In Death

Last updated

The Death series of novels and novellas is written by Nora Roberts under her pseudonym J. D. Robb. Set in a mid-21st-century New York City, they feature NYPSD ("New York City Police and Security Department") lieutenant Eve Dallas and her husband Roarke. The stories also regularly feature other characters, including Captain Ryan Feeney, Detective Delia Peabody, Detective Ian McNab and Dr. Charlotte Mira.


The series was first published in 1995, and, as of 2024, includes over 50 novels. Roberts has stated that the series will never contain one of Eve and Roarke's children, [1] as this would end the series. [2]


Below are all deaths – murder victims, murder investigations and others – that occur in the span of the In Death books, including weapon, cause of death and the perpetrator. This list does not include any attacks on persons that do not result in death.

BookVictimCause of DeathWeaponPerpetrator
Naked in Death Sharon DeBlassshot in head, chest and groin Smith & Wesson Model 10 Gerald DeBlass
Lola Starr (Alice Williams) SIG 210, 1980Derrick Rockman
Georgie Castle Ruger P90
Gerald DeBlassgunshot suicide
Joseph Finesteinpoisonedcustard pieHetta Finestein
Glory in Death Cicely Towersslash across throat long-bladed knife C. J. Morse
Yvonne Metcalf
Louise Kirski
C. J. Morse's mother (pre-book)
C. J. Morsestabbed in throatown knife Roarke
Immortal in DeathBoomer (Carter Johannsen) strangulation & blunt trauma thin baseball bat Lt. Jake Casto
Hetta Moppett (pre-book) blunt trauma to the head
Pandoraexcessive trauma cane
Cockroach (Lament Ro) blunt trauma to the headiron pipe
Jerry Fitzgerald drug overdose Immortality, morphine and Zeus
Rapture in DeathDrew Mathias hanging suicide by mind control via subliminals found in virtual reality gogglesDr. Reeanna Ott
S. T. Fitzhughslashed wrists
Senator Pearly jumping
Cerise Devane
Dr. Reeanna Ottelectric shock to the throatpolice stunnersuicide
Ceremony in DeathDet. Sgt. Frank Wojinsky cardiac arrest by drugsDigitalis and ZeusSelina Cross & Alban
Alice Lingstromchased into street and hit by car paranoia
Lobar (Robert Allen Mathias)removal of heart athame
Thomas Wineburgstabbed in heart
Louis Trivanestabbed in throat & disembowelment Mirium Hopkins
Selina Crossslashed throat Alban
Albanstabbed in heartJamie Lingstrom
Vengeance in DeathThomas X. Brennendisembowelment, amputation  Liam Calhoun
Shawn Conroy exsanguination
Jennie O'Learyslow hanging rope
Liam Calhounoverload of nervous systemstunner Roarke
Holiday in DeathMarianna Hawley rape, sodomy, strangulation Christmas garland Simon Lastrobe
Sarabeth Greenbalm
Donnie Ray Michael
Brent Holloway
Midnight in Death8 victimsunknown; tortureunknownDavid "Dave" Palmer
Judge Harold Wainger torture and hanging


