparison to the other (microscopic) variables of the system. The fast (microscopic) variables are responsible for the stochastic nature of the Langevin equation. One application is to Brownian motion, which models the fluctuating motion of a small particle in a fluid.
In statistical mechanics and information theory, the Fokker–Planck equation is a partial differential equation that describes the time evolution of the probability density function of the velocity of a particle under the influence of drag forces and random forces, as in Brownian motion. The equation can be generalized to other observables as well. The Fokker–Planck equation has multiple applications in information theory, graph theory, data science, finance, economics etc.
Fractional calculus is a branch of mathematical analysis that studies the several different possibilities of defining real number powers or complex number powers of the differentiation operator
In the physical science of dynamics, rigid-body dynamics studies the movement of systems of interconnected bodies under the action of external forces. The assumption that the bodies are rigid simplifies analysis, by reducing the parameters that describe the configuration of the system to the translation and rotation of reference frames attached to each body. This excludes bodies that display fluid, highly elastic, and plastic behavior.
A stochastic differential equation (SDE) is a differential equation in which one or more of the terms is a stochastic process, resulting in a solution which is also a stochastic process. SDEs have many applications throughout pure mathematics and are used to model various behaviours of stochastic models such as stock prices, random growth models or physical systems that are subjected to thermal fluctuations.
In plasma physics, the Vlasov equation is a differential equation describing time evolution of the distribution function of collisionless plasma consisting of charged particles with long-range interaction, such as the Coulomb interaction. The equation was first suggested for the description of plasma by Anatoly Vlasov in 1938 and later discussed by him in detail in a monograph. The Vlasov equation, combined with Landau kinetic equation describe collisional plasma.
Anomalous diffusion is a diffusion process with a non-linear relationship between the mean squared displacement (MSD), , and time. This behavior is in stark contrast to Brownian motion, the typical diffusion process described by Einstein and Smoluchowski, where the MSD is linear in time.
Stokesian dynamics is a solution technique for the Langevin equation, which is the relevant form of Newton's 2nd law for a Brownian particle. The method treats the suspended particles in a discrete sense while the continuum approximation remains valid for the surrounding fluid, i.e., the suspended particles are generally assumed to be significantly larger than the molecules of the solvent. The particles then interact through hydrodynamic forces transmitted via the continuum fluid, and when the particle Reynolds number is small, these forces are determined through the linear Stokes equations. In addition, the method can also resolve non-hydrodynamic forces, such as Brownian forces, arising from the fluctuating motion of the fluid, and interparticle or external forces. Stokesian Dynamics can thus be applied to a variety of problems, including sedimentation, diffusion and rheology, and it aims to provide the same level of understanding for multiphase particulate systems as molecular dynamics does for statistical properties of matter. For rigid particles of radius suspended in an incompressible Newtonian fluid of viscosity and density , the motion of the fluid is governed by the Navier–Stokes equations, while the motion of the particles is described by the coupled equation of motion:
In classical mechanics, Appell's equation of motion is an alternative general formulation of classical mechanics described by Josiah Willard Gibbs in 1879 and Paul Émile Appell in 1900.
An -superprocess, , within mathematics probability theory is a stochastic process on that is usually constructed as a special limit of near-critical branching diffusions.
In mathematics – specifically, in stochastic analysis – an Itô diffusion is a solution to a specific type of stochastic differential equation. That equation is similar to the Langevin equation used in physics to describe the Brownian motion of a particle subjected to a potential in a viscous fluid. Itô diffusions are named after the Japanese mathematician Kiyosi Itô.
The convection–diffusion equation is a parabolic partial differential equation that combines the diffusion and convection (advection) equations. It describes physical phenomena where particles, energy, or other physical quantities are transferred inside a physical system due to two processes: diffusion and convection. Depending on context, the same equation can be called the advection–diffusion equation, drift–diffusion equation, or (generic) scalar transport equation.
Diffusion is the net movement of anything generally from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. Diffusion is driven by a gradient in Gibbs free energy or chemical potential. It is possible to diffuse "uphill" from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration, as in spinodal decomposition. Diffusion is a stochastic process due to the inherent randomness of the diffusing entity and can be used to model many real-life stochastic scenarios. Therefore, diffusion and the corresponding mathematical models are used in several fields beyond physics, such as statistics, probability theory, information theory, neural networks, finance, and marketing.
Stochastic mechanics is a framework for describing the dynamics of particles that are subjected to an intrinsic random processes as well as various external forces. The framework provides a derivation of the diffusion equations associated to these stochastic particles. It is best known for its derivation of the Schrödinger equation as the Kolmogorov equation for a certain type of conservative diffusion, and for this purpose it is also referred to as stochastic quantum mechanics.
In applied mathematics and mathematical analysis, the fractal derivative or Hausdorff derivative is a non-Newtonian generalization of the derivative dealing with the measurement of fractals, defined in fractal geometry. Fractal derivatives were created for the study of anomalous diffusion, by which traditional approaches fail to factor in the fractal nature of the media. A fractal measure t is scaled according to tα. Such a derivative is local, in contrast to the similarly applied fractional derivative. Fractal calculus is formulated as a generalization of standard calculus.
In statistical mechanics, the mean squared displacement is a measure of the deviation of the position of a particle with respect to a reference position over time. It is the most common measure of the spatial extent of random motion, and can be thought of as measuring the portion of the system "explored" by the random walker. In the realm of biophysics and environmental engineering, the Mean Squared Displacement is measured over time to determine if a particle is spreading slowly due to diffusion, or if an advective force is also contributing. Another relevant concept, the variance-related diameter, is also used in studying the transportation and mixing phenomena in the realm of environmental engineering. It prominently appears in the Debye–Waller factor and in the Langevin equation.
In the fields of dynamical systems and control theory, a fractional-order system is a dynamical system that can be modeled by a fractional differential equation containing derivatives of non-integer order. Such systems are said to have fractional dynamics. Derivatives and integrals of fractional orders are used to describe objects that can be characterized by power-law nonlocality, power-law long-range dependence or fractal properties. Fractional-order systems are useful in studying the anomalous behavior of dynamical systems in physics, electrochemistry, biology, viscoelasticity and chaotic systems.
Single-particle trajectories (SPTs) consist of a collection of successive discrete points causal in time. These trajectories are acquired from images in experimental data. In the context of cell biology, the trajectories are obtained by the transient activation by a laser of small dyes attached to a moving molecule.
In physics and mathematics, the Klein–Kramers equation or sometimes referred as Kramers–Chandrasekhar equation is a partial differential equation that describes the probability density function f of a Brownian particle in phase space (r, p). It is a special case of the Fokker–Planck equation.