Insteia gens

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The gens Insteia was a minor family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens held any of the curule magistracies under the Republic, but several served as military commanders under Rome's leading generals during the first century BC, and during Imperial times. By the second century, the family was important enough to obtain the consulship.



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  1. Livy, fragmentum 91.
  2. Cicero, Philippicae, xii. 20, xiii. 26.
  3. Pelling, Life of Antony, p. 281.
  4. Plutarch, "The Life of Antonius", 65, 66.
  5. Van Abbema, Autonomy and Influence of Roman Women, pp. 34, 35.
  6. Tacitus, Annales xiii. 9, 39.
  7. PLRE, vol. I, "Tertullus" no. 6.