nylon strapping rope (hangman's noose)
Carl Neissan
APA Stephanie Ring
David Palmerelectrocutionstunner; electric cageEve Dallas and misadventure
Conspiracy in Death Snooks (Samuel Petrinsky)removal of heart surgical instruments Dr. Michael Waverly
Erin Spindler (pre-book)removal of kidneys
Jilessa Brownremoval of liver
Officer Ellen Bowers blunt trauma metal pipe
Dr. Tia Woinjection of barbiturates drug overdose
Jan the nurse blunt trauma to head, single blow 
Dr. Westley Friend (pre-book)injection of barbiturates drug overdose
Loyalty in DeathJ. Clarence Bransondrilled to the wall through the heart Branson 8000 Drill Lisbeth Cooke
Colonel Howard (Fixer) Bassibeaten and drowned in river Droids Cassandra (Clarissa & B. Donald Branson)
300+ unlisted victimsbomb explosion in Tea Room of Plaza Hotel terrorist bombs
Lieutenant Anne Malloy and "less than 400" unlisted victimsbomb explosions and panicked stampede for exits in Madison Square Garden
B. Donald Bransonfall from crown of Statue of Liberty gravitymisadventure
Clarissa Branson (Charlotte Rowan)jump from crown of Statue of Liberty suicide
Witness in DeathRichard Dracostabbed in heart during stage performance of Witness for the Prosecution butcher knifeAreena Mansfield
Linus Quimcoerced suicide hanging
Judgment in DeathDetective Taj Kohliblunt trauma to headmetal baseball batSergeant Arthur Clooney
Lieutenant Alan Millschest cut, from neck to stomach; disembowelmentknife
Captain Boyd Baylissdrowningtaped-down to bathtub
unnamed former NYPSD officer (pre-book) [3] hangedoriginally ruled self-termination
unnamed NYPSD officer (pre-book) [3] drowning after slipping in bathtuboriginally ruled accidental
Lewisunknown drugpressure syringe to heartunknown female assassin
'Clarence Haggerty' Yawlyshot in the headpolice issued weaponEve Dallas
Officer Thad Clooney (pre-book) [3] exsanguination unspecifiedunnamed (orders from Max Ricker)
Betrayal in DeathJustice Thomas Werner raped, beaten and strangledtwo-foot sterling silver wireSylvester Yost
Monique Rue
Nigel Luca
Britt Hague
Joseph Hague
Winifred C. Cates
Darlene French
Jonah Talbot
Sylvester Yostslashed across throatmug shardsuicide
Mick Connellystabbed in stomach knifeMichel Gerade
Interlude in DeathReginald Weeksbludgeoned to deathmetal batBryson Hayes
Zita Vinter suicide drugs drugged in wine
Douglas Skinner (former Commander)suicidedrugsvoluntary suicide
Seduction in DeathBryna Bankhead rape and drug overdoserape drugs Whore & RabbitKevin Morano
Grace LutzLucias Dunwood
Dr. Theodore McNamarabludgeoning, drowninglampLucias Dunwood & Kevin Morano
Kevin Moranopoisonedunidentified drugLucias Dunwood
Lucias Dunwoodsuicide
Reunion in DeathMarsha Stibbs (pre-book)hit to the headglass tableMaureen Brighton
Julianna's three husbands (pre-book)poisonedcyanideJulianna Dunne
Walter C. Pettibone
Henry Mouton
Eli Young
Spencer Campbell
Purity in Death Ralph Woosterbludgeonedbaseball batLouis K. Cogburn
Louis K. Cogburnpolice stunner(s)light & sound frequencies, severe inter-cranial pressure driving victim to suicideThe Purity Seekers
Detective Kevin Hollowaytranqed
Chadwick Fitzhughslit own throat
Mary Ellen Georgehanged self
Nick Greenestabbed self in heart
Hannah Wadestabbed repeatedlykitchen knifeNick Greene
Dru Geller light & sound frequenciesThe Purity Seekers
Portrait in Death Rachel Howardstabbed through heart stiletto Gerald Stevenson (Steve Audrey)
Kenby Sulu
Alicia Dilbert
Siobhan Brody (Roarke's mother, pre-series)beaten to death Patrick Michael Roarke
Imitation in DeathJacie Wootonslit throat, massive blood loss (killed à la Jack the Ripper)scalpelNiles Renquist
Lois Greggsexually assaulted and strangled (killed à la Boston Strangler)robe sash/belt
Remember WhenAndrea Jacobsslash across throat stiletto Trevor Whittier
Tina Cobbsevere trauma to head, torso, set on fire baton
Divided in DeathFelicity Kadestunned, 14 stab wounds to chestbread knifeBlair Bissel
Carter Bisselstunned, 18 stab wounds to chest
Chloe McCoysuicide pillsdrugged
Joseph Powelllaser to carotid artery military laser
Visions in DeathJasper K. McKinney (pre-book) [4] fall from apartment buildinggravitymisadventure
Elisa Maplewoodbeating, rape, strangulation, removal of eyes red ribbonJohn Blue
