Ghana Chamber of Mines

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Chamber of Mines Logo Ghana Chamber of Mines logo.gif
Chamber of Mines Logo

The Ghana Chamber of Mines (GCM) is the main minerals industry association in Ghana. The Chamber is a voluntary private sector employers association representing companies and organizations engaged in the minerals and mining industry. It was founded in 1928 and has its members accounting for over 90 percent of all of the country's mineral production. [1] [2]

The Ghana Chamber of Mines Tertiary Education Fund (GCM-TEF)

Aligned with its mission, the Ghana Chamber of Mines Tertiary Education Fund (GCM-TEF) was founded in October 2019, with the objective of cultivating the essential human resource foundation for the mining sector in Ghana. In its initial phase, the Fund is slated to receive a combined yearly allocation ranging from Four Hundred Thousand US Dollars ($400,000) to Four Hundred and Forty Thousand US Dollars ($440,000), contributed collectively by the Chamber's member companies engaged in production, contract mining, and explosive manufacturing. [3]

Over the initial five-year span, the Fund has been designated to support the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) in Tarkwa, to build up quality mining professionals to serve the local industry and extend their expertise beyond national borders.

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  1. "Overview | The Ghana Chamber of Mines". Retrieved 2022-08-31.
  2. Nartey, Laud (2022-01-23). "Explosion must not recur - Chamber of Mines". 3NEWS. Retrieved 2022-01-24.
  3. "GCM-TEF – Ghana Chamber of Mines – Tertiary Education Fund" . Retrieved 2023-08-23.