Independent Venetians

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Independent Venetians
Veneti Indipendenti
President Luca Azzano Cantarutti
Vice President Moreno Santi
FoundedFebruary 2014
Split from Venetian Independence
Ideology Venetian nationalism
National affiliation Independence We Veneto
Great North

Independent Venetians (Italian : Veneti Indipendenti, VI) is a Venetist and separatist political party active in Veneto.



VI emerged in February 2014 as a split from Venetian Independence (IV), [1] the most established separatist party in Veneto at the time. After an internal struggle and a congress, during which his role of president was cancelled from the party's constitution, [2] [3] [4] Luca Azzano Cantarutti had left the party in January, after a power struggle with Alessio Morosin.

Since its formation, the party tried to join forces with other alike parties and groups, except IV. Chiefly, Azzano Cantarutti and VI were instrumental in the foundation of "United for Independent Veneto", along with Veneto State (VS), Liga Veneta Repubblica (LVR) and Popular Future (FP), in March 2014. [5] [6] The coalition was transformed into "We Independent Veneto" (NVI), after the entry of other parties, notably including North-East Project (PNE) and Chiavegato for Independence, in July 2014. [7] [8]

After the exit of Chiavegato and his group from the alliance [9] and their alignment with Morosin's IV, [10] [11] the remaining parties of NVI formed a joint list for the 2015 regional election named Independence We Veneto (INV), a sort of re-edition of 2010's North-East Union, but with a separatist platform and in support of Luca Zaia, incumbent President of Veneto and candidate of Liga VenetaLega Nord. [12] [13] [14] In the election, the list won 2.7% of the vote (0.2% more than IV) and Antonio Guadagnini of VS was elected regional councillor in the provincial constituency of Vicenza, [15] [16] thus becoming INV's practical leader.

However, after Guadagnini's exit from INV and his launch of We Are Veneto (SV), [17] [18] Azzano Cantarutti led VI and INV into an alliance with Great North (GN). [19] [20]


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  1. "E Salvini fece sua la lotta per l'indipendenza veneta". February 21, 2014.
  2. "Rottura tra Morosin e Cantarutti, vittoria di Pirro per l'avvocato di Noale | PLEBISCITO.EU | PNV. Press News Veneto". January 26, 2014.
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  18. Zicchiero, Monica (April 2, 2016). "Venetisti contro il ribelle: «Ha firmato un patto, paghi 200 mila euro»". Corriere del Veneto.
  19. "Milano, si è costituito ufficialmente "Grande Nord"".
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