Lily Napier
Marjorie Kates
Breen Merriweather
Ineza Blue
Lena Greenspan (pre-book) [5]
Sarie Parker (pre-book) [5]
8 unnamed women (pre-book) [6]
Annalisa SommersCelina Sanchez [6]
Survivor in DeathInga Snoodslash across throat combat knife Sergeant Roger Kirkendall, Sergeant Isaac Clinton, Corporal Jilly Isenberry
Grant Swisher
Keelie Swisher
Coyle Swisher
Linnie Dyson
Meredith Newman
Detective Owen Knight
Detective James Preston
Dr. Jaynene Brenegan (pre-book, 2055) [7] multiple stab woundsunnamed
Judge Thomas Moss and son Evan Moss (pre-book, 2057) [7] explosioncar bomb
Karin Duberry (pre-book, 2058) [7] strangulationmanual
Corporal Jilly Isenberrybroken neckfall down stairs 
Origin in DeathDr. Wilfred B. Icovestabbed in chestscalpelDeena Flavia
Dr. Wilfred Icove, Jr.Avril Icove
Evelyn SamuelsDeena Flavia
Deena Flavialaser blastlaserJonah Delacourt Wilson (clone)
Dr. Wilfred B. Icove (clone)
Jonah Delacourt Wilson (clone) Eve Dallas and Roarke
Memory in DeathRosie O'Hara and 150+ unlisted victims (pre-book) [8] [9] explosion in nightclubbombunnamed terrorists
Max "Tubbs" Lawrencejumped out of window under the influence of drugsZeusmisadventure
Leo Jacobscrushed by falling body Max Lawrence
Trudy Lombardfractured skull by multiple blows sap Zana Lombard (Marnie Ralston)
Haunted in DeathRadcliff C. Hopkins IIIbullets to torso, arm and head9mm Smith & Wesson Maeve Buchanan
Bobbie Bray (pre-book)single bullet to headRadcliff "Hop" C. Hopkins I
Born in DeathSophia Belego (pre-book)unknownunknownWinfield Chase (all except the last on orders on conspiracy with Madeline Bullock)
Emily Jones (pre-book)head trauma
Natalie Copperfieldstrangulation after torturemanual
Bick Byson
Randall Sloanhangingtranquilized then hanged
Madeline Bullockbroken neckmanually
Innocent in DeathTrevor Straffo (pre-book)broken neck, head traumapush down stairsRayleen Straffo
Adele Versy (pre-book)overdosesleeping pills
Craig Fosterpoisoned ricin
Reed Williamsparalyzed by poison, drownedsurgical paralytic substance
Creation in DeathEdwina Spring (pre-book)torture, exsanguination by cut wristrope, knives, scalpel, needles, sap, blow torch, laser, dry ice, electric shock and drugsRobert Lowell Sr.
Corrine Dagby (pre-book)Robert Lowell Jr., a.k.a. The Groom
Melissa Congress (pre-book)
Anise Waters (pre-book)
Joley Weitz (pre-book)
18 unnamed women and unknown number of other victims (pre-book)
Sarifina York
Gia Rossi
Eternity in Death Gregor Pensky (pre-book) exsanguination from twin puncture wounds in neckartificial vampire fangsDorian Vadim
Tiara Kent
Allesseria Carter
Strangers in DeathReginald Thomas Anders (pre-book)fractured skullshoved in the shower and slammed head into Italian marbleAva Anders
Ned Custer (pre-book)slit throat and castration knife
Thomas Aurelius Anders strangulation tranquilized then strangled by ropeSuzanne Custer
Salvation in DeathNick Soto (pre-book)multiple stab woundsknifeLino Martinez and Penelope Soto
Ronni Edwards (pre-book)bombing at a school auditorium in 2043bombThe Soldados/Lino Martinez & Penelope Soto
Kobie Smith (pre-book)bombing at convenience store in 2043
Quinto Turner (pre-book)
Three unnamed minors (pre-book)
Joseph Turner (pre-book, year 2044)hanging Suicide
José Ortega (pre-book)drug overdoseunnamed drugsunintentional suicide
Miguel Flores (pre-book)stabbedunknownSteve Chávez
Steve Chávez (pre-book)unknownunknownLino Martinez
Lino Martinezpoisoning potassium cyanide Juanita Rodriguez Turner
Jimmy Jay JenkinsBilly Crocker
Ritual in DeathAva Marstersonritual killing, slit throat, multiple stab woundsmultiple drugs, knivesSilas Pratt, Ola Pratt, Lawrence Collins, Bria Collins, Leah Burke, Kiki, Rodney, 6 others
Brian Troskyhammer to cave in his own skulldrugged and hypnotized
Promises in Death Amaryllis Coltrainefull impact to throatpolice issue stunnerDetective Cleo Grady (on command of Max Ricker)
Rod Sandystabbed through torso stiletto
Kindred in DeathDeena MacMastersraped, beaten, sodomized, strangled Darrin Pauley (masterminded by Vance Pauley)
Karlene Robins
Missing in DeathDana Buckleyslit throatbone daggerIvan Draski
Fantasy in DeathBart Minnockbeheadedsword (holo game)Levar (Var) Hoyt
Indulgence in DeathHolly CurlowstrangledmanuallyKevin Donahue
