Jasmina Holbus

Last updated

Jasmina Holbus
Max & JH.jpg
Born (1968-11-21) 21 November 1968 (age 56)
Belgrade, PR Serbia, FPR Yugoslavia
OccupationPoet, designer
Nationality Serbian
GenrePoetry, stage design
Five lives of Milutin - Atelier 212, 2018 Atelje 212 -Pet zivota pretuznog Milutina - 2018.jpg
Five lives of Milutin – Atelier 212, 2018
Mary Stuart - National Theatre in Belgrade, 2015 Narodno pozoriste u Beogradu- Marija Stjuart- 2015.jpg
Mary Stuart – National Theatre in Belgrade, 2015
Pains of Youth - Yugoslav Drama Theatre, 2023 Pains of Youth - Yugoslav Drama Theatre, 2023.jpg
Pains of Youth - Yugoslav Drama Theatre, 2023
Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022 Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022.jpg
Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022
Unter Grund-Schauspielhuis Dortmund, 2023 Unter Grund-Schauspielhuis Dortmund, 2023.jpg
Unter Grund-Schauspielhuis Dortmund, 2023
Middlesex - Serbian National Theatre, 2021 Midlseks- SNP, 2021.jpg
Middlesex - Serbian National Theatre, 2021
Kaspar - Yugoslav Drama Theatre, 2021 Kaspar - JDP, 2021.jpg
Kaspar - Yugoslav Drama Theatre, 2021
The Lustful Days of Hung Johnny - Novi Sad Theater - UjvidekiSzinhaz, 2021 Bludni dani kuratog Dzonija- Novosadsko pozoriste, 2021.jpg
The Lustful Days of Hung Johnny - Novi Sad Theater – ÚjvidékiSzínház, 2021
Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022 Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022.jpg
Children of the Sun - CNP, 2022

Jasmina Holbus (born 21 November, 1968) is a Serbian stage designer, poet and interior designer.


Design work

Holbus graduated from Chelsea College of Arts in London in 1996 with a degree in interior design. She has been a member of the Association of Writers of Serbia since 1993 and a member of The Applied Artists and Designers Association of Serbia since 2007, [1] holding the status of an independent artist.

She has been professionally engaged in interior design since 1997 and has designed residential and commercial spaces. Since 2015, she has been the co-owner and the director of a company which has designed and built a number of residential buildings in Belgrade. [2]

Holbus resides and works in Belgrade. She has a son, Alex Julius Holbus, from a previous marriage to Yugoslav-Serbian ice hockey player Mirko Holbus. [3]


Holbus has been engaged in literary work since 1990. She took part in the Festival Voix Vives de méditerranée en méditerranée 2016, a poetry festival in Sète, France, during which her poetry was translated into French and published by Al Manar, a French publishing house specializing in literature from the Mediterranean region [4]

She has published thirteen collections of poems:

