Insert (molecular biology)

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Inserted sequence

In Molecular biology, an insert is a piece of DNA that is inserted into a larger DNA vector by a recombinant DNA technique, such as ligation or recombination. This allows it to be multiplied, selected, further manipulated or expressed in a host organism. [1]


Inserts can range from physical nucleotide additions using a technique system or the addition of artificial structures on a molecule via mutagenic chemicals, such as ethidium bromide or crystals.

Inserts into the genome of an organism normally occur due to natural causes. These causes include environmental conditions and intracellular processes. Environmental inserts range from exposure to radioactive radiation such as Ultraviolet, mutagenic chemicals, or DNA viruses. Intracellular inserts can occur through heritable changes in parent cells or errors in DNA replication or DNA repair.

Gene insertion techniques can be used for characteristic mutations in an organism for a desired phenotypic gene expression. A gene insert change can be expressed in a large variety of ends. These variants can range from the loss, or gain, of protein function to changes in physical structure i.e., hair, or eye, color. The goal of changes in expression are focused on a gain of function in proteins for regulation [2] or to termination of cellular function for prevention of disease. [3] The results of the variations are dependent on the place in the genome the addition, or mutation is located. The aim is to learn, understand, and possibly predict the expression of genetic material in organisms using physical and chemical analysis. To see the results of genetic mutations, or inserts, techniques such as DNA sequencing, gel electrophoresis, immunoassay, or microscopy  can observe mutation.


The field has expanded significantly since the publication in 1973 with biochemists Stanley N. Cohen and Herbert W. Boyer by using E. coli bacteria to learn how to cut fragments, rejoin different fragments, and insert the new genes. [4] The field has expanded tremendously in terms of precision and accuracy since then. Computers and technology have made it technologically easier to achieve narrowing of error and expand understanding in this field. Computers having a high capacity for data and calculations which made processing the large volume of information tangible, i.e., the use of ChIP and gene sequence.

Techniques and protocols

Homology directed repair (HDR) is a technique repairs breaks or lesions in DNA molecules. The most common technique to add inserts to desired sequences is the use of homologous recombination. [5] This technique has a specific requirement where the insert can only be added after it has been introduced to the nucleus of the cell, which can be added to the genome mostly during the G2 and S phases in the cell cycle. [6]

CRISPR gene editing

CRISPR gene editing based on Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) -Cas9 is an enzyme that uses the gene sequences [7] to help control, cleave, and separate specific DNA sequences that are complementary to a CRISPR sequence. [8] [9] These sequences and enzymes were originally derived from bacteriophages. [10] The importance of this technique in the field of genetic engineering is that it gives the ability to have highly precise targeted gene editing and the cost factor for this technique is low compared to other tools. [11] [12] [13] The ability to insert DNA sequences into the organism is easy and fast, although it can run into expression issues in higher complex organisms. [14] [15]

Transcription activator-like effector nuclease

Transcription activator-like effector nuclease, TALENs, are a set of restriction enzymes that be created to cut out desired DNA sequences. [16] These enzymes are mostly used in combination with CRISPR-CAS9, Zinc finger nuclease, or HDR. The main reason for this is the ability for these enzymes to have the precision to cut and separate the desired sequence within a gene.

Zinc finger nuclease

Zinc finger nucleases are genetically engineered enzymes that combine fusing a zinc finger DNA-binding domain on a DNA-cleavage domain. These are also combined with CRISPR-CAS9 or TALENs to gain a sequence-specific addition, or deletion, within the genome of more complex cells and organisms. [17]

Gene gun

The gene gun, also known as a biolistic particle delivery system, is used to deliver transgenes, proteins, or RNA into the cell. It uses a micro-projectile delivery system that shoots coated particles of a typical heavy metal that has DNA of interest into cells using high speed. The genetic material will penetrate the cell and deliver the contents over a space area. The use of micro-projectile delivery systems is a technique known as biolistic. [18]

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Gene editing may refer to:

A guide RNA (gRNA) is a piece of RNA that functions as a guide for RNA- or DNA-targeting enzymes, with which it forms complexes. Very often these enzymes will delete, insert or otherwise alter the targeted RNA or DNA. They occur naturally, serving important functions, but can also be designed to be used for targeted editing, such as with CRISPR-Cas9 and CRISPR-Cas12.

Zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs) are artificial restriction enzymes generated by fusing a zinc finger DNA-binding domain to a DNA-cleavage domain. Zinc finger domains can be engineered to target specific desired DNA sequences and this enables zinc-finger nucleases to target unique sequences within complex genomes. By taking advantage of endogenous DNA repair machinery, these reagents can be used to precisely alter the genomes of higher organisms. Alongside CRISPR/Cas9 and TALEN, ZFN is a prominent tool in the field of genome editing.


