Gaius Fabius Agrippinus was a Roman senator active in the mid-second century AD, who held a number of offices in the emperor's service. Agrippinus served as suffect consul for the nundinium October-December 148 with Marcus Antonius Zeno as his colleague. [1] A remarkable commonality between Agrippinus and his colleague Zeno is that they were also consecutive governors of Thracia: Géza Alföldy dates Zeno's tenure from around the year 140 to about 143, and Agrippinus' from 143 to about 146. [2]
The origins of Agrippinus lie in the port city of Ostia, where his family is known to have owned a house. [3] Here a couple of fragmentary inscriptions have been found that offer the first steps of a cursus honorum that has been connected to Agrippinus, but Anthony Birley admits that these might apply to a homonymous descendant mentioned by Cassius Dio who was governor of Syria in 218 or 219. [4]
The testimony of these stones are as follows. [5] He began as one of the quattuorviri viarum curandarum which oversaw road maintenance within the city of Rome, one of the four boards that comprised the vigintiviri . Serving as one of these minor magistracies was considered an important first step in a senator's career. Next was service as a military tribune with Legio II Augusta, which was stationed in Roman Britain at the time. Agrippinus is then documented as quaestor of the public province of Roman Cyprus, which qualified him to be a senator, which is followed by the magistracies of aedile cerialis then praetor, [6] where our material ends.
Nothing further is known of Agrippinus after his consulate.
Titus Pomponius Proculus Vitrasius Pollio was a Roman senator, who held several imperial appointments during the reign of Marcus Aurelius. He was suffect consul in an undetermined nundinium around 151; he was a consul ordinarius in the year 176 with Marcus Flavius Aper as his colleague.
Lucius Aemilius Carus was a Roman military officer and senator who served as consul suffectus for one of the nundinia in the first half of AD 144, with Quintus Egrilius Plarianus as his colleague. His life is known primarily through inscriptions.
Publius Mummius Sisenna Rutilianus was a Roman senator of the second century AD. He is best known from Lucian's vivid portrayal of him in Alexander vel Pseudomantis, where the senator is described as "a man of good family and tested in many Roman offices, but utterly sick as far as the gods were concerned," as the most distinguished victim of the bogus oracle established by the story's namesake in Paphlagonia. Rutilianus was suffect consul in the nundinium of May-June 146 with Titus Prifernius Paetus Rosianus Geminus as his colleague.
Gaius Curtius Justus was a Roman senator who held several posts in the emperor's service during the Antonine dynasty. He was suffect consul in 150 with Gaius Julius Julianus as his colleague. Justus is known primarily through surviving inscriptions, although he could be identical with the Curtius Justus mentioned as a scriptor rei rusticae by Gargilius Martialis (2.1.4,7).
Lucius Dasumius Tullius Tuscus was a Roman senator who was an amici or trusted advisor of the emperors Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of April to June 152 AD as the colleague of Publius Sufenas.
Lucius Annius Fabianus was a Roman senator and general. He was suffect consul for the nundinium of November–December AD 141; his colleague is not known.
Lucius Burbuleius Optatus Ligarianus was a Roman senator of the second century, who held several offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of May-August 135 as the colleague of Marcus Aemilius Papus. He died while governor of Syria.
Lucius Venuleius Apronianus Octavius Priscus was a Roman senator active during the first half of the second century AD. He was suffect consul around the year 145, then ordinary consul in 168 with Lucius Sergius Paullus as his colleague. Priscus is known only from non-literary sources.
Lucius Novius Crispinus Martialis Saturninus was a Roman senator of the second century. He was suffect consul in either 150 or 151 AD. His life is primarily known from inscriptions.
Marcus Pontius Laelianus Larcius Sabinus was a Roman senator and general who held a series of offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul for the nundinium of July-August 145 as the colleague of Quintus Mustius Priscus. Laelianus is primarily known through inscriptions.
Titus Flavius Longinus Quintus Marcius Turbo was a Roman senator who held a series of offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul for one of the nundinia in the years 149 through 151. Longinus is known primarily from inscriptions.
Quintus Fuficius Cornutus was a Roman senator active in the first half of the second century AD, who held a number of offices in the emperor's service. He was suffect consul for the nundinium April-June AD 147 with Aulus Claudius Charax as his colleague. Cornutus is known only from inscriptions.
Aulus Claudius Charax was a Roman senator and historian of the second century AD, who held a number of offices in the emperor's service. He served as suffect consul for the nundinium April–June 147 with Quintus Fuficius Cornutus as his colleague. Charax wrote a history, Hellenika, in forty books, of which only fragments survive.
Quintus Camurius Numisius Junior was a Roman senator active during the later second century AD. He was suffect consul for a nundinium in the first half of the year 161 as the colleague of Marcus Annius Libo.
Quintus Licinius Modestinus [? Sextus] Attius Labeo was a Roman senator, who held a number of imperial appointments during the middle of the second century AD. He was suffect consul in the year 146, following the death of Sextus Erucius Clarus in March, serving until the end of June; his colleague was Gnaeus Claudius Severus Arabianus. He is known entirely from inscriptions.
Quintus Voconius Saxa Fidus was a Roman senator, who was active during middle of the second century. He was suffect consul in the nundinium September-October 146 with Gaius Annianus Verus as his colleague. He is known almost entirely from inscriptions; Voconius is mentioned once in Ulpian's Liber octavus de officio proconsulis.
Titus Caesernius Statianus was a Roman senator who held a number of appointments in the Imperial service during the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. He was suffect consul in the nundinium of September-October 141; his colleague's name is not known. His full name is Titus Caesernius Statius Quinctius Statianus Memmius Macrinus.
Titus Caesernius Quinctianus was a Roman senator who held a number of appointments in the Imperial service during the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. He was suffect consul in an undetermined nundinium around the year 138. His full name was Titus Caesernius Statius Quinctius Macedo Quinctianus.
Publius Cluvius Maximus Paullinus was a Roman senator, who held a number of imperial appointments during the reigns of Hadrian and Antoninus Pius. He was suffect consul during an undetermined nundinium between 139 and 143. He is known entirely from inscriptions.
Marcus Servilius Fabianus Maximus was a Roman senator, who was active during the reigns of Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. He was suffect consul in a nundinium in mid-158 with Quintus Jallius Bassus as his colleague. A native of North Africa, Maximus was the younger brother of Marcus Servilius Silanus, suffect consul in 152, and a relative of Quintus Servilius Pudens, brother-in-law of emperor Lucius Verus.