Grandreefite | |
General | |
Category | Sulfate minerals |
Formula (repeating unit) | Pb2SO4F2 |
IMA symbol | Grf [1] |
Strunz classification | 7.BD.45 |
Crystal system | Monoclinic |
Crystal class | Prismatic (2/m) (same H-M symbol) |
Space group | A2/a |
Unit cell | a = 8.667, b = 4.4419 c= 14.242 [Å]; β = 107.448° Z = 4; V = 523.15 Å3 |
Identification | |
Color | Colorless |
Twinning | Polysynthetic twins visible under cross polarized light |
Cleavage | None |
Fracture | Conchoidal |
Tenacity | Brittle |
Mohs scale hardness | 2.5 |
Luster | Subadamantine |
Streak | White |
Specific gravity | 6.96 |
Optical properties | Transparent, Biaxial(+) |
Refractive index | nα=1.872, nβ=1.873, nγ=1.895 |
2V angle | 23° |
Other characteristics | Decomposes in water |
References | [2] [3] [4] [5] |
![]() | This article includes a list of references, related reading, or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations .(April 2018) |
Grandreefite is a rare secondary lead sulfate-fluoride mineral with a general chemical formula, Pb2SO4F2. It is named for the location in which it was discovered in 1989, the Grand Reef Mine in Graham County, Arizona.
Grandreefite is monoclinic, falling in the 2/m symmetry group. Crystallographically this means, grandreefite has three axes of unequal length, with two angles at 90° to one another and a third, obtuse angle. The 2/m symmetry group indicates a two-fold axis with a perpendicular mirror plane. Grandreefite was originally classified as an orthorhombic mineral but was determined monoclinic instead upon further analysis. Pseudograndreefite, one of three other newly discovered minerals in 1989 at the Grand Reef Mine site, has orthorhombic crystallography. Optically, grandreefite is an anisotropic mineral, meaning the velocity of light varies depending on the direction through which it is passing through the mineral. Its calculated relief, i.e. its relative difference in index of refraction compared to the surrounding medium's index of refraction, is 1.96–1.98; and its birefringence is .025.
Grandreefite, while not a valuable mineral in terms of commercial use, is useful in the sense that it is a good indicator of the very specific environment in which it forms and therefore the same conditions required to produce minerals similar to it in structure, composition, etc. For example, its structure is very similar to that of lanthanide oxide sulfates and therefore may be used to help better describe them. The Grand Reef Mine is located near a large granitic intrusion. Grandreefite is usually found in the mine in isolated veins containing hydrothermal copper, silver, and lead minerals hosted in oxidized breccias.
Creedite is a calcium aluminium sulfate fluoro hydroxide mineral with formula: Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)10·2(H2O). Creedite forms colorless to white to purple monoclinic prismatic crystals. It often occurs as acicular radiating sprays of fine prisms. It is translucent to transparent with indices of refraction of nα = 1.461 nβ = 1.478 nγ = 1.485. It has a Mohs hardness of 3.5 to 4 and a specific gravity of 2.7.
Leadhillite is a lead sulfate carbonate hydroxide mineral, often associated with anglesite. It has the formula Pb4SO4(CO3)2(OH)2. Leadhillite crystallises in the monoclinic system, but develops pseudo-hexagonal forms due to crystal twinning. It forms transparent to translucent variably coloured crystals with an adamantine lustre. It is quite soft with a Mohs hardness of 2.5 and a relatively high specific gravity of 6.26 to 6.55.
Todorokite is a complex hydrous manganese oxide mineral with generic chemical formula (Na,Ca,K,Ba,Sr)
2O. It was named in 1934 for the type locality, the Todoroki mine, Hokkaido, Japan. It belongs to the prismatic class 2/m of the monoclinic crystal system, but the angle β between the a and c axes is close to 90°, making it seem orthorhombic. It is a brown to black mineral which occurs in massive or tuberose forms. It is quite soft with a Mohs hardness of 1.5, and a specific gravity of 3.49 – 3.82. It is a component of deep ocean basin manganese nodules.
Campigliaite is a copper and manganese sulfate mineral with a chemical formula of Cu4Mn(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O. It has a chemical formula and also a crystal structure similar to niedermayrite, with Cd(II) cation replacing by Mn(II). The formation of campigliaite is related to the oxidation of sulfide minerals to form sulfate solutions with ilvaite associated with the presence of manganese. Campigliaite is a rare secondary mineral formed when metallic sulfide skarn deposits are oxidized. While there are several related associations, there is no abundant source for this mineral due to its rare process of formation. Based on its crystallographic data and chemical formula, campigliaite is placed in the devillite group and considered the manganese analogue of devillite. Campigliaite belongs to the copper oxysalt minerals as well followed by the subgroup M=M-T sheets. The infinite sheet structures that campigliaite has are characterized by strongly bonded polyhedral sheets, which are linked in the third dimension by weaker hydrogen bonds.