Theatre set design

YearTheatre/ Ballet playsAuthorDirector/
Theater / Production
2004Big white plotDimitrije VojnovMiloš LolićAtelier 212
2006The President and Eve
of Retirement
Thomas BernhardDino MustafićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2006Other sideDejan DukovskiMiloš LolićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2007BanatUglješa ŠajtincDejan MijačYugoslav Drama Theatre
2007Mensch MeierFranz Xavier KroetzMiloš LolićAtelier 212
2008DreamersRobert MuzilMiloš LolićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2009A Flea in Her Ear
Greg LeamingLjubiša RistićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2010God is a DJFalk RichterMiloš LolićLittle Theatre "Duško Radović"
2011Zoika's ApartmentMikhail BulgakovDejan MijačSerbian National Theatre
2012OthelloWilliam ShakespeareMiloš LolićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2014The Journal of CarnojevicMilos CrnjanskiMiloš LolićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2014Don JuanMolièreMaša KolarBudva City Theatre &
Bitef Dance Company
2014Dali & PicassoFernando ArabalDimitrije UdovičkiBitef Theatre
2015TriadLibretista J. HolbusMaša KolarZagreb Dance Centre
2015Mary StuartFriedrich SchillerMiloš LolićNational Theatre in Belgrade
2017MacbethWilliam ShakespeareMiloš IsailovićXII Festival mediteranskog
teatra Purgatorije
2017MacbethWilliam ShakespeareMaša KolarCroatian National Theater
2017The Wall, the LakeDushan JovanovicMiloš LolićSlovenian National Theater
2018NORDOSTTorsten BuchsteinerJana MaričićBitef Teatar i Beo Art
2018Five life's of sad MilutinMilena MarkovicAlexandra Milavić DaviesAtelier 212
2018Novel on LondonMiloš CrnjanskiAna ĐorđevićBelgrade Drama Theater
2019Nathan der WeiseGotthold Ephraim LessingJovana TomićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2019The CaveIvan Ilić & Slobodan ObradovićJana MaričićBELEF 2019 - Theatre Vuk
2019La CelestinaFernando de RojasMilan NeškovićYugoslav Drama Theatre&City Theatre Budva
2019Knives in HensDavid HarrowerKatarina ŽutićAtelier 212
2019On the Darkening GreenMilena MarkovićJovana TomićNational Theatre in Belgrade
2020MotionDimitrije KokanovJovana TomićBitef Theatre
2020The ScreensJean GenetDino MustafićNovi Sad Theater/ Újvidéki Színház
2021The SonFlorian ZellerAna TomovićAtelier 212
2021KasparPeter HandkeMiloš LolićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2021The Lustful Days of Hung JohnnyFilip GrujićJovana TomićNovi Sad Theater – Újvidéki Színház
2021MiddlesexJeffrey EugenidesJovana TomićSerbian National Theatre
2022Children of the SunMaxim GorkyJovana TomićMontenegrin National Theatre
2022Holy PradaDimitrije KokanovSanja MitrovićBitef Theatre
2022 Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again. Alice Birch Jovana TomićAtelier 212
2022YermaSimon StoneAna TomovićMontenegrin National Theatre
2023Unter GrundSanja MitrovićSanja MitrovićSchauspielhuis Dortmund
2023The LoserThomas Bernhard A.S. PushkinNataša RadulovićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2023Pains of YouthFerdinand BrucknerJovana TomićYugoslav Drama Theatre
2023Adam and EveMiroslav KrležaMaša KolarCroatian National Theater in Rijeka
2024I Dreamed That I Woke UpŽeljko HubačDino MustafićNational Theatre in Belgrade

Participation in other projects and exhibitions

Holbus has been the creator of various multimedia projects in architecture and graphic design, as well as audio-video installations. She worked as the art director for the project Bojan Z. Sextet in Sava Centre, Belgrade, and the Synagogue in Novi Sad in 2013. She was the creator of video works for Bojan Zulfikarpašić's tour of his jazz piano album Shelter with a View, which toured France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland in 2014 and 2015. [4] She was also the author of the multimedia art research project Let's Talk, exhibited in 2016 at the Gallery Štab in Belgrade. [6]


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  1. "Jasmina Holbus. biography". ULUPDS. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
  2. "office". Real home Belgrade. Archived from the original on October 5, 2018. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
  3. "IGOR PERVIĆ JU JE JAKO VOLEO Jasmina Holbus ima sina sa DVA IMENA iz braka sa OVIM SPORTISTOM". Blic.rs (in Serbian). Retrieved January 19, 2023.
  4. 1 2 "Jasmina Holbus". www.ulupuds.org.rs. Retrieved December 17, 2024.
  5. "Promocija knjige poezije Jasmine Holbus". Urbanbug. Archived from the original on September 26, 2018. Retrieved February 3, 2019.
  6. "Let's talk: Multimedijalni umetničko-istraživački projekat Jasmine Holbus u galeriji Štab". ELLE. Archived from the original on October 7, 2018. Retrieved February 3, 2019.