Melly Bristow (pre-book)broken neckmanuallyWinston Dudley IV and Sylvester Moriarity III
Sophia Ricci (pre-book)unknown (body never found)unknown
Linette Jones (pre-book)beatentire iron
unnamed architect (pre-book)garrotedwire
Larinda Villi (pre-book)stabbed through heartunknown
Jamal Houstonbolt through neckcrossbowSylvester Moriarity III
Ava Cramptonstabbed through heartbayonetWinston Dudley IV
Luc Delafloteimpaled through heartharpoonSylvester Moriarity III
Adrianne JonashangedbullwhipWinston Dudley IV
Possession in DeathGizi SzabostabbeddaggerSasha Korchov
Vanessa Warwich, Allegra Martin, Lucy Quinn and five others (pre-book)slit throat
Treachery in DeathCharlie Ochielectrocutionhomemade JammerBruster Lowe, a.k.a. Skid; Leon Slatter, a.k.a. Slash; and Jimmy K Rogan, a.k.a. Smash
Rickie Keener, street name "Juicy"poisonedapparent (manipulated) overdoseDetective Carl Bix (on orders from Lieutenant Renee Oberman)
Detective William Garnetslit throatmilitary knife
Detective Gail Devin (pre book)broken neckunknownunknown (on orders from Lieutenant Renee Oberman)
Detective Harold Strumb (pre-book)stabbedunknownunknown, possibly Detective Marcell) (on orders from Lieutenant Renee Oberman)
New York to DallasAlice McQueen (pre-book)slit throatknifeIsaac McQueen
Carla Bingham (pre-book)
Patricia Coppley (pre-book)
Nancy Draper (pre-book)
4 unnamed victims (pre-book)
Riker's Nurse (pre-book)
Sylvia Prentice (a.k.a. Stella)
Officer Malvielaser scalpelSylvia Prentice (a.k.a. Stella)
Chaos in DeathJennifer DarnellstrangulationmanualDr. Chaos (alter ego to Ken Dickerson)
Coby Vixbludgeonedpipe
Wilson Bickfordmultiple stab wounds4-inch, jagged-edged knife
Eton Billingslymultiple stab wounds and bitesknife and teeth
Celebrity in DeathCecil Silcockhead traumacast-iron skilletPaul Havertoe
K. T. Harrishead trauma, drownedpushed, dragged into poolJoel Steinburger
A. A. Asnersmashed skull Maltese falcon statue
Bryson Kane (pre-book)broken neck and other injuriesfall/pushed down stairs
Marlin Dessler (pre-book)internal bleeding and other injuriesfall/pushed off cliff
Angelica Caulfield and unborn fetus (pre-book)overdosedrugs
Jacoby Miles (pre-book)beatenten-pound dumbbell
Sherri Wendell (pre-book)fall, drowneddrugs, pushed
Buster Pearlman (pre-book)overdosedrugs and alcohol
Allys Beaker (pre-book)fractured skullslipped in shower
Delusion in DeathLance Abrams, John Burke, Joseph Cattery, Paul Garrison, D B Graham, Travis Greenspan, Evie Hydelburg, Wendy McMahon, Cherie Quinz, Cate Simpson, Hilly Simpson, Macie Snyder, Amie Stewart, Gwen Talbert, Brenden Wang, Katrina and 68 unnamed victims.multiple and varied injuries from weapons of opportunitypsycho-active chemical warfare gasLewis Callaway
Jeni Curve, Brenda Deitz, Carly Fisher, Allison Nighly and 40 unnamed victims.
Calculated in DeathMarta Dickensonbroken neckmanuallyClinton Frye (on orders from Sterling Alexander)
Chaz Parzarriasphyxiationmanually
Jake Ingersolblunt head traumaclaw hammer
Thankless in DeathBarbara Reinholdmultiple stab woundskitchen knifeJerald "Jerry" Reinhold
Carl Reinholdblunt traumabaseball bat
Lori Nucciostrangulationcord
Edie Barrett Farnsworthasphyxiationtaped plastic bag
Taken in DeathDarcia Jordanmultiple stab wounds, slit throatritualist knifeMaj Borgstrom
Concealed in DeathLinh Carol Penbroke, Shelby Ann Stubacker, Angel West (Jane Doe), Lupa Dison, Mikki Wendall, Iris Kirkwood, Merry Wolcovich, Crystal Hugh, LaRue Freeman, Carlie Bowen, Kim Terrance and Shashona MaddoxdrowningbathtubMontclair Jones
Festive in DeathTrey Zieglerblunt head traumatrophyNatasha Quigley
Catiana Duboisfractured skullmarble ledge (pushed)
Obsession in DeathLeanore BastwickstrangledgarroteLottie Roebuck
Wendall Ledostabbedpool cue
"Wonderment in Death", Down the Rabbit Hole anthologyMarcus FitzwilliamsstabbedscissorsDarlene Fitzwilliams
Darlene Fitzwilliamsfall from heightdefenestrationsuicide
Devoted in DeathRobert Jansen (pre-book)blunt traumatire iron and fistsElla-Loo Parsens and Darryl James
Melvin Little, Noah Paston, Ava Enderson, Jacob Fastbinder and 24 unnamed victims (pre-book)torture then exsanguinationvariety of tools
Samuel Zed (pre-book)blunt trauma
Dorian Kupertorture then exsanguinationvariety of tools
