Hypertranscendental number

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A complex number is said to be hypertranscendental if it is not the value at an algebraic point of a function which is the solution of an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in and with algebraic initial conditions.

The term was introduced by D. D. Morduhai-Boltovskoi in "Hypertranscendental numbers and hypertranscendental functions" (1949). [1]

The term is related to transcendental numbers, which are numbers which are not a solution of a non-zero polynomial equation with rational coefficients. The number is transcendental but not hypertranscendental, as it can be generated from the solution to the differential equation .

Any hypertranscendental number is also a transcendental number.

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A hypertranscendental function or transcendentally transcendental function is a transcendental analytic function which is not the solution of an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in and with algebraic initial conditions.

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  1. Mordukhai-Boltovskoi, Dmitrii Dmitrievich (1949). "Hypertranscendental numbers and hypertranscendental functions". Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR . 64: 21–24.