Free field (acoustics)

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In acoustics, a free field is a situation or space in which no sound reflections occur. [1] [2]



The lack of reflections in a free field means that any sound in the field is entirely determined by a listener or microphone because it is received through the direct sound of the sound source. This makes the open field a direct sound field. [3] In a free field, sound is attenuated with increased distance according to the inverse-square law. [1]

Examples and uses

In nature, free field conditions occur only when sound reflections from the floor can be ignored, e.g. in new snow in a field, or approximately at good sound-absorbing floors (deciduous, dry sand, etc.) Free field conditions can be artificially produced in anechoic chambers. In particular, free field conditions play a major role in acoustic measurements and sound perception experiments as results are isolated from room reflections.

With voice and sound recordings, one often seeks a condition free from sound reflections similar to a free field, even when during post-processing specifically desired spatial impression will be added, because this is not distorted by any sound reflections of the recording room.

In the simple example shown in Figure 1, a singular sound source emits sound evenly and spherically with no obstructions. [1]

Figure 1. Simple source free field propogation.png
Figure 1.


The sound intensity and pressure level of any point in a free field is calculated below, where r (in meters) is the distance from the source and "where ρ and c are the air density and speed of sound respectively. [1]


To calculate for air pressure, the equation can be written differently: [1]


In order to simplify this equation we can remove elements: [1]


Measuring the sound pressure level at a reference distance (Rm) from the source allows us measure another distance (r) more easily than other methods: [1]


This means that as the distance from the sources doubles, the noise level decreases by 6 dB for each doubling. However if the sound field is not truly free of reflections, a directivity factor Q will help "characterise the directional sound radiation properties of a source." [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hansen, Colin (January 1951). "FUNDAMENTALS OF ACOUSTICS" (PDF). American Journal of Physics.
  2. Ray, Elden (16 June 2010). "INDUSTRIAL NOISE SERIES Part IV MODELING SOUND PROPAGATION" (PDF).{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  3. "sound fields - acoustic glossary". Retrieved 2021-05-16.

See also