Brotherhood in DeathEdward Mirahangedchandelier/tortureWomen assaulted by "The Brotherhood"
Jonas Wymann
Frederick Betz
William Stevenson (pre-book)hangedsuicide
Apprentice in DeathSusann Prinz Mackie (pre-book)hitcarBrian T. Fine
Ellissa Wymanshottactical laser rifleReginald and Willow Mackie
Brent Michaelson
Alan Markum
Fern Addison
Officer Kevin Russo
Nathaniel Jarvits
David Chang
Jonah Rothstein and 17 unnamed victims at Madison Square Garden Willow Mackie
Echoes in DeathAnthony Strazzablunt force traumavaseDaphne Strazza
Xavier Carverslit throatscalpelKyle Knightly
Miko Carverstrangledrope
Secrets in DeathLarinda Marsstabbed in armscalpelWilliam Hyatt
Kellie Lowrystabbed in leg
Dark in DeathRosie Kentstrangledwhite ribbonAnn Elizabeth Smith
Chanel Rylanstabbed in the neckice pick
Loxie Flashpoisonedcyanide
Leverage in Death12 people including Paul Rogan suicide bombing (Rogan forced to commit attack) bombs Lucius Iler and Oliver Silverman
Jordan Banksbroken neckmanuallyOliver Silverman
5 people including Wayne Denby suicide bombing (Denby forced to commit attack) bombs Lucius Iler and Oliver Silverman
Connections in Death"Low-Rent Illegals Dealer"stabbed in throatknife ("sticker")"Dobber," a junkie
Stuart Adlerbroken neck, knife to abdomenpocket knife, trip and fall (down stairs while peeling apple with knife while intoxicated)Self, Accidental
Lyle Pickeringapparent (staged) drug overdosetranquilized, then forcibly injected with "Go," "Out"Dinnie "Banger" Duff, Barry "Fist" Aimes, Denby "Snapper" Washington and Burke "Ticker" Chesterfield (performed the injection); performed on the orders of Kenneth "Bolt" Jorgenson (and recommendations of Samuel Cohen)
Dinnie Duffbeating, gang-rape, manual strangulationmanualBarry "Fist" Aimes, Denby "Snapper" Washington and Burke "Ticker" Chesterfield; performed on the orders of Kenneth "Bolt" Jorgenson (and recommendations of Samuel Cohen)
Barry Aimesslashed throatknifeDenby "Snapper" Washington, Burke "Ticker" Chesterfield and Kenneth "Bolt" Jorgenson; (performed on the recommendations of Samuel Cohen)
Vendetta in DeathNigel B. McEnroytorture/electrocution, castrationvarious tools (torture), ceremonial blade (castration)Darla Pettigrew (as "Lady Justice")
Thaddeus Pettigrew
Arlo Kagen
Golden in DeathLucas "Loco" Sanchez (pre-book)stabbedkitchen/steak knife Stephen "Steve" Whitt and Marshall Cosner
Dr. Kent Abnerpoisonedmix of sarin and sulfur trioxide (gold plastic egg filled with chemically engineered nerve agent (aerosolized sulfur trioxide and sarin gas, with additive for quick death and minimal dispersal))
Elise Duran
Marshall Cosnerdrugged and poisonedmix of sarin and sulfur trioxide (drugged, then convinced to handle improperly sealed nerve gas egg)Stephen "Steve" Whitt
Shadows in DeathSmuggler, unknown namebeaten to deathmanualFrankie Nalley
Galla Modestoslashed throatknifeLorcan Cobbe, (professional hit; hired by Jorge Tween)
443 murders (pre-book)stabbed or slashed throatknifeLorcan Cobbe (professional hit)
Ellen and Thaddeus Solomen (pre-book)slashed throatknifeLorcan Cobbe and Thomas "Big Tom" Ivan, (professional hit; hired by Colin "Boss" Boswell)
Adam Solomen (pre-book)tortured, gutted
Thomas "Big Tom" Ivan (pre-book)stabbedknifeLorcan Cobbe
Sweetie (cat)slashed throatknife
Ingrid Frederick (pre-book)unknownunknown
Kaylee Skyebeaten, manual strangulationmanual
400+ (unknown number of) murders (pre-book)unknownunknownLorcan Cobbe
Faithless in DeathAriel Byrdblunt force traumamalletMirium Wilkey (daughter of Stanton Wilkey, head of Natural Order)
Keene Grimsley (pre-book)unknownunknown; cremated post-mortem [10] Unknown (on orders of Natural Order)
Karyn Keye (pre-book)suicide by hangingunknownSuicide (Guilt from involvement with Natural Order's human trafficking, etc.)
Marcia Piperblunt force trauma/beaten to deathmanualLawrence "Larry" Piper
Forgotten in DeathAlva Quirk (Alva Elliot, Alva Wicker)head traumacrowbarAlexei Tovinski
Carmine Delgatoapparent (staged) suicide by hangingtranquilized with Dexachlorine, then forcibly hanged with rope
Johara Murr, pregnant with male viable fetus (pre-book)shot32-caliber handgunElinor Bolton Singer
Abandoned in DeathLauren Elderslit throatpocketknifeAndrew "Andy" Dawber