The restriction endonuclease Fok1, naturally found in Flavobacterium okeanokoites, is a bacterial type IIS restriction endonuclease consisting of an N-terminal DNA-binding domain and a non-specific DNA cleavage domain at the C-terminal. Once the protein is bound to duplex DNA via its DNA-binding domain at the 5'-GGATG-3' recognition site, the DNA cleavage domain is activated and cleaves, without further sequence specificity, the first strand 9 nucleotides downstream and the second strand 13 nucleotides upstream of the nearest nucleotide of the recognition site.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Transcription activator-like effector nuclease</span>

Transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) are restriction enzymes that can be engineered to cut specific sequences of DNA. They are made by fusing a TAL effector DNA-binding domain to a DNA cleavage domain. Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) can be engineered to bind to practically any desired DNA sequence, so when combined with a nuclease, DNA can be cut at specific locations. The restriction enzymes can be introduced into cells, for use in gene editing or for genome editing in situ, a technique known as genome editing with engineered nucleases. Alongside zinc finger nucleases and CRISPR/Cas9, TALEN is a prominent tool in the field of genome editing.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Genome editing</span> Type of genetic engineering

Genome editing, or genome engineering, or gene editing, is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism. Unlike early genetic engineering techniques that randomly inserts genetic material into a host genome, genome editing targets the insertions to site-specific locations. The basic mechanism involved in genetic manipulations through programmable nucleases is the recognition of target genomic loci and binding of effector DNA-binding domain (DBD), double-strand breaks (DSBs) in target DNA by the restriction endonucleases, and the repair of DSBs through homology-directed recombination (HDR) or non-homologous end joining (NHEJ).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Genetic engineering techniques</span> Methods used to change the DNA of organisms

Genetic engineering techniques allow the modification of animal and plant genomes. Techniques have been devised to insert, delete, and modify DNA at multiple levels, ranging from a specific base pair in a specific gene to entire genes. There are a number of steps that are followed before a genetically modified organism (GMO) is created. Genetic engineers must first choose what gene they wish to insert, modify, or delete. The gene must then be isolated and incorporated, along with other genetic elements, into a suitable vector. This vector is then used to insert the gene into the host genome, creating a transgenic or edited organism.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cas9</span> Microbial protein found in Streptococcus pyogenes M1 GAS

Cas9 is a 160 kilodalton protein which plays a vital role in the immunological defense of certain bacteria against DNA viruses and plasmids, and is heavily utilized in genetic engineering applications. Its main function is to cut DNA and thereby alter a cell's genome. The CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technique was a significant contributor to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 being awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna.

A protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) is a 2–6-base pair DNA sequence immediately following the DNA sequence targeted by the Cas9 nuclease in the CRISPR bacterial adaptive immune system. The PAM is a component of the invading virus or plasmid, but is not found in the bacterial host genome and hence is not a component of the bacterial CRISPR locus. Cas9 will not successfully bind to or cleave the target DNA sequence if it is not followed by the PAM sequence. PAM is an essential targeting component which distinguishes bacterial self from non-self DNA, thereby preventing the CRISPR locus from being targeted and destroyed by the CRISPR-associated nuclease.

No-SCAR genome editing is an editing method that is able to manipulate the Escherichia coli genome. The system relies on recombineering whereby DNA sequences are combined and manipulated through homologous recombination. No-SCAR is able to manipulate the E. coli genome without the use of the chromosomal markers detailed in previous recombineering methods. Instead, the λ-Red recombination system facilitates donor DNA integration while Cas9 cleaves double-stranded DNA to counter-select against wild-type cells. Although λ-Red and Cas9 genome editing are widely used technologies, the no-SCAR method is novel in combining the two functions; this technique is able to establish point mutations, gene deletions, and short sequence insertions in several genomic loci with increased efficiency and time sensitivity.

Off-target genome editing refers to nonspecific and unintended genetic modifications that can arise through the use of engineered nuclease technologies such as: clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-Cas9, transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN), meganucleases, and zinc finger nucleases (ZFN). These tools use different mechanisms to bind a predetermined sequence of DNA (“target”), which they cleave, creating a double-stranded chromosomal break (DSB) that summons the cell's DNA repair mechanisms and leads to site-specific modifications. If these complexes do not bind at the target, often a result of homologous sequences and/or mismatch tolerance, they will cleave off-target DSB and cause non-specific genetic modifications. Specifically, off-target effects consist of unintended point mutations, deletions, insertions inversions, and translocations.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">CRISPR gene editing</span> Gene editing method

CRISPR gene editing is a genetic engineering technique in molecular biology by which the genomes of living organisms may be modified. It is based on a simplified version of the bacterial CRISPR-Cas9 antiviral defense system. By delivering the Cas9 nuclease complexed with a synthetic guide RNA (gRNA) into a cell, the cell's genome can be cut at a desired location, allowing existing genes to be removed and/or new ones added in vivo.

Prime editing is a ‘search-and-replace’ genome editing technology in molecular biology by which the genome of living organisms may be modified. The technology directly writes new genetic information into a targeted DNA site. It uses a fusion protein, consisting of a catalytically impaired Cas9 endonuclease fused to an engineered reverse transcriptase enzyme, and a prime editing guide RNA (pegRNA), capable of identifying the target site and providing the new genetic information to replace the target DNA nucleotides. It mediates targeted insertions, deletions, and base-to-base conversions without the need for double strand breaks (DSBs) or donor DNA templates.

GUIDE-Seq is a molecular biology technique that allows for the unbiased in vitro detection of off-target genome editing events in DNA caused by CRISPR/Cas9 as well as other RNA-guided nucleases in living cells. Similar to LAM-PCR, it employs multiple PCRs to amplify regions of interest that contain a specific insert that preferentially integrates into double-stranded breaks. As gene therapy is an emerging field, GUIDE-Seq has gained traction as a cheap method to detect the off-target effects of potential therapeutics without needing whole genome sequencing.


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