Global Smoke-Free Partnership Award

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The Global Smokefree Partnership is a multipartner initiative formed to promote effective smokefree air policies worldwide. The Partnership works by helping practitioners and advocates of smokefree policies. [1]

The Partnership is currently hosted by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the Framework Convention Alliance, and the current partners are listed below: [2]

   Aer Pur Romania      African Heart Network     Afrique Contre le Tabac     Alianca de Controle do Tabagismo de Brasil (ACT - Brazil)     Alianza Libre de Humo Argentina (ALIAR)     Alliance Nationale des Consommateurs et de l'Environment (ANCE - TOGO)     American Cancer Society American Heart Association American University of Armenia     Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights     APALTA Honduras     Asociaciòn Espanola Contral el Cancer     Bangladesh Heart Foundation     Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids     Centro de Investigacion para la Epidemìa del Tabaquismo (CIET)     Comité National Contre le Tabagisme (CNCT)     Dutch Heart Foundation     European Healthy Stadia Network     European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention     Framework Convention Alliance    Fundaciòn Ecuatoriana de Salud Respiratoria (FESAR)     Garant     Generations Sans Tabac     Global Bridges     Health Related Information Dissemination Amongst Young (HRIDAY)    HealthBridge    Heart Foundation of Jamaica    Heart and Stroke Foundation of South Africa     Heart of Mersey     Human Rights and Tobacco Control Network (HRTCN)     Institute for Global Tobacco Control of Johns Hopkins University     Interamerican Heart Foundation    International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union)    Isfahan Cardiovascular Research Institute    ITC Project    Jamaican Coalition for Tobacco Control    Jeewaka Foundation    King Hussein Cancer Center    MACT India    OxyRomandie    Public Health Law Center    Regional Advocacy Center LIFE (Ukraine)    Romanian Society of Pneumology    Romtens Foundation    Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center    SouthEast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance    Stivoro    Tobacco Prevention and Control Research center    Volunteers Against Smoking and Tobacco    Work for a Better Bangladesh (WBB) Trust    World Heart Federation World Lung Foundation European Respiratory Society    LILT - Italian Cancer League    Global Dialogue for Effective Stop-Smoking Campaigns


  1. "World Heart Federation: Global Smokefree Partnership". Archived from the original on 2012-05-23. Retrieved 2012-07-16.
  2. "Global Smokefree Partnership - Evidence. Assistance. Action. For smokefree air". Archived from the original on 2013-02-01. Retrieved 2012-06-30.

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