(John McKinney, John Church)

Anna Hobe
Dr. Joseph "Joe" Fletcher (pre-book)car accident"drunk driver"Unknown, DUI
Violet Fletcher (Lisa McKinney)


overdoseprescription medication, "sleeping pills"Self, Suicide
Desperation in DeathMina CabotSpeared in chestPlank of old woodDevin Kunes (night security)
Jonah K. Devereauxstabbed in throatKnifeAmara Gharbi (aka: Luna)
Marlene Williamson (Matron)unknownbody disposed via cremationordered by "Auntie" Iris Beaty/Iris Swan
Unnamed Nurseunknown
Encore in DeathBrant Fitzhughpoisoncyanide in glass of champagneEliza Lane
Debra Bernsteinpoisoncyanide in glass of vodka
Rose Bernstein


accidental overdosepills placed in bottle of vodkaAssisted by Eliza Lane
Payback in DeathCaptain Martin Greenleaf, RetiredElectric Shock to the throatPolice StunnerDenzel Robards

(Planned and ordered by Elva Arnez)

Brice Noy


Captain Louis Noy


Electric Shock to throatPolice Issue StunnerSuicide
Random in DeathJenna HarboughOverdoseDrugs/STDs cocktail injected while distracted at concertsFrancis Bryce
Arlie Dillon

Note: "stunner" and "laser" are both terms used interchangeably for the fictional weapons that the NYPSD carry in the In Death books; they release a strong electrical, laser-like stun that can do anything from incapacitating to killing the victim.


In Death series





1 Naked in Death Jul 1995 ISBN   978-0-425-14829-7
2 Glory in Death Dec 1995 ISBN   978-0-425-15098-6
3Immortal in DeathJul 1996 ISBN   978-0-425-15378-9
4 Rapture in Death Oct 1996 ISBN   978-0-425-15518-9
5Ceremony in DeathMay 1997 ISBN   978-0-425-15762-6
6 Vengeance in Death Oct 1997 ISBN   978-0-425-16039-8
7Holiday in DeathJun 1998 ISBN   978-0-425-16371-9
7.5 [11] Midnight in DeathNov 1998 Silent Night

Three in Death

ISBN   978-0425219713
8 Conspiracy in Death Apr 1999 ISBN   978-0-425-16813-4
9 Loyalty in Death Oct 1999 ISBN   978-0-425-17140-0
10Witness in DeathMar 2000 ISBN   978-0-425-17363-3
11Judgment in DeathSep 2000 ISBN   978-0-425-17630-6
12Betrayal in DeathMar 2001 ISBN   978-0-425-17857-7
12.5 [11] Interlude in DeathAug 2001 Out of this World

Three in Death

ISBN   978-0425210628
13Seduction in DeathSep 2001 ISBN   978-0-425-18146-1
14Reunion in DeathMar 2002 ISBN   978-0-425-18397-7
15 Purity in Death Sep 2002 ISBN   978-0-425-18630-5
16 Portrait in Death Mar 2003 ISBN   978-0-425-18903-0
17Imitation in DeathSep 2003 ISBN   978-0-425-19158-3
17.5 [11] Remember When Sep 2003 ISBN   978-0-399-15106-4 with Nora Roberts
18Divided in DeathJan 2004 ISBN   978-0-399-15154-5
19Visions in DeathAug 2004 ISBN   978-0-399-15171-2
20Survivor in DeathFeb 2005 ISBN   978-0-399-15208-5
21 Origin in Death Jul 2005 ISBN   978-0-399-15289-4
22 Memory in Death Jan 2006 ISBN   978-0-399-15328-0
22.5 [11] Haunted in DeathApr 2006 Bump in the Night

Three in Death

ISBN   978-0749958480
23Born in DeathNov 2006 ISBN   978-0-399-15347-1
24Innocent in DeathFeb 2007 ISBN   978-0-399-15401-0
25Creation in DeathNov 2007 ISBN   978-0-399-15436-2
25.5 [11] Eternity in Death Nov 2007 Dead of Night

Time of Death

ISBN   978-0749958480
26Strangers in DeathFeb 2008 ISBN   978-0-399-15470-6
27Salvation in DeathNov 2008 ISBN   978-0-399-15522-2
27.5 [11] Ritual in DeathNov 2008 Suite 606

Time of Death

ISBN   978-0749958497
28 Promises in Death Feb 2009 ISBN   978-0-399-15548-2
29Kindred in DeathNov 2009 ISBN   978-0-399-15595-6
29.5 [11] Missing in DeathDec 2009 The Lost

