Istituto tecnico economico

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A high school in Empoli, the istituto tecnico economico Raffaele Piria Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Raffaele Piria - panoramio.jpg
A high school in Empoli, the istituto tecnico economico Raffaele Piria

Istituto tecnico economico (literally "technical economic institute") is a type of secondary school in Italy specialized in business and economy. [1] It gives students the skills to progress to any higher educational institution. [2]

Students can attend an istituto tecnico economico after successfully completing scuola media (middle school).

The curriculum is devised by the Ministry of Education and emphasises the link between the economy, administration, management and the law. [2]

The course is divided into two specialised paths: [2]

The education given offers both a wide theoretical education and a technical specialization in a specific field of studies (e.g.: economy, humanities, administration, law and accountancy), often integrated with a six months internship in a company, association or university, during the fifth and last year of study.

Students typically study for five years and attend the school from the age of 14 to 19. At the end of the fifth year all students attend the esame di Stato ("state exam"), a final examination which gives access to every university course.

A student is called "studente" (male) and "studentessa" (female) are also in common use. Teachers are known as professore (male) or professoressa (female).

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  1. 1 2 "Presentazione dell'Istituto Tecnico Economico".
  2. 1 2 3 Regolamento recante norme concernenti il riordino degli istituti tecnici ai sensi dell'articolo 64, comma 4, del decreto legge 25 giugno 2008, n. 112, convertito dalla legge 6 agosto 2008, n. 133. - Regolamento di revisione dei licei. Available here. Retrieved 14 March 2014.