IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants

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The International Astronomical Union at its XVIth General Assembly in Grenoble in 1976, accepted (Resolution No. 1 [1] ) a whole new consistent set of astronomical constants [2] recommended for reduction of astronomical observations, and for computation of ephemerides. It superseded the IAU's previous recommendations of 1964 (see IAU (1964) System of Astronomical Constants), became in effect in the Astronomical Almanac from 1984 onward, and remained in use until the introduction of the IAU (2009) System of Astronomical Constants. In 1994 [3] the IAU recognized that the parameters became outdated, but retained the 1976 set for sake of continuity, but also recommended to start maintaining a set of "current best estimates". [4]


this "sub group for numerical standards" had published a list, which included new constants (like those for relativistic time scales). [5]

The system of constants was prepared [6] by Commission 4 on ephemerides led by P. Kenneth Seidelmann (after whom asteroid 3217 Seidelmann is named).

At the time, a new standard epoch (J2000.0) was accepted; followed later [7] [8] by a new reference system with fundamental catalogue (FK5), and expressions for precession of the equinoxes, and in 1979 by new expressions for the relation between Universal Time and sidereal time, [9] [10] [11] and in 1979 and 1980 by a theory of nutation. [12] [13] There were no reliable rotation elements for most planets, [2] [6] but a joint working group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements was installed to compile recommended values. [14] [15]


The IAU(1976) system is based on the astronomical system of units:

Table of constants

Defining Constants
1 Gaussian gravitational constant k0.017 202 098 95A3/2S−1/2D−1defined [6]
Primary Constants
2 Speed of light c299 792 458 ±1.2m s−14×109 [16]
3light time for unit distanceτA499.004 782 ±0.000 002s4×109 [6]
4equatorial radius for Earthae6 378 140 ±5m8×107 [6]
5dynamical form-factor for EarthJ2(108 263 ±1)×1081×105 [6]
6geocentric gravitational constantGE(3 986 005 ±3)×10+8m3s−28×107 [6]
7constant of gravitationG(6 672 ±4.1)×1014m3kg−1s−26.1×104 [17]
8Earth/Moon mass ratio1/μ81.300 7 ±0.000 34×106 [6]
Moon/Earth mass ratioμ0.012 300 024×106 [6]
9general precession in longitudep5 029.0966 ±0.15" cy−13×105 [6]
10obliquity of the eclipticε23°26'21.448" ±0.10"1×106 [6]
11constant of nutation at standard epoch J2000N9.2055 [18] "3×105 [10] [12]
Derived Constants
12unit distance (astronomical unit)A = cτA(149 597 870 ±2)×10+3m1×108 [6]
13solar parallaxπ = arcsin(ae/A)8.794 148 ±0.000 007"8×107 [6]
14constant of aberration for standard epoch J2000κ20.495 52" [2] [6]
15flattening factor for the Earthf0.003 352 81 ±0.000 000 026×106 [2] [6]
reciprocal flattening1/f(298 257 ± 1.5)×1035×106 [2] [6]
16heliocentric gravitational constantGS = A3k2/D2(132 712 438 ±5)×10+12m3s−24×108 [6]
17Sun/Earth mass ratioS/E = GS/GE332 946.0 ± 0.39×107 [6]
18mass ratio Sun to Earth+Moon(S/E)/(1+μ)328 900.5 ±0.51.5×106 [6]
19mass of the SunS = GS/G(19 891 ±12)×10+26kg6×104 [6]
20ratios of mass of Sun to planets+satellites1/S [2] [6]
Mercury6 023 600
Venus408 523.5
Earth+Moon328 900.5
Mars3 098 710
Jupiter1 047.355
Saturn3 498.5
Uranus22 869
Neptune19 314
Pluto3 000 000

