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The online portal Greenpilot is a service provided by the German National Library of Medicine, ZB MED.


The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and gets its technical support from Averbis Ltd. The portal first went online May 29, 2009 and currently runs in the updated beta version. In the context of the 'Germany - Land of Ideas' (Deutschland - Land der Ideen) initiative under the patronage of the President of Germany Horst Köhler the ZB MED was awarded the distinction 'Selected Landmark 2009' (Ausgewählter Ort 2009). [1]


The Greenpilot portal is a digital library specialised in the fields of Nutritional, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. It aims to provide researchers in the three fields with a collection of scientific literature which is easy to access and of high quality. Especially the gray literature is often difficult to find and retrieve for the average user so Greenpilot also aims to make access to these sources easier. The service addresses itself not only to scientists and students but also to the broadly interested public. Greenpilot has been modelled after the corresponding digital library for Medicine, Medpilot, [2] also a project of the German National Library of Medicine. The ZB MED has chosen the slogan 'Greenpilot - all about life and science' as a motto. In Greenpilot scientifically relevant databases, library catalogues and websites can be searched by entering a search term and the results are presented in a standardised web interface.

Technical Background

Greenpilot is a search engine based on intuitive search engine technology. The portal's software was developed in the programming language Perl. The search engine technology is based upon the 'Averbis Search Platform' software developed by the Averbis Ltd. and uses the open source software Lucene. Functionally this is an expert search engine which centres around the intelligent semantic connection of search terms by means of a standardised vocabulary. This is made possible by Averbis's MSI software, which provides:

The search results are generated from a search index.

Additionally a metasearch can be conducted in order to search other databases not contained in the index. This search is based upon individual results from the specific database searched.


The Greenpilot portal integrates various scientifically relevant information resources under a uniform search interface. These resources are diverse and encompass national and international expert databases, library catalogs of national libraries with a focus on specific topics, full text documents from open access journals as well as information contained on about one thousand scientifically relevant websites selected for Greenpilot. The following is a list of sources from November 2009: [3]

Library Catalogues

Bibliographic databases

Relevant Internet Sources


Other Features

Search and results page

Document ordering


See also

Related Research Articles

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  1. Pressemitteilung im Informationsdienst Wissenschaft vom 15. Mai 2009
  2. Medpilot portal
  3. List of databases in Greenpilot
  4. 1 2 "ZB MED's Catalogues". ZB Med Information Centre for Life Sciences. Retrieved April 30, 2022.
  5. "Bonn University and State Library — Universitäts und Landesbibliothek Bonn". Retrieved 2021-09-27.
  6. "BMEL - Ministry". Retrieved 2021-09-27.
  7. "Biosafety in Plant Biotechnology". JKI - Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants. Retrieved 2021-09-27.
  8. "Max Rubner-Institut - Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food (MRI)". Retrieved 2021-09-27.
  9. "The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel, Germany". National Oceanography Centre. Retrieved April 30, 2022.
  10. "Brief IPB History: Leibniz-Institut für Pflanzenbiochemie". Retrieved 2021-09-27.
  11. Team, Higher Education Package. "Homepage". TiHo Hannover. Retrieved 2021-10-31.
  12. "SAP Help Portal". Retrieved 2021-09-27.