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Habinnas and Scintilla, by Norman Lindsay (1922) Norman Lindsay Satyricon p144.jpg
Habinnas and Scintilla, by Norman Lindsay (1922)

Habinnas is one of the guests at Trimalchio's Feast ( Cena Trimalchionis ) in the Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter. He is described as a stonemason, who has designed the luxurious tomb that Trimalchio shows off to his guests, [1] and like Trimalchio he is a sevir. It has been suggested that the name is Semitic. [2] His entry into the feast has been seen as a parody of that of Alcibiades in the Symposium of Plato. [3]


  1. "Luxury and Death in the Satyricon", William Arrowsmith, Arion, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Autumn, 1966), pp. 304-331
  2. "The Name Habinnas", Harry C. Schnur, The Classical Weekly, Vol. 47, No. 13 (Apr. 26, 1954), p. 199
  3. "Petronius and Plato", Averil Cameron, The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Nov., 1969), pp. 367-370