Group-dynamic game

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A group-dynamic game is an experiential education exercise that teaches people about themselves, their interpersonal relationships, and how groups function from a group dynamics or social psychological point of view.


Group dynamics can be understood as complex from an interpersonal relationships point of view because it involves:

Group-dynamic games are usually designed for the goal of furthering personal development, character building, and teamwork via a group-dynamic milieu. The group leader may sometimes also be the game leader but does not necessarily fill that role. Between peers, the leadership and game rules can change.

Some games require large spaces, special objects and tools, quietness, or many before-game and after-game needs. When aged, frail or disabled people ("special needs") are involved, existing games may need modification to be used.

The use of group dynamic activities has a history of application in conflict resolution, anger management and team building and many other areas such as drug rehabilitation and drama therapy.


Group problem solving activities

There are a number of exercises that propose a problem that the group must solve. Some of these simply benefit from the diversity of perspectives and background knowledge inherent in groups to find the answer more quickly (Trivia, Wuzzles) while another approach is to give each individual some information and the collective information is needed to solve the problem or challenge.

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