Hori II (Vizier)

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Stele vizier Hori Turin.JPG
Fragment of stela depicting the vizier Hori. Turin, Museo Egizio
Predecessor Paraemheb
SuccessorTo, or Hewernef?
Dynasty 19th Dynasty and 20th Dynasty
Pharaoh Sethi II, Siptah, Tawosret, Setnakhte and Ramesses III
Father Hori I

Hori was a Vizier of Ancient Egypt. He served during the reign of pharaohs Sethi II, Siptah, Tawosret, Setnakhte and Ramesses III. [1]



Hori (II) was the son of the High Priest of Ptah Hori I and the grandson of Prince Khaemweset. And hence a direct descendant of Pharaoh Ramesses II. [2]


Hori served as Vizier from the reign of Sety II to the 16th year of Ramesses III. [3] Hori succeeded the vizier Paraemheb in office. [4]
Hori was succeeded in office by the Vizier To by year 16 of the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses III. [3] Perhaps another vizier, possibly of the North of Egypt and named Hewernef, also succeeded Hori during the reign of Ramesses III, but this depends on the reading of a short, unclear text written on an ostrakon from Deir el-Medina which is now in the National Archaeological Museum of Florence (inv. no. 2619). [5]


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  1. K.A. Kitchen, Ramesside Inscriptions: Merenptah & the late Nineteenth Dynasty, Wiley-Blackwell, 2003
  2. Aidan Dodson & Dyan Hilton, The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, Thames & Hudson (2004)
  3. 1 2 Morris L. Bierbrier, Ipuy in Cracow, Prace Archealogiczne, 1992
  4. Hassan El-Saady, Considerations on Bribery in Ancient Egypt, Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 25 (1998), pp.301
  5. Wolterman, Charles, "A Vizier of Ramses III Visits an Oracle of Amun and Deir el-Medina". Revue d'Égyptologie 47 (1996), pp.147-170