Gaius Fabius Ambustus was a general and politician of ancient Rome. He was the son apparently of Marcus Fabius Ambustus, and brother to Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus and to the Marcus Fabius Ambustus who was magister equitum in 322 BC. He himself was appointed Master of the Horse in 315 BC in place of Quintus Aulius Cerretanus, who had fallen in battle while serving as Master of the Horse to Gaius's brother Marcus. [1] [2]
The gens Livia was an illustrious plebeian family at ancient Rome. The first of the Livii to obtain the consulship was Marcus Livius Denter in 302 BC, and from his time the Livii supplied the Republic with eight consuls, two censors, a dictator, and a master of the horse. Members of the gens were honoured with three triumphs. In the reign of Augustus, Livia Drusilla was Roman empress, and her son was the emperor Tiberius.
The gens Fabia was one of the most ancient patrician families at ancient Rome. The gens played a prominent part in history soon after the establishment of the Republic, and three brothers were invested with seven successive consulships, from 485 to 479 BC, thereby cementing the high repute of the family. Overall, the Fabii received 45 consulships during the Republic. The house derived its greatest lustre from the patriotic courage and tragic fate of the 306 Fabii in the Battle of the Cremera, 477 BC. But the Fabii were not distinguished as warriors alone; several members of the gens were also important in the history of Roman literature and the arts.
Quintus Fabius Ambustus was a military leader of the Roman Republic, and the son of Marcus Fabius Ambustus. In 390 BC, when his father was pontifex maximus, he and his two brothers, Numerius and Caeso, were sent as emissaries to a Gaulish army besieging Clusium. Instead of entering into negotiations, however, the three Fabii gathered their forces and aided the citizens of Clusium in an attack against the Gauls, in which Quintus Fabius himself was said to have killed one of the Gaulish leaders.
Quintus Fabius Ambustus was made dictator of the Roman Republic in 321 BC. He immediately resigned because of some kind of irregularity in his election, whereupon he was replaced by Marcus Aemilius Papus, who was also unable to hold elections, leading to the appointment of Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus and Marcus Valerius Corvus as interreges, who successfully oversaw the elections of the consuls for 320 BC.
Quintus Fabius Q. f. M. n. Maximus Gurges, the son of Quintus Fabius Maximus Rullianus, was consul in 292, 276, and 265 BC. After a dissolute youth and a significant military defeat during his first consulate, he was given the opportunity to salvage his reputation through the influence of his father, and became a successful general, eventually holding the highest honours of the Roman state. He was slain in battle during his third and final consulate.
Manius Pomponius Matho was a Roman general who was elected consul for the year 233 BC with Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus. He was also the maternal grandfather of the general and statesman Scipio Africanus.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was a statesman and general of the Roman Republic. He was the son of Numerius Fabius Ambustus.
The gens Atia, sometimes written Attia, was a plebeian family at Rome. The first of the gens to achieve prominence was Lucius Atius, a military tribune in 178 BC. Several of the Atii served in the Civil War between Caesar and Pompeius. The gens Attia may be identical with this family, although the individuals known by that name lived nearly a century after the more notable Atii, and are not known to have been related.
The gens Hostilia was an ancient family at Rome, which traced its origin to the time of Romulus. The most famous member of the gens was Tullus Hostilius, the third King of Rome; however, all of the Hostilii known from the time of the Republic were plebeians. Several of the Hostilii were distinguished during the Punic Wars. The first of the family to obtain the consulship was Aulus Hostilius Mancinus in 170 BC.
The gens Catia was a plebeian family at Rome from the time of the Second Punic War to the 3rd century AD. The gens achieved little importance during the Republic, but held several consulships in imperial times.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was Pontifex Maximus of the Roman Republic in the year that Rome was taken by the Gauls of Brennus, 390 BC. His three sons--Caeso, Numerius, and Quintus—were sent as ambassadors to the Gauls, when the latter were besieging Clusium, and participated in an attack against the besieging Gauls. The Gauls demanded that the Fabii should be surrendered to them for violating the law of nations; and upon the senate refusing to give up the guilty parties, they marched against Rome, which they sacked after the battle of the Allia. The three sons were in the same year elected consular tribunes.
Caeso Fabius Ambustus was a four-time consular tribune of the Roman Republic around the turn of the 5th and 4th centuries BC.
NumeriusFabius Ambustus was an ancient Roman commander who was the son of Marcus Fabius Ambustus, and brother to Caeso and Quintus. In 406 BC, he and his forces captured the Volscian city of Anxur by securing the high ground above the town, from which they were able to launch attacks against its walls. When the town's defenders attempted to respond to these harassing attacks, the remainder of Numerius' forces used escalade to scale the walls and enter the town. After the victory, his forces began to torture the inhabitants of the city in retaliation for the Volscian massacre of the Roman garrison at Verrugo, thought to be located in the Trerus valley, of the Lazio region, and where the Roman prisoners had been horribly tortured. Numerius eventually showed mercy, and around 2500 Volscians were permitted to surrender with their lives.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was a consular tribune of the Roman Republic in 381 BC, and a censor in 363.
Servius Sulpicius Praetextatus was a Roman aristocrat of the Roman Republic who served four times as consular tribune, in 377 BC, 376, 370, and 368. He married the elder daughter of Marcus Fabius Ambustus. An anecdote frequently told said that his wife's sister, the younger daughter of Fabius, who was married to the plebeian Gaius Licinius Stolo, urged on her husband to procure the consulship for plebeians through the Lex Licinia Sextia, as she was jealous of the honors of her sister's husband. As early as the turn of the 19th century, the German historian Barthold Georg Niebuhr pointed out the historical untrustworthiness and contradictions in this tale.
Gaius Fabius Ambustus was consul of the Roman Republic in 358 BC, in which year, according to Livy, a dictator was appointed through fear of the Gauls. Appointed Interrex in 355 BC.
Marcus Fabius Ambustus was Magister Equitum of the Roman Republic in 322 BC. The identification of him as the son of the consul M. Fabius Ambustus depends on a reference in Livy to the active military service of a cavalry officer serving under the dictator Aulus Cornelius Cossus Arvina, but T.R.S. Broughton finds it more likely that the three-time consul was himself the Magister Equitum carrying out administrative duties. Similarly, it is unclear if it was this M. Fabius who was the interrex appointed in 340 BC or if this should be attributed to his father the consul M. Fabius Ambustus or another consul of the Fabii, M. Fabius Dursuo.
The gens Curia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned at the beginning of the third century BC, when the family was rendered illustrious by Manius Curius Dentatus.
The gens Decimia was a plebeian family at ancient Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned towards the end of the third century BC.
Gaius Fannius was a Roman republican politician who was elected consul in 122 BC, and was one of the principal opponents of Gaius Gracchus. He was a member of the Scipionic Circle.
This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain : Smith, William, ed. (1870). Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology .Missing or empty