Other quantities for use in the preparation of ephemerides

1.Masses of minor planets
NumberNameMass in solar mass
(1)Ceres(5.9 ±0.3)×1010
(2)Pallas(1.1 ±0.2)×1010
(4)Vesta(1.2 ±0.1)×1010
2.Masses of satellites
PlanetNumberSatelliteSatellite/Planet mass
JupiterIIo(4.70 ±0.06)×105
IIEuropa(2.56 ±0.06)×105
IIIGanymedes(7.84 ±0.08)×105
IVCallisto(5.6 ±0.17)×105
SaturnusITitan(2.41 ±0.018)×104
3.Equatorial radii
ObjectEquatorial radius (km)
Mercury2 439 ±1
Venus6 052 ±6
Earth6 378.140 ±0.005
Mars3 397.2 ±1
Jupiter71 398
Saturn60 000
Uranus25 400
Neptune24 300
Pluto2 500
Moon1 738
Moon's disk, ratio to Earth's equatorial radiusk = 0.272 5076 ae [19]
Sun696 000
4.Gravity fields of the planets
Earth(+108 263 ±1)×108(−254 ±1)×108(−161 ±1)×108
Mars(+1 964 ±6)×106(+36 ±20)×106(-55 ±1)×106(+31 ±2)×106(+26 ±5)×106
Jupiter+0.014 75-0.000 58
Saturn+0.016 45-0.0010
5.Gravity field of the Moon
average inclination of equator on eclipticI5 552.7"
moment of inertiaC/MR20.392
(C-A)/Bβ0.000 6313
(B-A)/Cγ0.000 2278
C20-0.000 2027
C22+0.000 0223
C30-0.000 006
C31+0.000 029
S31+0.000 004
C32+0.000 0048
S32+0.000 0017
C33+0.000 0018
S33-0.000 001

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  2. a modern relativistic coordinate time scale, implemented by the JPL ephemeris time argument Teph, in a series of numerically integrated Development Ephemerides. Among them is the DE405 ephemeris in widespread current use. The time scale represented by Teph is closely related to, but distinct from, the TCB time scale currently adopted as a standard by the IAU.
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The astronomical system of units, formerly called the IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants, is a system of measurement developed for use in astronomy. It was adopted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 1976 via Resolution No. 1, and has been significantly updated in 1994 and 2009.

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An astronomical constant is any of several physical constants used in astronomy. Formal sets of constants, along with recommended values, have been defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) several times: in 1964 and in 1976. In 2009 the IAU adopted a new current set, and recognizing that new observations and techniques continuously provide better values for these constants, they decided to not fix these values, but have the Working Group on Numerical Standards continuously maintain a set of Current Best Estimates. The set of constants is widely reproduced in publications such as the Astronomical Almanac of the United States Naval Observatory and HM Nautical Almanac Office.

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Elena Vladimirovna Pitjeva is a Russian astronomer working at the Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. She has published over 100 articles, as listed in Google Scholar and the Astrophysics Data System in the field of solar system dynamics and celestial mechanics . She began employment activity as an engineer-observer at the Astrophysical observation station of the Astronomical Observatory of Leningrad State University in Byurakan (Armenia). Then Pitjeva worked at the Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the USSA Academy of Science and the Institute Applied Astronomy RAS since the date of its foundation in 1988 as researcher and senior researcher. At present she is head of the Laboratory of Ephemeris Astronomy of this institute. Major research interests of Dr. Pitjeva include the construction of numerical ephemerides of the planets, the determination of the planets' and asteroids' masses, the parameters of planet rotation and planetary topography, the solar corona and oblateness and general relativity testing. She is one of creators of the numerical Ephemerides of Planets and the Moon (EPM) of IAA RAS that originated in the seventies of the past century and have been developed since that time. The version of the EPM2004 ephemeris has been adopted as the ephemeris basis of Russian Astronomical Yearbook since 2006. The updated EPM2008 ephemerides are available to outside users via ftp. The works of Pitjeva have recently been used by several scientists to test several models of modified gravity in the Solar System. Dr. Pitjeva has also contributed to a better understanding an influence of asteroids and Trans-Neptunian Objects on the planets' motion. Recently Dr. Pitjeva collaborated with Dr. Standish and proposed to the IAU Working Group on Numerical Standards for Fundamental Astronomy (NSFA) the values of the masses of the three largest asteroids, the Moon-Earth mass ratio and the astronomical unit in meters, mainly obtained while fitting the constructed DE (JPL) and EPM planet ephemerides. These values have been adopted by the 27 General Assembly of International Astronomical Union as Current Best Estimates as the IAU (2009) System of Astronomical Constants. Pitjeva is a member of the International Astronomical Union: OC of Commission 4 “Ephemerides”, Commission 52 “Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy” IAU WG NSFA.”,

