The IPSC Hellenic Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Hellenic Shooting Federation.
The following is a list of current and previous champions.
The IPSC European Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 4 championship hosted every third year in Europe.
The IPSC Pan-American Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 4 championship hosted every third year in either North- or South America.
The IPSC Shotgun World Shoot is the highest level shotgun match within the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and consists of several days and at least 30 separate courses of fire. The Shotgun World Shoots are held triennially on a rotational cycle with the other two main IPSC disciplines Handgun and Rifle.
The IPSC Finnish Rifle Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation.
The IPSC Russian Handgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting.
The IPSC Russian Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Russian Federation of Practical Shooting.
The IPSC French Rifle Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the French Shooting Federation.
The IPSC Australian Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by IPSC Australia.
The IPSC Australian Handgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by IPSC Australia.
The IPSC French Handgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the French Shooting Federation.
The IPSC French Rifle Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the French Shooting Federation.
The IPSC Swedish Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Swedish Dynamic Sports Shooting Association.
The IPSC Hellenic Tournament Championship is an IPSC level 3 Tournament championship held once a year by the Hellenic Shooting Federation.
The IPSC Hellenic Handgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Hellenic Shooting Federation.
The IPSC Hellenic Tournament Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Hellenic Shooting Federation.
The IPSC Finnish Handgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation.
The IPSC Finnish Tournament Championship is an IPSC level 3 Tournament championship held once a year by the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation.
The IPSC Finnish Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship held once a year by the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation.
The IPSC Finnish Action Air Championship is an IPSC level 3 Action Air championship held once a year by the Finnish Shooting Sport Federation.
The IPSC Nordic Shotgun Championship is an IPSC level 3 championship hosted in every year either in Norway, Sweden, Finland or Denmark.