Green Party Front Bench (Ireland)

Last updated

The Green Party/Comhaontas Glas is a political party in the Oireachtas.


The Party was previously the fourth-largest political party in the 33rd Dáil and formed part of the Government of the 33rd Dáil. The party faced a series of electoral defeats in the 2022 Northern Ireland Assembly election, 2024 European elections, 2024 local elections and the 2024 general election. As of February 2025, It has one TD (Roderic O'Gorman), one Senator (Malcolm Noonan) and 23 Councillors.

Previous Frontbenches


Portfolio [1] SpokespersonConstituency
Party leader
Environment, Climate and Communications & Transport
Minister Eamon Ryan TD Dublin Bay South
Deputy leader
Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media
Minister Catherine Martin TD Dublin Rathdown
Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Minister Roderic O'Gorman TD Dublin West
Land Use and Biodiversity Minister of State, Senator Pippa Hackett Laois-Offaly
Public Procurement and eGovernment Minister of State Ossian Smyth TD Dún Laoghaire
Community Development and Charities Minister of State Joe O'Brien TD Dublin Fingal
Heritage and Electoral Reform Minister of State Malcolm Noonan TD Carlow–Kilkenny
Social Protection Marc Ó Cathasaigh TD Waterford
Finance, Public Expenditure and Health Neasa Hourigan TD Dublin Central
Transport, Climate Action and Environment Brian Leddin TD Limerick City
Justice Patrick Costello TD Dublin South-Central
Planning and Local Government Steven Matthews TD Wicklow
Housing Francis Noel Duffy TD Dublin South-West
Marine Grace O'Sullivan MEP Ireland South
Irish Language Rob O'Donnell Tipperary
Education & Higher Education Senator Pauline O'Reilly Galway West
Foreign Affairs & Defence with responsibility for Brexit Senator Vincent P. Martin Kildare North
Rural Development & Enterprise, Trade and Employment Senator Róisín Garvey Clare


Party leader
Eamon Ryan TD
Deputy leader
Education and Skills
Catherine Martin TD
Environmental Protection, Natural Resources, Marine and Tourism Grace O'Sullivan MEP
Agriculture, Heritage, Food and Animal WelfareSenator Pippa Hackett
Constitutional ReformCllr. Oliver Moran
Irish LanguageCllr. Peter Kavanagh
Justice Roderic O'Gorman TD
Finance Neasa Hourigan TD
Transport Patrick Costello TD
Children and Youth AffairsCllr. Pauline O'Reily
Social Protection Marc Ó Cathasaigh TD
Digital Ossain Smyth TD
Local Government Malcolm Noonan TD
Water Steven Matthews TD
Foreign AffairsCllr. Vincent P. Martin
HealthDr. Séamus McMenamin
ClimateCllr. David Healy
Heritage, Culture and the ArtsCllr. Claire Byrne
EnterpriseCllr. Hazel Chu
Rural DevelopmentCllr. Roisin Garvey
Equality and DisabilityCllr. Una Power
HousingCllr. Deidre Ni Fhloinn
Energy Brian Leddin TD


Party leader Eamon Ryan TD
Deputy leader
Education and Skills
Catherine Martin TD
FinanceCllr. Mark Dearey
JusticeCllr. Roderic O'Gorman
TransportCllr. Ciarán Cuffe
Housing and PlanningCllr. Francis Duffy
Local Government
Cllr. Malcolm Noonan
EnergyGearóid Fitzgibbon
WelfareLorna Bogue


Party leader Eamon Ryan
Deputy leader
Education and Skills
Catherine Martin
Public Expenditure and Reform Ciarán Cuffe
Social Protection Roderic O'Gorman
Justice, Equality and DefenceJoan Campbell
Transport, Tourism and SportAdam Douglas
Jobs, Enterprise and InnovationMarianne Butler
HealthOisín Ó hAlmhain
European AffairsBrian Meaney
Foreign Affairs and TradeNiamh Fitzgibbon
Housing and PlanningTom Kivlehan
Environment, Community and Local GovernmentMalcolm Noonan
Communications, Energy and Natural ResourcesOssian Smith
Children and Youth AffairsPatrick Costello
Arts, Heritage and the GaeltachtRian Coulter
ForestryCathy Fitzgerald
Agriculture, Food and MarineSeamus Sheridan
Finance Mark Dearey
WelfareLorna Bogue


Party leader John Gormley
Deputy leader Mary White
Education Paul Gogarty
Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Communications, Marine and Natural Resources
Eamon Ryan


Party Leader Trevor Sargent
Social and Family Affairs
Community, Rural Development and the Islands
Dan Boyle
Foreign Affairs
Health and Children
Party Chairman
John Gormley
Environment Ciarán Cuffe (until 2003)

See also


  1. "Representatives - Green Party". Green Party (Ireland) . Retrieved 10 July 2021.