Twenty-two ships of the French Navy have borne the name Actif ("Active"):
Nine ships of the French Navy have borne the name Redoutable ("Redoubtable"):
Eight ships of the French Navy have borne the name Pluton in honour of the Roman god Pluto.
Twelve ships of the French Navy have borne the name Licorne, the French word for Unicorn:
Twelve ships of the French Navy have borne the name Entreprenant and four Entreprenante, after the French word for "enterprising"
Five ships of the French Navy have borne the name Melpomène, in honour of the muse Melpomene.
Eleven ships of the French Navy have borne the name Liberté, in honour of the concept of Liberty.
Six French ships of the French Navy have borne the name Fantasque ("capricious"):
Eight ships of the French Navy have borne the name Guêpe ("wasp"):
Fifteen ships of the French Navy have borne the name Amphitrite, after Amphitrite, a Greek sea goddess.
At least fourteen ships of the French Navy have been named Lion:
At least seventeen ships of the French Navy have borne the name Triton:
Twelve ships of the French Navy have been named Cérès:
Thirteen ships of the French Navy have borne the name Robuste ("Robust"):
Twenty-two ships of the French Navy have borne the name Galatée or Galathée, in honour of Galatea:
Fifteen ships of the French Navy have borne the name Amazone ("Amazon"):
Sixteen ships of the French Navy have borne the name Diligente ("Diligent"):
Twenty-two ships of the French Navy have borne the name Victoire ("Victory"):
Ten ships of the French Navy have borne the name Éveillé ("awakened"):
Twenty-two ships of the French Navy have borne the name Aurore ("Aurora"):
Ten ships of the French Navy have borne the name Nymphe: