In situ adaptive tabulation

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In situadaptive tabulation (ISAT) is an algorithm for the approximation of nonlinear relationships. ISAT is based on multiple linear regressions that are dynamically added as additional information is discovered. The technique is adaptive as it adds new linear regressions dynamically to a store of possible retrieval points. ISAT maintains error control by defining finer granularity in regions of increased nonlinearity. A binary tree search transverses cutting hyper-planes to locate a local linear approximation. ISAT is an alternative to artificial neural networks that is receiving increased attention for desirable characteristics, namely:


ISAT was first proposed by Stephen B. Pope for computational reduction of turbulent combustion simulation [1] and later extended to model predictive control. [2] It has been generalized to an ISAT framework that operates based on any input and output data regardless of the application. An improved version of the algorithm [3] was proposed just over a decade later of the original publication, including new features that allow you to improve the efficiency of the search for tabulated data, as well as error control.

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  1. Pope, S. B. (1997). "Computationally efficient implementation of combustion chemistry using in situ adaptive tabulation" (PDF). Combustion Theory and Modelling. 1 (1): 44–63. Bibcode:1997CTM.....1...41P. doi:10.1080/713665229.
  2. Hedengren, J. D. (2008). "Approximate Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with In Situ Adaptive Tabulation" (PDF). Computers and Chemical Engineering. 32 (4–5): 706–714. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2007.02.010.
  3. Lu, L. (2009). "An improved algorithm for in situ adaptive tabulation" (PDF). Journal of Computational Physics. 228 (2): 361–386. Bibcode:2009JCoPh.228..361L. doi:10.1016/