Time of Death

ISBN   978-0-399-15595-6
30Fantasy in DeathJan 2010 ISBN   978-0-749-94078-2
31Indulgence in DeathNov 2010 ISBN   978-0-399-15687-8
31.5 [11] Possession in DeathNov 2010 The Other Side ISBN   978-0349400563
32Treachery in DeathFeb 2011 ISBN   978-0-399-15703-5
33New York to DallasSep 2011 ISBN   978-0-399-15778-3
33.5 [11] Chaos in DeathSep 2011 The Unquiet ISBN   978-0349400563
34Celebrity in DeathFeb 2012 ISBN   978-0-399-15830-8
35Delusion in DeathSep 2012 ISBN   978-0-399-15881-0
36Calculated in DeathFeb 2013 ISBN   978-0-399-15882-7
37Thankless in DeathSep 2013 ISBN   978-0-399-16442-2
37.5 [11] Taken in DeathOct 2013 Mirror, Mirror ISBN   978-0349400563
38Concealed in DeathFeb 2014 ISBN   978-0-399-16443-9
39Festive in DeathSep 2014 ISBN   978-0-399-16444-6
40Obsession in DeathFeb 2015 ISBN   978-0-399-17087-4
41Devoted in DeathSep 2015 ISBN   978-0-399-17088-1
41.5 [11] Wonderment in DeathSep 2015 Down the Rabbit Hole ISBN   978-0515155471
42Brotherhood in DeathFeb 2016 ISBN   978-0-399-17089-8
43Apprentice in DeathSep 2016 ISBN   978-1-101-98797-1
44Echoes in DeathFeb 2017 ISBN   978-1-250-12311-4
45Secrets in DeathSep 2017 ISBN   978-1-250-12315-2
46Dark in DeathJan 2018 ISBN   978-1-250-16153-6
47Leverage in DeathSep 2018 ISBN   978-0-349-41791-2
48Connections in DeathFeb 2019 ISBN   978-1250201577
49Vendetta in DeathSep 2019 ISBN   978-1250207173
50Golden in DeathFeb 2020 ISBN   978-1250207203
51Shadows in DeathDec 2020 ISBN   978-1250207234
52Faithless in DeathFeb 2021 ISBN   978-1250771827
53Forgotten in DeathSep 2021 ISBN   978-1250272812
54Abandoned in DeathFeb 2022 ISBN   978-1250278210
55Desperation in DeathSep 7, 2022 ISBN   978-1250278234
56Encore in DeathFeb 7, 2023 ISBN   978-1250284082
57Payback in DeathSep 5, 2023 ISBN   978-1250284099
58Random in DeathJan 23, 2024 ISBN   978-1250289544
59Passions in DeathSep 3, 2024 ISBN   978-1250289568
60Bonded in DeathFeb 4, 2025
61Framed in DeathSep 2, 2025

Anthologies and collections

Anthology or collectionContentsPublication


Silent NightMidnight in DeathNov 1998 ISBN   978-0-515-12385-2
Out of this WorldInterlude in DeathAug 2001 ISBN   978-0-515-13109-3
Bump in the NightHaunted in DeathApr 2006 ISBN   978-0-515-14117-7
Dead of NightEternity in DeathNov 2007 ISBN   978-0-515-14367-6
Three in DeathInterlude in Death

Midnight in Death

Haunted in Death

Jan 2008 ISBN   0425219712 , 9780425219713
Suite 606Ritual in DeathNov 2008 ISBN   978-0-425-22444-1
The LostMissing in DeathDec 2009 ISBN   978-0-515-14718-6
The Other SidePossession in DeathNov 2010 ISBN   978-0-515-14867-1
Time of DeathEternity in Death #30

Ritual in Death #33

Missing in Death #36

Jun 2011 ISBN   0425240827 , 9780425240823
The UnquietChaos in DeathSep 2011 ISBN   978-0-515-14998-2
Mirror, MirrorTaken in DeathOct 2013 ISBN   0515154075 , 9780515154078
Down the Rabbit HoleWonderment in DeathSep 2015 ISBN   978-1-501-22377-8

Major characters

Eve Dallas

Eve was found in an alley in Dallas, Texas with severe injuries and evidence of extensive physical and sexual abuse. Her social worker named her and put Eve into a foster home. After reaching the age of majority, Eve has a big desire to move to New York City, where she hopes to become a police officer. Throughout the series, her memories return, mostly through a series of nightmares, revealing a history of incestual rape and the patricide of her father, Richard Troy.


In his mid-thirties, Roarke is an immigrant from Dublin, Ireland; in New York City, he is the CEO of Roarke Industries. He owns an old mansion off Central Park that he remodeled to his specifications with very high-tech security. He convinces Eve to move in with him in Glory in Death and then proposes at the end of the book.

Captain Ryan Feeney

Eve's former partner and the man who trained her. He no longer works Homicide, but is instead the captain of the Electronics Detection Division (EDD). Feeney likes to dress a bit messily and loves his electronics. He is a dedicated cop and a good husband to his wife, Sheila. They have several children and grandchildren. He is often seen eating a bag of candied nuts, which he may offer to Eve when they are deep in conversation about a case.

Mavis Freestone

Mavis is Eve's best and first real friend. The two met when Eve arrested her for being a con artist and they ended up becoming friends. Mavis is described as a tiny, pale woman who radically changes her appearance daily, sporting different lengths, styles, and colors of hair with often matching or contrasting eye color. She has an almost innocent personality which belies the very real street knowledge she possesses; she is also very loyal to Eve.

