Hypertranscendental function

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A hypertranscendental function or transcendentally transcendental function is a transcendental analytic function which is not the solution of an algebraic differential equation with coefficients in (the integers) and with algebraic initial conditions.



The term 'transcendentally transcendental' was introduced by E. H. Moore in 1896; the term 'hypertranscendental' was introduced by D. D. Morduhai-Boltovskoi in 1914. [1] [2]


One standard definition (there are slight variants) defines solutions of differential equations of the form


where is a polynomial with constant coefficients, as algebraically transcendental or differentially algebraic. Transcendental functions which are not algebraically transcendental are transcendentally transcendental. Hölder's theorem shows that the gamma function is in this category. [3] [4] [5]

Hypertranscendental functions usually arise as the solutions to functional equations, for example the gamma function.


Hypertranscendental functions

Transcendental but not hypertranscendental functions

Non-transcendental (algebraic) functions

See also


  1. D. D. Mordykhai-Boltovskoi, "On hypertranscendence of the function ξ(x, s)", Izv. Politekh. Inst. Warsaw2:1-16 (1914), cited in Anatoly A. Karatsuba, S. M. Voronin, The Riemann Zeta-Function, 1992, ISBN   3-11-013170-6, p. 390
  2. Morduhaĭ-Boltovskoĭ (1949)
  3. Eliakim H. Moore, "Concerning Transcendentally Transcendental Functions", Mathematische Annalen48:1-2:49-74 (1896) doi : 10.1007/BF01446334
  4. R. D. Carmichael, "On Transcendentally Transcendental Functions", Transactions of the American Mathematical Society14:3:311-319 (July 1913) full text JSTOR   1988599 doi : 10.1090/S0002-9947-1913-1500949-2
  5. Lee A. Rubel, "A Survey of Transcendentally Transcendental Functions", The American Mathematical Monthly96:777-788 (November 1989) JSTOR   2324840

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