Ignia gens

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The gens Ignia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens appear in history, but a number are known from inscriptions.



The nomen Ignius is derived from ignis, fire, and belongs to a large class of gentilicia derived from the names of ordinary objects, although as is often the case, one cannot determine from the name whether the original bearer was so called because he was vigorous, temperamental, had red hair, or resembled fire in some other respect. [1] [2] Although a great number of Ignii appear in inscriptions from Gaul, several come from the towns of Beneventum and Aeclanum in Samnium, indicating that the Ignii were likely descended from the Samnites, or perhaps from Latin colonists in the region.


The main praenomina of the Ignii were Aulus , Quintus , Lucius , and Gaius , all of which were common throughout Roman history. Aulus is found among the Ignii in Samnium; elsewhere they relied on Quintus, Lucius, and Gaius, although there is an instance of Sextus from Gallia Narbonensis.


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

See also

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