Izzet Mehmed Pasha (1723 –February 1784,Belgrade) was an Ottoman statesman who served as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire twice,first from 1774 to 1775,and second from 1781 to 1782. [1]
Towards the end of Russo-Turkish War (1768-1774),he was the sadaret kaymakamı ,deputy to the grand vizier who served in the absence of the grand vizier. [2] Sultan Abdülhamit I appointed him as grand vizier on 10 August 1774. [3] His first term ended on 7 July 1775. Six years later,while he was serving as the governor of Erzurum Eyalet,he was reappointed as the grand vizier on 20 February 1781. His main task was reforming the army which was unsuccessful in the war. But in this task he failed to satisfy the sultan,and furthermore,a fire in Istanbul caused great damage and riots,leading to his dismissal by the sultan on 25 August 1782 and exile to Plovdiv. [1] [2] [4]
Apart from the grand viziership,Izzet Mehmed Pasha also held other high-level posts. He became a vizier on 6 July 1774,and he served as the Ottoman governor of Aidin (1775),Egypt (1775–78 [5] ),Sivas (1778–79),Erzurum (1779,1780–81),Rakka (1779–80),and Belgrade (1783–84). [1] [6]
He died in February 1784 in Belgrade while in office as its governor.
Murad Bey Mohammed was an Egyptian Mamluk chieftain (Bey),cavalry commander and joint ruler of Egypt with Ibrahim Bey. He is often remembered as being a cruel and extortionate ruler,but an energetic courageous fighter.
Ibrahim Bey was a Mamluk chieftain and regent of Egypt.
Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha or Hasan Pasha of Algiers was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (1770–90),Grand Vizier (1790),and general in the late 18th century.
Koca Mehmet Ragıp Pasha (1698–1763) was an Ottoman statesman who served as a civil servant before 1744 as the provincial governor of Egypt from 1744 to 1748 and Grand Vizier from 1757 to 1763. He was also known as a poet. His epithet Koca means "great" or "giant" in Turkish.
Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and military leader who served as Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire three times.
NişancıAhmed Pasha,also called Şehla Ahmed Pasha or HacıŞehla Ahmed Pasha or Kör Vezir Ahmed Pasha,was an Ottoman Grand Vizier during the reign of Mahmud I. He was also the Ottoman governor of Egypt from 1748 to 1751.
Safranbolulu Izzet Mehmet Pasha was a grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire and served from 1794 to 1798.
Köse Halil Pasha,also known as Khalil Pasha al-Kawsaj,was an Ottoman statesman who served several high-level roles in the Ottoman Empire's administration,including serving as Defterdar and the Ottoman governor of Bosnia Eyalet (1699–1702),Erzurum Eyalet (1703–04),Van Eyalet (1704–06),Basra Eyalet,Sidon Eyalet (1708–1710),and Egypt Eyalet (1710–11). During his tenure in Erzurum,Hahil Pasha was in command of a military expedition in Georgia in 1703.
Veli Mehmed Pasha,also known as Mehmed Veli Pasha or WālīPasha,was an Ottoman statesman who served as Kapudan Pasha (1706–1707) and the Ottoman governor of Bosnia Eyalet (1707) and Egypt Eyalet.
Recep Pasha was an Ottoman statesman.
MoralıIbrahim Pasha,also known as AşçıIbrahim Pasha or HacıIbrahim Pasha or Ibrahim Pasha al-Kapudan,was an Ottoman statesman and grand admiral.
Muhassıl Osman Pasha,also known as Halepli Osman Pasha or Uthman Pasha al-Halabi,was an Ottoman statesman. He served as the Ottoman governor of various provinces (eyalets),including Tripoli,Egypt (1733–35),Damascus (1739–40),Adana (1740),Sidon (1740–46),and Jeddah.
Seyyid Abdullah Pasha was an Ottoman statesman who served as grand vizier from 1747 to 1750. He also served as the Ottoman governor of Cyprus,Rakka (1746),Konya (1750),Bosnia (1750–51),Egypt (1751–52),Diyarbekir (1752–60),and Aleppo (1760).
Divitdar Mehmed Emin Pasha was an Ottoman statesman who served as grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire from 1750 to 1752. After this,he was exiled to Rethymno on Crete for three years.
Keki Abdi Pasha was an Ottoman statesman. He served as the governor of the Sanjak of İçel,Adana Eyalet (1780–81),Diyarbekir Eyalet,Aleppo Eyalet (1784),Rakka Eyalet (1784–85),Sivas Eyalet (1785–86),and Egypt Eyalet.
Ismail Pasha was an Ottoman statesman of Georgian origin,he grew up in Tunis during the reign of Ali Pasha (1759-1782). Because of this,he became the kethüda (assistant/deputy) of Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha,the famous Kapudan Pasha. He would go on to serve as the Ottoman governor of Egypt Eyalet and Morea Eyalet (1791–92).
Kayserili HacıSalih Pasha was an Ottoman statesman,originally from the city of Kayseri in central Anatolia. He served as the Ottoman governor of Bosnia,Egypt,Diyarbekir (1796–99),and Trebizond,dying in 1801 or 1802.
Trabluslu Ali Pasha,also known as Cezayirli Ali Pasha or Seydi Ali Pasha,or Ali Burghol (Burghul) was an Ottoman statesman. He served as the Ottoman governor of Egypt from July 1803 to February 1804.
Müftizade Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman. He served myriad provincial governorships and high-level managerial roles throughout his career.