Boltwoodite is a hydrated uranyl silicate mineral with formula (K0.56Na0.42)[(UO2)(SiO3OH)]·1.5(H2O), distinct in crystal structure from sodium boltwoodite, which has an orthorhombic structure rather than monoclinic. It is formed from the oxidation and alteration of primary uranium ores. It takes the form of a crust on some sandstones that bear uranium. These crusts tend to be yellowish with a silky or vitreous luster.
Lavendulan is an uncommon arsenate mineral in the lavendulan group. It is known for its characteristic intense electric blue colour. Lavendulan is very similar to Lemanskiite, the analogue trihydrate mineral, to the point of them being considered dimorphs. Lemanskiite is tetragonal, but lavendulan is monoclinic. Lavendulan has the same structure as sampleite, and the two minerals form a series. It is the calcium analogue of zdenĕkite and the arsenate analogue of sampleite.
Langite is a rare hydrated copper sulfate mineral, with hydroxyl, found almost exclusively in druses of small crystals. It is formed from the oxidation of copper sulfides, and was first described in specimens from Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is dimorphous with wroewolfeite. Langite was discovered in 1864 and named after the physicist and crystallographer Viktor von Lang (1838–1921), who was Professor of Physics at the University of Vienna, Austria.
Mendipite is a rare mineral that was named for the locality where it is found, the Mendip Hills in Somerset, England. It is an oxyhalide of lead with formula Pb3Cl2O2.
Leightonite is a rare sulfate mineral with formula of K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4•2H2O.
Sarabauite (sar-a-bau'-ite) is a red monoclinic sulfide mineral with the chemical formula: CaSb10O10S6.
Christite is a mineral with the chemical formula TlHgAsS3. It is named after Dr. Charles L. Christ, a member of the U.S. Geological Survey. It usually comes in a crimson red or bright orange color. It has a density of 6.2 and has a rating between 1 and 2 on Mohs Hardness Scale. Christite has an adamantine luster and leaves behind an orange streak. Its crystal system is monoclinic with possible crystal classes of twofold symmetry, mirror plane symmetry, and twofold with a mirror plane. This means it can have radial symmetry, mirror plane symmetry, or mirror plane symmetry perpendicular to the two-fold axis. It is an anisotropic mineral, which means that it exhibits different properties when measured in different directions. In plane polarized light, its color is golden yellow. It is birefringent, which means that it has two distinct indices of refraction. This can be seen when one looks through the microscope with both polars crossed and sees the mineral change colors when it is rotated.
Marthozite is an orthorhombic mineral that has a general formula of Cu(UO2)3(SeO3)3(OH)2·7H2O. It was named after Belgian mineralogist Aimé Marthoz (1894–1962), former Director-general of the Union Minière du Haut Katanga (UMHK).
Devilline is a sulfate mineral with the chemical formula CaCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O. The name originates from the French chemist's name, Henri Etienne Sainte-Claire Deville (1818–1881).
Kröhnkite ( Na2Cu(SO4)2•2H2O ) is a rare copper sulfate mineral named after B. Kröhnke who first researched it. Kröhnkite may be replaced by Saranchinaite, the anhydrous form of the mineral, if heated to temperatures above 200 °C (392 °F).
Minyulite is a rare phosphate mineral with a chemical formula of KAl2(PO4)2F·4(H2O).
Pinalite is a rare lead tungstate–chloride mineral with formula: Pb3WO5Cl2.
Chesterite is a rare silicate mineral that can be compared to amphiboles, micas, and jimthompsonite. Its chemical formula is (Mg,Fe)
6. Chesterite is named after Chester, Vermont, where it was first described in 1977. The specific geologic setting within its origin is the Carleton talc quarry in Chester, Vermont.
Ixiolite is an accessory oxide mineral found in granitic pegmatites. It is an oxide with the general chemical formula (Ta,Nb,Sn,Mn,Fe)4O8 or (Ta,Mn,Nb)O2.
Carminite (PbFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2) is an anhydrous arsenate mineral containing hydroxyl. It is a rare secondary mineral that is structurally related to palermoite (Li2SrAl4(PO4)4(OH)4). Sewardite (CaFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2) is an analogue of carminite, with calcium in sewardite in place of the lead in carminite. Mawbyite is a dimorph (same formula, different structure) of carminite; mawbyite is monoclinic and carminite is orthorhombic. It has a molar mass of 639.87 g. It was discovered in 1850 and named for the characteristic carmine colour.
Serpierite (Ca(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O) is a rare, sky-blue coloured hydrated sulfate mineral, often found as a post-mining product. It is a member of the devilline group, which has members aldridgeite (Cd,Ca)(Cu,Zn)4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O, campigliaite Cu4Mn2+(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O, devilline CaCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O, kobyashevite Cu5(SO4)2(OH)6·4H2O, lautenthalite PbCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O and an unnamed dimorph of devilline. It is the calcium analogue of aldridgeite and it is dimorphous with orthoserpierite CaCu4(SO4)2(OH)6·3H2O.