Lawrence Charles Summerset

Summerset is the major-domo of Roarke's home, and his most trusted friend (after Eve). He used to go by the name 'Basil Kolchek' back in Ireland in the 2030s. He and Eve have an adversarial relationship.

Commander Jack Whitney

Eve's police commander; her immediate superior. He is one of the few characters in the series, along with the Chief of the NYPSD, Tibble, who is identified as black. Eve respects him greatly. Whitney is a solid, excellent police officer, and for the most part is always on Eve's side. He has at least one daughter (a lawyer) with his wife, Anna Whitney, and endures stoically the parties his wife loves throwing. Surprising Eve, he gets along very well with Roarke and the two have, on rare occasions, smoked and drunk together.

Nadine Furst

Nadine is one of the intended victims of the murderer in Glory in Death , but is saved by Eve, who is the primary investigator on the case. She is an ambitious but ethical reporter, who will always protect her source. Nadine is a sharp dresser, a fact Eve finds odd.

Dr. Charlotte Mira

Mira is the resident psychiatrist and profiler for the NYPSD. She has several children with her husband, Dennis, and has grandchildren as well. She is a pretty and feminine woman whom Eve often consults on her cases. Eve loves Charlotte very much but has not admitted it to her face; nevertheless, Charlotte knows. Charlotte thinks of Eve as a daughter, a fact which annoyed Mira's own daughter at one point, and throughout the series has gotten Eve to open up to her more and more.

Officer (Detective) Delia Peabody

Although her first name is Delia, she is referred to by her surname 'Peabody' throughout the books, as is standard for other police officers. Peabody has a very close relationship with Eve. Peabody comes from a family of "Free-Agers", which is a fictional extension of the New Age movement from the 1980s. Her family is peaceful and pacifistic, but Delia prefers exercising justice the police way. She is a responsible officer, but as the books continue, she becomes more confident in her cases and in teasing Eve, particularly about her sex life with McNab and her sexual fantasies.

Detective Ian McNab

Of a Scottish background, Ian is a detective in Feeney's Electronics Detection Division. He is particularly good with computers, though not as good as Roarke. Ian is a flashy dresser who, in Eve's words, "prances" rather than walks. Feeney describes him as a known candy thief, and he has been caught at least once pilfering candy bars from Eve's office.

Detective David Baxter

Another detective from Homicide. Baxter enjoys teasing Eve about anything he can, usually relating to her relationship with Roarke and associated changes; despite this teasing Roarke views Baxter as a solid cop and easygoing person.

Chief Medical Examiner Li Morris

Chief Medical Examiner Morris is the medical examiner Eve requests on all of her high-priority cases. He is mentioned as having 'oddly exotic almond-shaped eyes', and sports a small tattoo of the Grim Reaper on his left pectoral. He has a long black ponytail, which he often ties back with fasteners that match his clothes. He plays the saxophone and sometimes plays gigs at various clubs. He listens to music while performing autopsies and calls Eve his prize pupil for her quick-witted deductions.


  1. Roberts, Nora (18 April 2014). "Eve And Roarke With No Body". Fall Into The Story. Retrieved 7 December 2017. So, no babies, not now. No charming orphans of any age. No pregnancy scares, no miscarriages, no foundlings, no street-wise kid who needs a good home. Did I leave anything out? If so, fill it in, then answer no.... I'm sorry some readers are disappointed I'm not taking the series and the characters in this direction, but I'm not. Repeat: I. Am. Not. The readers who insist on telling me why this could/should work are wasting their time. I don't agree, and I write the books.
  2. Robb, J.D. "FAQ". J.D.ROBB. When will Eve and Roarke have a baby? Nora has said repeatedly that a baby would signal the end of the series. In her opinion, a baby changes everything (for the better) and the focus of the series would change radically. In no way does this mean Nora thinks a mother can't be an excellent police officer (or attorney or any other type of professional). It does mean that many of the things readers love about Eve and Roarke's life together would change (i.e., leaving home for hours on end only to return to continue working in their home offices).
  3. 1 2 3 Robb, J.D. (2000). "Chapter Twenty". Judgment in Death. Penguin Publishing Group. ISBN   9781101203798.
  4. Robb, J.D. (2005). "Chapter One". Visions in Death. Penguin Publishing Group. ISBN   9781101204979.
  5. 1 2 Robb, Visions in Death, Chapter Twenty-two.
  6. 1 2 Robb, Visions in Death, Chapter Twenty-three.
  7. 1 2 3 Robb, J.D. (2005). "Chapter Thirteen". Survivor in Death. Penguin Publishing Group. ISBN   9781101205006.
  8. Robb, J.D. (2006). "Chapter 21". Memory in Death. Penguin Publishing Group. ISBN   9781101205488.
  9. Memory in Death, "Chapter 16".
  10. Laura (2021-02-09). "Faithless in Death discussion spot". Fall Into The Story. Retrieved 2021-04-26.
  11. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 "Fiction DB".

Further reading

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