Gregg Zuckerman

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From left: Gregg Zuckerman, David J. Saltman, Robert Fefferman, Yale 1979 Zuckerman fefferman saltman.jpg
From left: Gregg Zuckerman, David J. Saltman, Robert Fefferman, Yale 1979

Gregg Jay Zuckerman (born 1949) is a mathematician and professor at Yale University working in representation theory. He discovered Zuckerman functors and translation functors, and with Anthony W. Knapp classified the irreducible tempered representations of semisimple Lie groups.



He received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Princeton University in 1975 after completing a doctoral dissertation, titled "Some character identities for semisimple Lie groups", under the supervision of Elias M. Stein. [1]


In the late 1970s, Zuckerman and Jens Carsten Jantzen independently introduced translation functors. [2] [3] In 1978, he introduced the Zuckerman functor. [2]

In a series of papers from 1976 to 1984, Anthony W. Knapp and Zuckerman gave the classification of tempered representations of semisimple Lie groups. [4] [5] [6] [7]

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  1. Zuckerman, Gregg (1975). Some character identities for semisimple Lie groups.
  2. 1 2 Knapp, Anthony W.; Vogan, David A. (1995), Cohomological induction and unitary representations, Princeton Mathematical Series, vol. 45, Princeton University Press, doi:10.1515/9781400883936, ISBN   978-0-691-03756-1, MR   1330919
  3. Zuckerman, Gregg (1977), "Tensor products of finite and infinite dimensional representations of semisimple Lie groups", Ann. Math., 2, 106 (2): 295–308, doi:10.2307/1971097, JSTOR   1971097, MR   0457636
  4. Knapp, Anthony W.; Zuckerman, Gregg (1976), "Classification of irreducible tempered representations of semi-simple Lie groups", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 73 (7): 2178–2180, Bibcode:1976PNAS...73.2178K, doi: 10.1073/pnas.73.7.2178 , ISSN   0027-8424, JSTOR   65732, MR   0460545, PMC   430485 , PMID   16592331
  5. Knapp, Anthony W.; Zuckerman, Gregg J. (1982), "Classification of irreducible tempered representations of semisimple groups. Part I", Annals of Mathematics , Second Series, 116 (2): 389–455, doi:10.2307/2007066, ISSN   0003-486X, JSTOR   2007066, MR   0672840
  6. Knapp, Anthony W.; Zuckerman, Gregg J. (1982), "Classification of irreducible tempered representations of semisimple groups. Part II", Annals of Mathematics , Second Series, 116 (3): 457–501, doi:10.2307/2007019, ISSN   0003-486X, JSTOR   2007019, MR   0672840
  7. Knapp, Anthony W.; Zuckerman, Gregg J. (1984), "Correction", Annals of Mathematics , Second Series, 119 (3): 639, doi:10.2307/2007089, ISSN   0003-486X, JSTOR   2007089, MR   0744867