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  1. Müller, Edith A.; Jappel, A., eds. (1977), "IAU (1976): Proceedings of the 16th General Assembly, XVI B" (PDF), Transactions of the IAU, Dordrecht: D.Reidel, p. 31, ISBN   90-277-0836-3 Missing or empty |title= (help)
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 IAU(1976) ibidem: Commission 4 (Ephemerides) recommendations 1,2,3,5,6: pp.52..67
  3. Appenzeller, I, ed. (1994), "IAU (1994): Proceedings of the 22nd General Assembly, XXII B" (PDF), Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Proceeding of the Twenty-Second General Assembly, the Hague 1994, Transactions of the IAU, Kluwer Academic, ISBN   0-7923-3842-1
  4. IAU(1994) ibidem, Resolution No. C 6
  5. Standish, E.M. (1995), "Report of the IAU WGAS Sub-group on Numerical Standards", in Appenzeller, I. (ed.), Highlights of Astronomy (PDF), Dordrecht: Kluwer, archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-09-07
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Seidelmann, P. Kenneth (1977). "Numerical values of the constants of the Joint Report of the Working Groups of IAU Commission 4". Celestial Mechanics. 16 (2): 165–177. Bibcode:1977CeMec..16..165S. doi:10.1007/BF01228598. S2CID   123361221.
  7. Wayman, P., ed. (1980), "IAU (1979): Proceedings of the 17th General Assembly, XVII B" (PDF), Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Volume XVIIB, Transactions of the IAU, Dordrecht: D.Reidel, ISBN   90-277-1159-3
  8. West, R, ed. (1982), "IAU (1982): Proceedings of the 18th General Assembly, XVIII B" (PDF), Transactions of the International Astronomical Union: Proceeding of the Twenty-Second General Assembly, the Hague 1994, Transactions of the IAU, Dordrecht: D.Reidel, ISBN   0-7923-3842-1
  9. IAU(1979) ibidem, recommendation by Commissions 4 (Ephemerides), 8 (Positional Astronomy), 19 (Rotation of the Earth), 31 (Time)
  10. 1 2 Lederle, Trudpert (1980). "The IAU (1976) System of Astronomical Constants". Mitteilungen des Astronomisches Gesellschaft. 48: 59..65. Bibcode:1980MitAG..48...59L.
  11. IAU(1982) ibidem, Resolution No. C 5
  12. 1 2 IAU(1979) ibidem, recommendation by Commissions 4 (Ephemerides), 19 (Rotation of the Earth), 31 (Time)
  13. IAU(1982) ibidem, Resolution No. R 3
  14. IAU(1976) ibidem, recommendation by Commissions 4 (Ephemerides) and 16 (Physical Study of Planets and Satellites)
  15. IAU(1979) ibidem, recommendation by Commissions 4 (Ephemerides) and 16 (Physical Study of Planets and Satellites)
  16. International Bureau of Weights and Measures (2006), The International System of Units (SI) (PDF) (8th ed.), pp. 112–13, ISBN   92-822-2213-6, archived (PDF) from the original on 2017-08-14.
  17. CODATA System of Physical Constants of 1973, CODATA Bulletin No. 11 Archived 2017-01-07 at the Wayback Machine
  18. originally (Seidelmann 1977) listed as 9.2109", derived from Woolard
  19. IAU(1982) ibidem, Resolution No. C 10

IAU commission 4: ,